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  • Quote: Originally Posted by hzc Yes, this is exactly how it works at the moment. It seems to only push NEW messages. I don't mind this at all as battery power is not a luxury at the moment. And unless you're only getting one or two new messages a…
  • My situation is this: I get a new e-mail on my .Mac account and it shows up pretty much at the same time on my Mac in Mail and on my iPhone. If I'm at my computer, I use Mail to look at the e-mail. So I read the e-mail and it gets synced to Mobil…
  • Yeah, that really is stupid. I installed iLife '08 last night and iPhoto looks great with the iTunes scroll bars but iWeb still has them... WTF. Why can't they do it for every program?
  • You've got to be joking. Just get Apple Care. They will fix it for you if that happens. When you read those "horror" stories, it's always a negligible amount of people that actually have a problem. Chances are you will have no problems at all. I hav…
  • You will never notice a slow down unless you almost fill it up all the way. You will, however, notice a lag in opening the applications folder because there will be a lot of things to render and show. My applications folder has 261 items in it which…
  • There is also an APE Haxie called Clear Dock for free. I use Safari 3 and Clear Dock still makes it transparent...
  • That looks like something out of minority report. But, it does look cool. Someday...
  • knowing apple, it will turn out like none of these predictions. Though, I do like the original mock-up very much. i think the optical drive in the base idea is also very good.
  • I got the 2.4 with the standard 160 5400 rpm. And I use bootcamp, only 25gig partition. However, I have 500 GB in externals and my iTunes library is around 180GB. But, I still have about 30 GB left on my internal. One question, why are you getting t…
  • just look at what lundy and hohlecow have said. there is an enormous difference. I feel like you are trying to not get a MacBook Pro. If you like ugly things, get the Dell, that is your choice. If you like lugging around a big pile of shit made of p…
  • Best LCD screen I've ever seen. I have the matte (I just think glossy looks cheaper... meh) and the colors are amazing. I will say, even though, I too, do not have the yellow screen samsung problem, it does have a yellow-y tint at wider viewing angl…
  • i might say you could give it a try with a pre-intel 'book because it was hard to accidentally remove the power supply but the magsafe makes it way too easy. not worth the risk
  • EEk, well. I just sold my PowerBook 1.5GB ram, 1.67GHz 15" G4 for 1,050 dollars. Thats almost double the processor, inch bigger screen, video card as opposed to none, and 3 times the ram. I would say 350 dollars... its really not worth much more. I …
  • After using Leopard for a while, I agree that it has more features, but, its faster than Tiger. Finder is much quicker and app launches are much shorter.. so you shouldn't have to worry. Plus the 64-bitness will overrule any Tiger-ness you could des…
  • OR, you could just enable internet sharing through your iMac which has built in ethernet as well. Then you could share the internet connection wirelessly in your house without purchasing any more hardware. I'm not sure on the range of that network t…
  • I have the high end 2.4 MBP 15" and I applied 10.4.10 immediately as it was available. I use both internal and external speakers, with no popping noises. All my programs work flawlessly, camera works fine. Everything is peachy. Sucks that everyone e…
  • Awesome, so it's not just mine. And F me, I just moved to Maui, there are no Apple stores here. Sheep23, Apple store trip maybe? lol
  • I can't say I'm very excited about the "theme" because I've always used ShapeShifter but I am EXTREMELY excited about adjustable grid spacing. That has probably been one of my hugest requests since I got my first Mac. I mean, why is there SO much sp…
  • Im a 1.5 year Mac user and I used to be die-hard Windows but there isn't much about Macs that I don't like. I can agree with most of the previous points listed, but I can refute some too. There is a shortcut to invoke Finder window when Finder is se…
  • I really dislike glossy screens. I think its because, to me, they have always been for the PCs while Macs always had matte screens. Also, most PC users LOVE to touch their screens and I have so many friends who's glossy pc laptop screens have finger…