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  • Upcoming USB-C standard more than doubles power delivery to 240W

    If it maintains the 20V specification then it would have to push 12 amps through the cable. That would require something like 14 gage wire to carry that kind of current. That means thick heavy cable unless they push the voltage up to 48 volts to keep the current 5 amp draw. I followed the link to the USB-IF and couldn’t find any details. 
  • Epic Games' CEO responds to Apple's countersuit in Twitter thread

    The irony here is that it is Mr. Sweeney who is trying to force something on consumers. He’s right in that consumers should be able to get apps and services from wherever they want. That option already exists. It’s called Android. Yet consumers have time and time again voted with their wallet.  They want a secure curated system where they don’t have to worry that some email link will direct them to an offshore store full of malware. Mr Sweeney would seek to destroy the security Apple has built for a few extra dollars. Sad really. I hope the court hands him his a$$ in a handbasket. 
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar calls AirTags release 'timely' ahead of Senate antitrust hearing

    Soooo... does that mean Apple cannot introduce any products that compete with existing ones. Doesn’t that give existing manufacturers an anticompetitive edge?
  • Upcoming macOS 11.3 update may remove Rosetta 2 in some regions

    Or, it could be because of an upcoming patent dispute. I cannot see any other reason why they would want to remove it since it works so well.  
  • Epic calls Apple's 'Fortnite' & developer tool block 'overbroad retaliation'

    I think it is interesting that one could argue Epic is using its monopoly with its Unreal Engine to either get out of paying the 30% commission  or just better rates. From Kevin Gammill: "very few other options available for creators to license with as many features and as much functionality as Unreal Engine across multiple platforms, including iOS."  So if you listen to Microsoft, who has the monopoly here and is abusing it?
  • Apple now offers Mac OS X Lion, Mac OS X Mountain Lion for free

    I wonder if Mountain Lion Server is also available for free. The user (non-server) version will not run in a Virtual Machine. Only the server version is licensed to run in a VM. 
  • Apple not a monopoly but must allow alternate payment methods for apps, judge rules

    I guess next we’ll see signs from the manufacturer in Walmart saying you can get a better deal for this item at Target. 
  • Epic pays Apple $6M for profits made after instituting 'Fortnite' third-party payments

    I think the article is a little misleading in that Apple does not have to provide alternative payment methods only that it cannot disallow external links placed by developers in the app that provide information about alternative payment methods or bring the user to an external payment processor. Most developers especially smaller ones won’t do that.  
    thtwilliamlondonspock1234forgot usernamewatto_cobra
  • Facebook launches new initiative to fight against iOS 14 ad tracking protections

    From the article:
    “Apple wants to stop this level of sophisticated tracking. This kind of invasive business practice is exactly what Apple's privacy campaigns and iOS features are meant to protect users agains.”

    Apple doesn’t want to “stop” the tracking.  They just want the user to be fully aware of what is happening to their online behavior data and require them to acknowledge it by having to opt-in for it to continue. Facebook knows their sneaky invisible tracking rubs most people the wrong way and that’s what will cost them. If they had been transparent from the beginning, the big hit as they call it wouldn’t happen. 
  • Pay up or get out: Apple's options for South Korea's App Store law

    tylersdad said:
    j2fusion said:
    tylersdad said:
    rob53 said:
    Exciting times. I've been arguing for this for years and that's why so many people hate me on this forum.
    So you believe a developer has every right in the world to post their apps for free on the Apple App Store? Give me one legitimate reason why Apple should be required to host these apps for free. Apple doesn't charge for free apps but could start doing that if they wanted to. Apple could also start charging developers to even put their apps on the Apple App Store and if these stupid laws pass, I'm all for Apple doing that. There's no way anyone could force Apple to host things on their servers for free. It would be like me hosting your email server on my hardware, which I maintain, for free. Get a grip, I'd never do that and I doubt any company would do that. This shows how stupid these laws are.

    Of course, if you want to have your own payment system, then be prepared for Apple to start charging you a hosting fee for every download and install of that app. That's only fair isn't it?
    No. As a developer, I feel I should not be limited to Apple's way of distributing apps to my users. 

    It's as simple as that. I won't use their infrastructure and they won't get any money from me (other than my developers subscription). 
    And as a developer, you are not forced to develop for iOS.  You develop for iOS because you know the potential market for your product is huge.  The thing is, Apple by its products and policies has developed the most lucrative app market in the world and you seem to think you should have access to it for free. Perhaps I misread your post but that’s what it seems to me. 
    Make all the excuses you want. iPhones and iPads are just different kinds of computers. There's no technical reason why apps have to be purchased through any kind of store. I don't think I should have access to the App Store for free, but I don't believe I should have to use the App Store to distribute my apps. That's only rule Apple put in place so that they could take 30% of my profit. 
    I’m not making excuses!  I’m just saying a private corporation can make the rules and people vote with their wallet.  This is not railroad or us steel where there were no alternatives. No one is forcing people to buy iPhones and, at least in the U.S.A., more and more people are buying them. Do you really think people buying iPhones are saying “I really hate the fact I’m locked into the App Store but I haven’t any choice so I guess I’ll spend this premium amount and buy one anyway.” People are voting with their wallets and the government wants to screw it up because they think know better than the consumer. 