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  • Apple Vision Pro is already a win for Apple & consumers

    I’m really interested in the prospects for use of the AVP by people who live with with disabilities, especially folks with major speech and motor chailenges — ALS, multiple sclerosis, high spinal cord injuries, and so on.  Eye gaze controls, voice to text, and other adaptations have the potential to lead to meaningful employment, education, authoring, and significant contributions to community.  

    In terms of the $2,600 price, I started out in the field when a full Dragon Dictate setup was > $20k and most augmentative and alternative communication devices were $5-7,000. This month, the AI-powered VoiceItt app broke through a barrier by gaining the capacity to translate individual *spontaneous* dysarthric speech into spoken English on the fly for a subscription price of fifty bucks a month, which wilk make it possible for many people with cerebral palsy, strokes, Down syndrome, and other speech challenges to be understood by everyone. Just watch. 

    avon b7MisterKitmattinozjSnivelywilliamlondonwatto_cobra
  • Citigroup bailed on Apple Card because of worries about profits

    ... a lack of fees, the potential for lower interest rates, and app-based features that help people avoid debt or pay it down faster.

    This is the best ad for a financial product I’ve ever seen!
  • Up close and hands on with Apple Vision Pro at Apple Park

    I’m mostly looking forward to seeing / helping to develop assistive tech for people with disabilities on this platform.  Eye-gaze controls and selection activation can be a godsend for people with motor control problems (please find a way to finalize a selection with something other than a hand gesture).  

    Selections-to-speech will be easy.  Selections-to environmental controls will be a cinch, and much more. 
  • Facebook tells business users that iOS 14 privacy features will impact marketing

    My guess would be that the longer and louder Facebook cries about this, the more  it will drive people to use iOS and apples OS systems. Oh, we can get privacy now? Great!
  • Who will deliver immersive content for Apple Vision Pro?

    Respite said:
    Can we get an article summary that sticks to the headline rather than retreading  20 years of history?
    The point of the article was seeing this in the context of 20(+) years of history, going well beyond what would have otherwise been a user or tester ‘review’ of a new product.  
  • MindNode 2023.0.2 review: Modern & marvelous mind mapping

    Check out Personal Brain at

    it’s free, and it is the most powerful mind mapping application that I’ve ever found, by far. The free version is fully functional, and there is a subscription option that facilitates sharing your content across all of your devices. None of the competing applications that I’ve seen or trialled have come anywhere close.
  • Apple considered VR controllers & rings for Vision Pro, but didn't like the ideas

    I’ll take another run at this, expanding a bit on a previous post. 

    Think about the thumb-finger tap as a secondary ‘single’ switch, locking in or activating a primary selection that’s made by eye-gaze, timing (e.g. capturing the moment when a target comes into view or moves into the crosshairs, or when a rolling highlight hits the desired selection in a drop-down or matrix menu).  

    Consider that *any* single-switch has exactly the same function and can accomplish the same purpose as a thumb-finger tap.  Under what circumstances would this be useful?  Well, if your fingers don’t work but your toes still do, that would be useful (try it now).  If your fingers and toes don’t work but your tongue still does, that would be useful (try making a little ‘tetch’ sound with your tongue now).  

    There are scores of single-switches that have been developed and used by people with disabilities for over 40 years.  Think about Steven Hawking writing A Brief History of Time with a single switch (Walt and Ginger Waltoz built that solution to run on an off-the-shelf laptop instead of a $7,000 AAC device).  Run a Google or Chat GPT search on the phrase [disability single-switch interface]. 

    Speech-to-text and text-to-speech were developed in the disability field and then adopted for use by ‘the rest of us’.  The first full-fledged Dragon Dictate system cost many thousands of dollars, and its successors are now a free component of every major operating system, including devices in the $50-$100 range. I just filled in a YouTube search on my TV set by speaking into an Apple TV controller. 

    Think about sound-activated switches, sip-and-puff switches, proximity and capacitance switches (you may have used one the last time you got on an elevator), voice-powered switches, and coming up, EEG switches. The interesting thing here is that *any* single switch can be linked to any device through a universal port (there’s at least one on the device that you’re using to read this right now). Apple in particular has added dozens of accessibility and switching features to its standard iOS and OS systems.  Adding that capacity to the Vision Pro should be a cinch. 

    David Wetherow 
    The Star Raft Project 

  • Apple Watch Series 9 vs Apple Watch Ultra 2 -- Specs, price, and features, compared

    tadd said:
    I think I have this correct.  Feel free to correct:
    Ultra-2 for $799 has the case, band and face of the $699 Series 9.  

    $399 Series 9, not $699. 