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  • Samsung delays launch of Galaxy Fold after review unit screen failures [u]

    But, but, but. Apple is late to the folding phone market. But, but, but Samsung is brave by being first. Really innovators or something. End snark . The crass double standard in the tech press is obnoxious. Had this been Apple there would be screaming headlines of #FoldGate. The stock would have tanked. Calls for Tim's head. This incident just reconfirms my belief that most of the tech press are blathering shills.
  • A7: How Apple's custom 64-bit silicon embarrassed the industry

    I too have really enjoyed this series thus far. 

    And I distinctly recall the shock of the A7. It wasn't just an advance, it was a leap forward that launched Apple well ahead of rivals, some of whom only recently caught up, if they survived at all. That is when it became patently clear that the future would hold at least a two-tiered system for mobile devices: Apple being far ahead and well superior, and everyone else. It was also at this time that Apple competitors conveniently stopped comparing stupid specs like RAM and number of cores, although the stupider ones still do, along with their toadies in the tech press. I love how DED shows them for the fools they are. 
  • Dire predictions for Apple's supply chain, retail demand were wrong

    I don't know how the tech press keeps getting away with such ridiculous assertions but they do. It's like people who think we have a functional public health system. Our system is the most expensive with the least basic coverage system among any industrialized nation. Our spending is off-the-charts, highly unequal, and millions of people are just beginning to learn the enormous disaster that tying health insurance to a job represents. But you know, just like the tech press, people want to live in an alternative universe, facts be damned. 
  • Benchmarks show that Intel's Alder Lake chips aren't M1 Max killers

    I wish I could think of a reason to justify buying such a machine.
    Unfortunately there are still a few Windows apps (not games) that will not run on ARM. I would love to ditch my Intel MBP and iMac and go all in on Apple silicon, but until recalcitrant app makers port to Apple silicon, or at least ARM, I have to keep my last gen MBP for a while.  
  • Editorial: Steve Jobs shared secrets of Apple's iPad but nobody listened

    lmac said:
    One of DED's favorite forms of storytelling is rewriting history to make Apple and Jobs seem to have thought of everything, but let's remember that we don't write articles about flops. You never see DED defending the genius of Ping, the iTunes social network, or the Apple HiFi. Still, there are lots of things in this article that qualify as spin, or that are just plain false. 1) When the iPad came out, people were stunned that it was just a scaled up phone that couldn't make phone calls, and not a more capable device. They were correct about its early limitations. 2) The product name almost sunk the launch, with people comparing it to feminine hygiene products. 3) The predicted dominance of the eBook and magazine industry never came to pass. 4) Jobs totally missed the importance of the App Store and 3rd party apps, which came later, and really had much to do with the success of the device. 5) Job's insistence that a stylus and keyboard were unnecessary have since been reversed, so which is it? Is Apple on the wrong track today, or did Jobs get it wrong in the beginning? 6) The iPad push into the K12 classroom as a textbook replacement is over. Schools are replacing aging iPads with Chromebooks that cost less, are more rugged, easier to manage, and simply do more. 7) The one big thing Apple got right was to make the iPad the best tablet money can buy, and to keep making incremental improvements. Staying above the low-end competition is what Apple always does, but it paid off because the low end Android and Amazon tablets are clunky, sluggish, and non-intuitive in comparison.
    Don't read the article or anything...

    "That included its experience in building mobile devices and app platforms, but also its humbling failures from past mistakes: trying to invent the distant future, taking too long to complete a sellable product, lacking a clear use case for it, and failing to deliver new refinements at a regular clip."


    "Back in the late 80s, Apple had experimented with a PenLite tablet Mac that was effectively just a screen with a pen. That design was far too expensive to build, forcing Apple to scale its mobile ideas down into a notepad it could sell for less than $2000. Newton was still too expensive, "

    Did any of your six things lead to the epic lop of iPad? Or do you see Galaxy Tabs or whatever they're called everywhere?
  • No chill: Some Microsoft Surface Pro 4 users need to stick device in freezer to stop scree...

    Those high Microsoft standards they apply to their software are similarly applied to their hardware. Left that buggy, inside-out backward OS years ago. Certainly not interested in their hardware.
    djkfisherwilliamlondonmagman1979watto_cobraracerhomie3DAalsethanton zuykovcornchipjony0
  • iPhone 11: How Apple makes tech of the future affordable

    Oh, DED makes the Android fan-bois go "boo-hoo"... 
    Spot on analysis. When you're this far ahead, you can take risks that first adopters will be price-insensitive and subsidize later, more widespread adoption of otherwise cost-prohibitive technologies. You see it everywhere with Apple now...iPad mini getting Apple Pencil support, iPad getting Smart Keyboard and Pencil support, and on and on. Very smart of Apple to slacken the line now and make the 11 less expensive. There is a limit on how much and how fast such tech can be rolled out. 
  • Facebook app accesses iPhone camera without user's knowledge

    Do tell! Facebook illegally or surreptitiously tracks users?!?!? Nobody coulda guessed. The quicker you get off that crap platform the better for your privacy and security. 
  • A4 to A5: How Apple outflanked its fragmented competition in silicon

    Pointing out that the mini contradicted Jobs statement misses the point. The mini wasn't produced because it was a great size. It was produced to squeeze value out of the previous gen chips, something that DED alluded to earlier in the article. At that point in time, there was no pro and 9.7" was locked in everyone's mind as the reference size for iPad. The only way to create another vehicle for older chips was to downsize. Additionally, iPad mini has never been a sales beast. It's there to squeeze value out of the recent or last gen chips to increase the economy of scale. Apple is doing this all over the place now (which is probably why current iPad, iPad Air, iPad mini exist at all - to leverage past investments in those chips). 
  • Inside iOS 11: Files app brings some user control of documents stored on an iPad or iPhone...

       Setting up a table in MS-WORD for a friend last night, he seemed to believe the only way to get to the file was to open WORD and then look for "recent".   I mentioned that there were other ways, but didn't go into detail.  It just wasn't worth it.   He was able to do what he needed to do.
    This is the type of person iPad is explicitly designed for. However, iPad Pro...that should be another story (but isn't yet. Almost but not quite). I see signals Apple are moving in this direction, so maybe we'll get there...incrementally.