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- pbaker05
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Thanks for the insight. I have a pretty decent Dell, though I got it before the the Core Duo was available...and it is thicker with the lid open than my wifes PB G4 is closed...
I don't know why I have not thought of that, but I will give it a try Monday. Thanks. That solves one issue. What about the issue of web sites not working with Mac because they are built on .Net?
Well, I am of the mindset, having run my own business for a while now, and now being owned by a larger company, that Windows is all but necessary. I know that VPC will run the stuff, but it is a pain, and our tech guys say that the software ven…
Well, the new Dell will be here tomorrow.... I can't wait. My boss has one, and the first thing that I noticed when I type on it as the the keyboard feels very flimsy, cheap..
Yep. I have an older eMac, and a 1.67 17"PB, that my wife will inheret. So, not all is lost. It is ok though. I will get through this.
I have VPC now, and it really is a paiin for me.. Seems like it is only a band aid...
Is it thinner and lighter than the current 15"PB?
Happy Christmas!
Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison akheron01 Is being a bit hyperbolic but I don't think he's trolling. I think OS X 10.5 will be more consistent on the UI front and that performance will improve. The optimizations should be nice as well. …
Redlien is just like DayLite in that it is very boxed in and limited. That is why I went ot FileMaker.
Quote: Okay. I gave it a quick look. I have Daylite so I would expect the app to be similar to be useful for me. I chose Daylite because it was similar to ACT which I had used on the PC. I track a lot of current as well as potential projects an…
There is a site that I use that will not work with Safari, but for some crazy reason will work with Shiira????
Not to get of subject, but I use FileMaker and like it a lot. I work is fine. I just think it is stupid to have to expot a doc just so that Windows users can open it. I don't know squat about programming, but it is silly. Beside Word docs almo…
Tried it. Too simple for my needs. DayLite by market circle is ok. Depends if you looking for opportunity management, or analysis. The cheap software doesn't do good analysis.
After the last Safari update, it now rendeers better that anything else. Go to webstandards.org and takt the acid test. Before the last update, Safari sucked at this, now it is perfect. Also, did anyone mention a good way to alphabetize book…
Wouldn't Excel be able to do the trick. Mathematica? or a FileMaker solution.
Now, that no ones feelings are hurt... Why does Pages have to export Word docs, that is a pain in the ass. Why can't it be made where Word will recognize the doc and open it. Or does it anyway? I find that opening Word docs with much more la…
I admit, I may have been a bit cranky. Sorry Kim Kap Sol, that was not pointed directly at you. I think my point has been made, though.
Yes, thank you. I started one of them. You know, people on these forums are awefully high and mighty. You know, threads do die out. How about a simple answer, this shorth thread will die out two. I see people just get ripped on thes…
I had to buy Virtual PC for one stinking website that requires IE 6. I tried Forefox, et al., but to no avail. shiira would actually let me log in, but had no functionality. I am told it is a DirectX issue with the site. Is there another work a…