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I agree completely with your assessment of the loss of local sync for iCal and Contacts. It's bogus. In fact, I personally find this change INFURIATING, particularly given that my own experience with iCloud has been so DREADFUL. Despite my philosoph…
Quote: Originally Posted by MacRonin Fixed that for you?! Yes. I am down with that, for sure.
Quote: Originally Posted by LoganHunter Oh well... March is ending and nothing on the horizon... Yes. It's by turns frustrating and sad. Needed: Macintosh desktop computer with multiple internal ssd hard drives in raid configuration, Thun…
Quote: Originally Posted by Achilles [Lion is] less responsive and less stable than Leopard or Snow Leopard. This has been my experience on my Macs at home. I oversee a collection of Macs at my place of business, and I have kept them running …
Quote: Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon. Time has a way of making us all irrelevant. Especially the 'Pro.' Lemon Bon Bon. Elegy of elegies. All is elegy. -Book of Lemony Bon Temps Elegy
Quote: Originally Posted by Bregalad I cannot see any point in the future when high end users will stop demanding more CPU, GPU and RAM than fits in an iMac. Obviously Apple is free to stop selling computers to them, but slapping a new motherboar…
Quote: Originally Posted by Conrail While Intel is not behind in their Xeon server class processor line, they are still making faster chips. A single chip mac pro running a quad core I7 at 3.4Ghz would be a decent upgrade from the current entry …
Quote: Originally Posted by gctwnl What worries me is the phrase: "the consensus among sales executives". What makes Apple great is a focus on creating great products. A mess of external gear might offer the technology, but where is the elegance?…
Quote: Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer By the total interest in this thread, I wouldn't get too excited about Sprint. Dan Hesse has brought renewed vigor to Sprint. This bodes well both for iPhone users and Hesse's Midwestern-based company.
Quote: Originally Posted by compos24 I understand what people are saying when they say that they'd prefer an iMac (I've owned two, so far)... but, a Mac Pro is what I need for my career/passion, even in its infant stage. I understand completel…
Quote: Originally Posted by mstone You really can't depend on any monitor for accurate color when it comes to print. You need to just know color and always sample the ink densities and view the separations in Photoshop. What the composite image l…
Quote: Originally Posted by Scaramanga89 I'm not crying foul, I just fail to see why Apple provide the option on their MBP's but still refuse to give the option to iMac users? I hear you. I feel exactly as you do, but I suspect that keeping t…
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism So is your issue a glossy display or an uncalibrated LCD? Sounds like you’re creating a false reasoning for any errors in Photoshop. No false reasoning whatsoever. Yes, the glossy LCD is calibrated. We c…
Quote: Originally Posted by azentropy Wow, Sorry to see you fell for the marketing ploy. Those of us who know better would like the option. Exactly. As much as I love the look of the glossy displays?and as much as I love showing video to cli…
Quote: Originally Posted by rgreeniwa So, uh. Whatever happened to iWork 11? Indeed. Nothing yet.
Quote: Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss I see, I had not thought of that. You might be right. I tend to see InDesign users as hardened design jocks who'd never touch something as simple as Pages with a ten-foot barge pole. Transferring layouts fr…
Quote: Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss Excuse me for asking, but why is this important? If you're placing text into InDesign or some other page layout app, you want the least-formatted text you can get. I prefer plain text myself. Pages has enou…
Quote: Originally Posted by Gamrin Now if Adobe will just make an import filter for placing Pages text into InDesign... Right on. Excellent suggestion.
Quote: Originally Posted by SSquirrel To my knowledge, no one makes 3.5 SSDs. I could be wrong tho. I did a search and found an OCZ 3.5 inch drive but it appears to be the exception, not the rule, at the moment.
Quote: Originally Posted by Haggar Are the SSD drives 2.5 or 3.5 inch? I assume 2.5 inch, but will need to see. Anyone?