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  • Quote: Originally Posted by I had an email that when selected would make mail hog up all available CPU. I loged onto my webmail and forwarded the email to myself nad now its fine. The email is still in my inbox as i cant select i…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Digital Disasta I've herd what your talking about as well Frankly, I'm surprised this still hasn't been fixed. My Touch has gone through a couple restores since I got it, and it continues to display a completely in…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by apple ceo is the ipod touch all its cracked up to be? It's steep, but worth it. Just barely worth it, but still worth it. I keep getting hazed by an iPhone-endowed buddy of mine that I paid the same price as an iP…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by jammiedodger As it stands I would get the touch if it provided around 40GB. I forsee a 32 GB Touch in the not-too-distant future. (Not like next month, but in the next 6-12 months, whenever they refresh the iPods) …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by neven I don't think it will allow it any more than current hacks do. Apple has made it clear that there will be a certification process of some sort for iPhone/iPod Touch apps. Something tells me they won't certify a h…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by teedoff087 A single user license only allows you to install one copy on one computer. So you could only legally install the family-licensed copy on both computers. Alright then. I was hoping to be able to buy one c…
  • Quote: I hear it has issues with the battery if you turn it off entirely, anyway. Where did you hear this? They're pretty new, so how could people experience battery problems already? I'm just wondering.
  • I'm having the same problem. The 25 Most Played list most certainly does not list the 25 most played. iTunes displays the correct list, but the one on the Touch is all wrong. In addition to that, I seem to have at least one song I've found that j…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Ivan P Have you made sure you have store credit? Maybe that's it. I thought it would just charge the 99 cents to my credit card. I'll try that tomorrow then. Thanks! Update: Turns out that wasn't the problem. It …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by dcsimages Two of the black and white photos "Pier" and "Sea Mist" are by a friend of mine Chip Forelli Apple licensed them through Getty and Getty made no requirement for credit. Cool, …
  • Oh, and I also agree with Twinn. I also thought Studio to Go was a better name. I went and got a Mac Pro anyway because I got sick of waiting for the program to start.
  • I, too, am a Full Sail student (Film Bachelors), and I'm surprised they're "kicking off" Project Launchbox... I mean, I thought they'd already started it. There are quite a few people around the campus with nice, shiny MacBook Pros. I'm making it …