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  • Watch: iPhone X vs. Galaxy S9 Plus battery life compared


    Choose the larger Galaxy device vs. medium sized iPhone
    the iPhone trounced the Galaxy on standby - we don't believe the results
    The Galaxy doesn't have a dark mode on YouTube (a google app) - compare using the standard mode
    The iPhone handily beats the Galaxy on graphics intensive gaming
    The Galaxy handily beats the iPhone on a nothing-like-real-world-battery-use-case Geekbench test that has the iPhone doing nearly 2x the CPU work since it's twice as fast and the test keeps either CPU at max throttle the whole time (also keep in mind that iPhones CPU/GPUs don't throttle performance over time due to heat nearly as much as most Androids) 

    AppleInsider conclusion? Galaxy device has "undoubtedly superior" "battery life, despite the size difference"

    Seems really biased. 

    First of all, it wouldn't be despite the size difference. If the iPhone were LARGER, it would be despite the size difference. Because it's the smaller of the two, the proper way to phrase that would have been something like "partially due to the size difference". Second of all, I would conclude based on those tests that the iPhone has better standby battery life, better gaming battery life, but also the ability to drain the smaller battery in extreme cases faster than the Samsung, which has a larger capacity battery that is generally used less efficiently but also has a less dynamic power draw capability... true battery life depends on the usage.

    chasmcornchipndirishfan1975radarthekatbb-15neo-techberndogGelardi8000[Deleted User]redgeminipa
  • Inside Apple's ARKit and Visual Inertial Odometry, new in iOS 11

    Accelerometers measure change in velocity (values can be integrated and combined with gyro data to measure change in position ). Relatively low error but error compounds over time.
    Gyroscopes meaure change in orientation. Relatively low error but it compounds when integrated over time and error drastically effects absolute position calculations.
    Compass measures fixed orientation relative to the earths magnetic field, which is weak and can be masked by nearby magnets and metals. Relatively high error but doesn’t increase with time and can be improved with calibration. Can be used to minimize/stop long term gyro error buildup through a computational feedback loop.
    GPS measures absolute position. Similar to compass, error is relatively high but doesn’t increase with time and can be used to manage smooth and accurate position tracking when incorporated into a feedback loop with the differential position data coming from accelerometer and gyroscope. Requires line of site with satellites (other tech required for indoors) Error should drastically reduce next year with new satellite network (and associated next gen receiver chips) coming online.
    Now, with VIO, camera data is incorporated into this feedback loop for even more smooth and exact output.
  • A new Mac Pro is coming, confirms Apple exec

    mfryd said:
    I think the author of this article is reading too much into Bob Borchers' statement. While Apple may very well be working on an Apple Silicon based Mac Pro.  I don't think Bob Borchers' statement speaks to that issue.

    "Taking the entire product line to Apple Silicon" might mean that any Mac model with an Intel processor will be discontinued.  This doesn't seem to be a statement that every Mac model will survive the transition.

    Consider that taking the iMac to Apple Silicon involved dropping the 27" model.   

    Except isn't the Mac Pro the only remaining Mac that isn't fully on Apple Silicon? He clearly refers to this as a goal that has yet to be accomplished.
  • The new Mac mini is a great machine, but a $499 model could serve a larger audience

    The $500 model is coming. In fact, it could even be a $300 model. All apple has to do is take the AppleTV, put a newer chip in it like the A11 or A12X, then add more flash storage. Smaller, faster, cheaper (but only runs App Store/marzipan apps).
  • It looks like Samsung is cheating on 'space zoom' moon photos

    I don’t really care if it cheated. To me, what’s more important is how well can it cheat? If the Samsung can accurately recreate PORTIONS of the moon occluded by a tree or other object, then the cheating is good enough that it’s actually useful because people can make custom images of the moon that you can’t just download from the internet. Has anyone tried this?
  • Apple TV 4K won't play 4K YouTube videos because of missing Google codec

    VP9 is fraught with patent liability as Google took a lot of the inventions in the MPEG standards and reverse engineered them up into a new codec and is giving it away for free. By having zero licensing fees due to this largely stolen open standard, and constant violations of copyright in their content library, this is how YouTube (and Google in general) makes a profitable business. Costs are so low because they copy IP/ software innovations and make them free to the end user (then monetize through ads). This is not news, folks. 4k/HDR on Youtube is a bit silly, though, since the quality of the content is generally garbage as well.
  • Apple Vision Pro is not the iPhone, and faces an incredibly steep uphill climb

    I agree it’s not the iPhone and it’s got a steep climb ahead, but not in the way the original author intended. It’s not the iPhone because the iPhone doesn’t replace one’s need for a PC/Mac or iPad, whereas the Vision Pro line of products will end up replacing the iPhone, watch, iPad and even Mac for most people. Once AVP evolves to the point where you can comfortably wear it around all day, all other physical screens become redundant. They just need to include cellular connectivity, have longer battery life, and make it lighter/more comfortable. All inevitable advancements with future versions and this transition will start faster than many expect.
    Bart Ywatto_cobra
  • Apple's Metal 3 key to 'No Man's Sky' and 'Resident Evil: Villages' coming to Mac

    Beats said:
    edred said:
    Resident Evil Village and No Man’s Sky is a decent start but not nearly enough.

    Yeah I didn’t even count No Man’s Sky because it’s a good powerful game but not a really popular one like Resident Evil. Gamers aren’t gonna sell their PS5 and throw their Windows virus machines for either game on Mac.

    Now if No Man’s Sky was exclusive that would have been something.

    crowley said:
    Beats said:
    crowley said:
    Beats said:
    I was very underwhelmed with the gaming segments. Although having one AAA large game announced (compared to some crappy old iOS game) is a start, it’s nothing compared to what companies traditionally announce. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo come out arms swinging when new hardware is announced. They’ll showcase 12-25 games at once.

    Maybe it’s Apple’s secrecy that stops developers but this was sad. And as usual Apple TV and tvOS get ignored like an ugly step child. when Craig mentioned gaming I was ready for Apple Arcade+ or some huge partnership. We get one big NON-EXCLUSIVE game. Ok. Back to Winblows and PS5, I guess.
    Neither Resident Evil Village or No Man's Sky are a crappy old iOS game.  Both are big games.

    Read it again. 
    Write it again.  

    What crappy old iOS game are you referring to?
    Why are you only talking about one big game being announced when two were?

    I said “compared to”. Usually Apple shows old iOS games on new hardware.

    They actually DID show a game announced in 2017 for the A10 processor today. Did you miss it?
    I think Apple should open their own game studio and announce a new open world MMO game ala Genshin impact or Nino Kuni but without the micro transaction system, free with Apple Arcade.

    I have been playing Apex Legends mobile on the M1 iPad recently and I’m convinced the future is mobile and VR, not PC or console.
  • Inside watchOS 3: Apple Watch adds new iOS-style swipe-up Control Center

    Sadly it appears they didn't follow the new iOS10 control center convention of 3 different panels: 1 for commonly used functions, 1 for music control, and 1 for home control. It's a step in the right direction, but still will be out of sync with the latest iOS.