Briefly: new Apple hardware shipments blip on radar



  • Reply 21 of 91
    k.c.k.c. Posts: 60member
    Originally Posted by RedDel

    My first mac and already I get burned by Apple.

    True, they really should have checked with you before updating the?

    Or wait, this is just a rumor site and nothing's even happened yet. 8)
  • Reply 22 of 91
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    However if you actually look at the source of the leak on the specs appear to me to be identical except the processor.

    I think this is guessing that a new MB is on the way, rather than any hard facts.

    And whilst I'm bashing the reliability of yet another rumour is also reporting the MBP C2Ds to be released on the 13 Nov 06 too. A fact we know is not true. We know a MB C2D is coming one day but this is not at all a reliable source.

    Are we going to have to go through this (i.e. endless and multiple threads on AI) for every single processor bump on the Intel roadmap for every single Mac model?
  • Reply 23 of 91
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Arghghgh I can't take it!! All this new Apple CPUs being so frequently updated and stuff!!!!

    My theory is this: To keep up with MacBook demand Apple is taking a very very slight hit in cost by dropping in Core2Duos(Merom) rather than try and scrounge the Core1Duos(Yonah) from Intel. It's not about updating. It's primarily about meeting demand - the slight increase in cost (if any at all since Intel is in full flight of producing Core2Duos, maybe it has stopped or downramped Core1Duos) - is well offset by increased fulfilled sales of MacBooks in the October to December quarter.

    Updated specs would be the icing on the cake though, Apple is going to have a friggin' blowout holiday quarter, yet again..!!

    The Mac mini, is kinda bottom of the range, so I would not expect an update, since it's quite nice, dualcore Mac goodiness........... But who knows.

    This new Apple scares me!!
  • Reply 24 of 91
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Also I'm trying my darnest to boycott buying Apple gear this Christmas. The Shuffle ships with older headphones and its clip is a bit loose. The iPod nano, I checked it out again today, its really really tiny! Cool but hard to handle because it is so small and the screen is small.

    Damn. Must resist... Apple.... teh sexyback... Macs... iPod... core2Duo... nVidia 8800GTXXXXXX arghghghh I might cut up my credit card tonight
  • Reply 25 of 91
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    *sniff* I miss my AMD64 Venice OC'ed 2.10ghz 6600GT OC'ed 560mhz rig a few thousand miles away. It's been three months. Let's see, I've gone cold turkey on games for 3 months, and haven't drunk a beer or vodka/other for almost 2 years, haven't smoked pot or popped ecstasy or sniffed amyl nitrate or nitrous for also almost 2 years. I rarely ever have more than a sip of my friend/parent/aunt's latte and I don't drink Coke/Pepsi. I do have some tea twice a day though.

    Ahhhh, what a wonderful age we live in where a few psychiatric pills keeps the other more socially accepted recreational drugs at bay. And in Australia, US, UK for sure, how would one party down without that most famous and accepted recreational drug of all for those aged 15 all the way up to 95 ---- alcohol????!!!!!
  • Reply 26 of 91
    k.c.k.c. Posts: 60member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    *sniff* I miss my AMD64 Venice OC'ed 2.10ghz 6600GT OC'ed 560mhz rig a few thousand miles away. It's been three months.

    And fortunately the word on the street is they're not letting you out any time soon.
  • Reply 27 of 91
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by RedDel

    Well then hopefully it gets some dedicated graphics or some more ram, because $110 for for just a processor upgrade probably isn't worth it. Man I'm upset about this since I just bought it. Now I'll have to pay $110 more to get what I could have got for the same price if I would have waited a few days more. My first mac and already I get burned by Apple.

    I sympathise with you and others in your situation. I hope for your sake the MacBooks aren't updated until Macworld 2007. Same as the Mac minis. Good luck matey.

    It's 2AM Tuesday PacificTime USA. We'll see if new MacBooks pop up in several hours time if the usual Tuesday updates happen.

    November is historically a *late* time for any new products in the Apple Christmas line-up.
  • Reply 28 of 91
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by K.C.

    And fortunately the word on the street is they're not letting you out any time soon.

    Hell I might not leave Australia at all! They might not let me back in!!!! Damn that one night I spent with that ultra sexy and hot Syrian couple in a drug-fueled orgy... Turned out the girl was a double agent for the US/Al-Qaeda (her true loyalty shifts like the wind- you know how the spy game is) and the guy was found dead a few weeks later. I think the Australian FBI/NSA/CIA (It's called ASIO here: -- don't let the crappy website fool you) has got a file on me and is probably reading this as I type (ya bastards!! *shakes fist*)
  • Reply 29 of 91
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by K.C.

    And fortunately the word on the street is they're not letting you out any time soon.

    Since when do n00bs with 2 posts make fun of me...!! How dare you!!!!!
  • Reply 30 of 91
    mrtotesmrtotes Posts: 760member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Since when do n00bs with 2 posts make fun of me...!! How dare you!!!!!


    I didn't think anyone with less then 1024 posts could even talk to you directly.

  • Reply 31 of 91
    xflarexflare Posts: 199member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Arghghgh I can't take it!! All this new Apple CPUs being so frequently updated and stuff!!!!

    My theory is this: To keep up with MacBook demand Apple is taking a very very slight hit in cost by dropping in Core2Duos(Merom) rather than try and scrounge the Core1Duos(Yonah) from Intel. It's not about updating.

    But strangely the Core Duo and Core 2 Duo are the same price at the lower speed end up to about 2gHZ I think.
  • Reply 32 of 91
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by mrtotes


    I didn't think anyone with less then 1024 posts could even talk to you directly.

    In the case you failed to notice, sunilraman is just joking. His new style leaves sometimes people baffled.
  • Reply 33 of 91
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member
    Originally Posted by RedDel

    Now I'll have to pay $110 more to get what I could have got for the same price if I would have waited a few days more. My first mac and already I get burned by Apple.

    You may be new to Mac, but you gripe and bitch like the old ones
  • Reply 34 of 91
    The website was a typo, as has been reported a couple days ago on other sites. Why does AI continue to print these kinds of obvious crap rumors?
  • Reply 35 of 91
    Originally Posted by Superbass

    The website was a typo, as has been reported a couple days ago on other sites. Why does AI continue to print these kinds of obvious crap rumors?

    What do you guys think this does for the time-line of the Mac Pro getting the new Quad chip? I'm in the market for one.
  • Reply 36 of 91
    bdj21yabdj21ya Posts: 297member
    Originally Posted by RedDel

    Well then hopefully it gets some dedicated graphics or some more ram, because $110 for for just a processor upgrade probably isn't worth it.

    Man I'm upset about this since I just bought it. Now I'll have to pay $110 more to get what I could have got for the same price if I would have waited a few days more. My first mac and already I get burned by Apple.

    I think that you should have checked this site, which is predicting MB updates by Thanksgiving. The rumor sites have gotten basically everything Apple has released before they did so lately (though admittedly the red Nano was only 1 day before). I'm guessing they'll update the MacBooks either today or next Tuesday.

    Of course, there isn't really a reason to be upset by this, you wouldn't have bought a MB unless you thought it was worth the money, and it's still worth as much as it was when you bought it. No sense wasting time with what might have been.

    Originally Posted by Superbass

    The website was a typo, as has been reported a couple days ago on other sites. Why does AI continue to print these kinds of obvious crap rumors?

    I think this story is being published because of the tipsters. When AI quotes product numbers, it is usually a pretty done deal, in my short experience.
  • Reply 37 of 91
    cmon 15 inch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 38 of 91
    Originally Posted by Superbass

    The website was a typo, as has been reported a couple days ago on other sites. Why does AI continue to print these kinds of obvious crap rumors?

    I hope it was a typo. I don't think my wife would believe that MacBook magically appeared in our house.
  • Reply 39 of 91
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by wizard69

    I'd love to see new MacBooks and even more hope that they go through a significant update. First I want a wide screen version of at least 15". The new machines should be able to accommodate at least 2gig of RAM. If we are really lucky the machines will also have a card slot of some type. Personally I'd love to see them give up on the internal optical drive and make the unit thicker and tougher. Maybe even put the OS into Flash.

    MacBook already can accommodate 2gigs of ram. (oops - corrected) Three gigs is probably not going to happen given the integrated graphics, breaking up a dual channel pair and all.

    OS X in flash is not going to happen this year, and is almost totally unlikely next year. You can replace the HDD with a 16 or 32gig solid state drive yourself if you want to pay $750-$1500 for the drive. If you need a truly ruggedized notebook, you are probably best off with Panasonic's upper level of Toughbooks.


    As to the OS in flash, I'm motivated by the development of the One Laptop per Child project. Not that I think the goals of the project are all that noble but the idea behind their laptop is compelling.

    Of course it's not noble, they are trying to induct people into the realm of social-communist software.
  • Reply 40 of 91
    Hey Apple....guess what? Dell, and tons of other companies, have laptops for around $799, $899, and they all do alot of the stuff yours does. The Yonah is already fast as $%&# so why don't you just sell that one for cheaper. Intel certainly has found a way to make Yonah for cheaper, and sell it to you for cheaper, so you can sell more of the best selling mac notebook ever. Don't sell a different one, keep things the way they are. I know I know, you have to update them anyways right? Why not launch the new MB in the spring and have that new chipset (I forget the name) come out in tandem with Leopard?? OMG what an idea.

    I wonder how much it is costing them to make this update. And the MBP Core2s haven't been selling like hotcakes anyways, shouldnt that be an indication?

    I change my stock suggestion from a strong "buy" to a firm hold. HOLD HOLD HOLD!
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