Apple Hypes MWSF 2002



  • Reply 361 of 1761
    LoL...... Oh Man. I am going to pass out. I am so excited. I am going to be online all day on the 7th just waiting...................... and waiting........................ with my VISA... ready to buy.
  • Reply 361 of 1761
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    In regards to putting internet connection anywhere for synching etc, there was an artice on Apple last weeks about putting G4 servers into space running Mac OSX server. It was in Hotnews, sorry no link, didn't even read it properly. Dont know what it meant
  • Reply 363 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by admactanium:

    <strong>i figured out what the "beyond the rumor sites" is referring to! apple is going beyond mosr's prediction of a dodecahedron powermac and making a g5 with an 18-sided casing! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You know, if you take this thought to the infinite, you have a sphere.

    infinite loop? hmmm....
  • Reply 364 of 1761
    If Apple is suggesting that the rumor sites are barking up the wrong tree altogether, then maybe the 'prepare to be blown away' factor has less to do with all the commonly mooted items like new computer hardware and software. Maybe it's a product diversification completely removed from Apple's traditional line, perhaps only indirectly or not even computer related? Or maybe there is a drastic corporate restructuring in the works, like a buyout or a merger, as suggested a few times in the recent past (Disney? Sony? etc).

    And (for what little it's probably worth) since I intend to upgrade my vintage beige 233 G3 this month, I spoke with a friend of mine in Europe who works for an Apple distributorship, to see whats in store re. new PowerMacs, and he said, verbatim, "absolutely no G5s upwind".

    :confused: :confused: :confused: <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 365 of 1761
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    [quote]Originally posted by admactanium:

    <strong>i figured out what the "beyond the rumor sites" is referring to! apple is going beyond mosr's prediction of a dodecahedron powermac and making a g5 with an 18-sided casing! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You know, that would be WAY TOO COOL if Jobs would do some sort of 'roast' of rumors sites.

    Actually invite ryan, and all the other behind the scenes sites admins to sit at a table while he does stuff like this...(THIS IS YOUR LIFE STYLE?)


    well, ryan, you predicted a dodecahedron powermac. I had the guys make one up just for YOU! But instead, we're introducing the *********! Better luck next time Ryan!

    And, to you, Apple insider, you thought we'd come out with an LCD iMac. Well, I hate to tell you but the we're going with the ****** instead. Just try to break my cloak of silence and misinformation mongers!

    Even invite Don Rickles to ridicule them.


    It would also continue Steve's humorous side, like when he had Noah Wily (sp?) pretend to be Steve.

    (Now that's BEYOND RUMORS)
  • Reply 366 of 1761
    His name's Noah Wyle. Damn great film. Almost laughed my *** off.

    And guys, do you realize that we just started the tenth page? And this in only 2 and a half days.

    This is getting Mercury rising dimensions. Great.

    4 days to Macworld San Francisco.

    The iPod feels lonely. No longer.
  • Reply 367 of 1761
    slackerslacker Posts: 127member
    I know most have seen this, but.....

    From the Macworld Expo Site

    .................................................. ..................................................

    Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, will deliver the opening keynote in the heart of San Francisco on Monday, January 7, 2002 at 9:00 am. Open to all conference* and workshop attendees, this is a must-see event!

    .................................................. ..................................................


    Also on the keynote and feature presentation page is this.

    .................................................. ..................................................

    Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, will deliver the opening Keynote in the heart of San Francisco. Open to all conference* and workshop attendees, this is a must-see event! Macworld Conference & Expo's Keynote will be filled with thousands of Mac enthusiasts full of anticipation and excitement.

    This is the first time in the 18-year history of Macworld Conference & Expo that the Keynote will take place the day before the exhibit floor opens, and Apple and IDG World Expo promise it will be well worth attending.

    .................................................. ..................................................

    Again must-see, enthusiasts full of anticipation and excitement, well worth attending. I like all I'm seeing here in the hype machine.

    And lets not forget the statement about his speech being moved up a day "due to the impact of new announcements from Apple".

    I smell new Tower of Power G5!!!
  • Reply 368 of 1761
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    well from

    [quote] DG has issued a statement highlighting some aspects of next week's Macworld Expo in San Francisco. The company says it expects more than 300 exhibitors at this year's show, and claims "Due to the impact of new announcements from Apple, Steve Jobs' keynote was moved to one day earlier than previously scheduled." Among the companies profiled by IDG as spotlight exhibitors are NewTek, Roxio, Sony, Connectix, Creo, and ThinkFree.<hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 369 of 1761
    we are all thinking too small. this will be an amazing announcement. apple will be splitting up into two companies. one will be a pro hardware based unit, the other consumer electronics.

    no wait, better still. there will be to companies: MacOS based devices at one and non MacOS at the other.
  • Reply 370 of 1761
    What was that conference session that was added called, "This is not your fathers Mac" or something like that?
  • Reply 371 of 1761
    slackerslacker Posts: 127member
    From MacworldExpo site:

    This ain't your parents' Mac:

    The Present and Future of the Mac Platform

    Moderator: Rick LePage, Editor-in-Chief, Macworld


    Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus, Author/Consultant

    Henry Norr, Technology Columnist, San Francisco Chronicle

    David Pogue, Author; "State of the Art" Columnist, The New York Times

    Come hear what industry pundits think about the direction of the Mac platform. Apple offers an incredible range of prod-ucts that incorporate innovative and functional design with incredible applications, superfast processors and, of course, Mac OS X. What does this all mean for the future of the Mac? In this panel discussion, learn why the Mac platform will continue to drive innovation and remain the platform of choice for creative professionals, web professionals, educators, consumers, techies and more.
  • Reply 372 of 1761
    Why would Apple create such unprecedented hype? For a company to raise the level of expectations to "blown away" proportions, the products MUST be really that good. Otherwise, tech and news sites will blast Apple. Is Apple really stupid enough to create a big hoopla over a relative nothing? I bet no.
  • Reply 373 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    "4 More Days to Macworld San Francisco"

    "You guys can take a joke, right?"

  • Reply 374 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by thentro:

    <strong>well from


    I usually just lurk here for the entertainment value, but a little light bulb went off in my head when I saw that Creo is one of the featured exhibitors.

    Creo/Scitex owns Leaf systems which makes very high end still digital capture systems for professional photogaphers. Leaf recently introduced a new "back" for medium format cameras at an unheard of low price, $9000 as opposed to $18,000 to $24,000 that it's competiton sells at. The camera only works tethered to a computer via Firewire, Mac only at this point. I asked them if they were working on some kind of small, battery powered portable device to use with the camera in the field and the sales rep grinned at me and said there will be one out in a couple of month, but he couldn't tell me any more. I assumed he was talking about a Leaf product, but since Leaf works closely with Apple, maybe he was refering to somekind of small computer/PDA/digital storge device.
  • Reply 375 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    <strong>"4 More Days to Macworld San Francisco"

    "You guys can take a joke, right?"


    lol that would be hilarious. THE coolest company in the world does it again...
  • Reply 376 of 1761
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    I agree with the some-new-products-but-really-we're-splitting/merging/realligning-Apple-into-a-totally-new-company camp.

    The "oh one more thing" may have more to do with which corporate heads Steve has on stage with him than really the hardware products he plans on showing.

    I think there may be moves along the lines of broadband, MPEG4 media, and the above conjectures regarding splitting the company into business units. And I wouldn't be surprised if Gates makes comments via satellite.
  • Reply 376 of 1761
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member
    [quote]Originally posted by kormac75:


    Guess again </strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 378 of 1761
    Actually, the joke's on us.... the webmaster is having a nervous breakdown and making crazy stuff up to piss off Steve, and changed the web server passwords so nobody else can update the files on Steve Jobs has a crew frantically trying to take down the webmaster's "...way beyond!" page and they just haven't figured out the password yet.
  • Reply 379 of 1761
    nonsuchnonsuch Posts: 293member
    [quote]Originally posted by sizzle chest:

    <strong>Steve Jobs has a crew frantically trying to take down the webmaster's "...way beyond!" page and they just haven't figured out the password yet.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, it's "amelio."
  • Reply 380 of 1761
    thentrothentro Posts: 231member
    also in the macnn quote they talk about <a href=""; target="_blank">ThinkFree</a>

    from thinkfrees web page

    [quote] ThinkFree Office is a powerful suite of productivity applications that enables you to work productively, anytime, anywhere. As a ThinkFree user, you can run ThinkFree Office on any computer, with Internet based access to all your office files and folders. <hr></blockquote>


    [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: thentro ]</p>
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