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  • Quote: Originally posted by ironchef82 What's everyone's opinion over the anodized aluminum that is being used for the mini? Judging from the pictures they do seem a lot more stain and scratch proof than the metal on the iPods. Perhaps this is wh…
  • i don't know if i'm reiterating unnecessarily... but when they opened the exhibit doors at 11am, Steve was running late on the keynote... and the apple guy who was cool with me totally, molesting the miniPod told me that the miniPod's are harddri…
  • my apologies for offtopicity, but is anyone actually going to BE @ Macworld? if so, look for the guy in a brown white-trash Emergency Medical Services hat playing UT2004 at the games arcade. hehehe.
  • Quote: Originally posted by DMBand0026 I've experienced it too, on a Mac G4 Cube 450mhz running 10.3.1. However, it is minimal. Gerardiki: Does your iSub ever just shut off? Like, the sound on your computer still works, but the iSub doesn't…
  • Quote: Originally posted by TigerWoods99 Im concerned about any problems M-Audio Revolution owners are experiencing...does the 1.2.7 driver update work fine with Panther? Also a few audio apps: -Cubase SX 2.0 -Reason 2.5 -pHATmatik Pro -Abs…
  • Quote: Originally posted by willc After the product colour there is 2 boxes one for 10/15 Gb and 1 for the 30gb. i believe 30&40 gb are same and 15 & 20 are same regards Will hmmmm... i've had a 30GB iPod and now currently have the …
  • 80 and 80.1 (?) i bought a 30GB on the Saturday before they announced the new ones, learned of the announcment, then returned it and got the 40GB! and this was at the edu. discounted price, plus i qualified for the "buy a bundle and get a bundle …
  • i used to have this "problem" in Safari, where pages that specified Verdana as the font, in smaller sizes, appeared aliased. and i even tried changing the default sizes in preferences. it all seems to be fixed now; all fonts are nice and smooth and …
  • Quote: Originally posted by sroach Sorry I didn't ask my question correctly.. If you don't have a dock connection are there other downsides besides not being able to use the dock. i just got my 30GB iPod last weekend (i'm going to see abou…
  • AND... if something new does come out in Paris, how long is the wait gonna be for that?
  • [quote]Originally posted by Leonis: why the hell almost everyone has Cinema Display? :eek: i got mine (ACD) when they were offering $500 off with purchase of a new PM (~March 2k2) plus i was already getting the educational pricing. an…
  • here's my *ahem* "setup." i know my desk isn't as clean as most, but i'm a full-time student, freelance designer, and part-time web developer.
  • you boys are all sexy beasts! some strong, some weak. haha. thanks for clearing it all up. i guess what i'll have to do is just keep my mix mp3's in 15-20 minute intervals and consolidate tracks ripped from a CD and not have to worry about large …
  • [quote]Originally posted by greg123: You should be able to play Q3 using both displays... But that divides what's directly infront of you over both displays... which is kind of annoying... One good reason for 3 displays... if you are going …
  • [quote]Originally posted by PestoBreath: I'm from Mass. originally, and SF is nowhere near as much as baseball city as Boston. I would say that football has a slight edge over baseball here in the Bay Area. i would have to agree with PestoBreath…
  • ahh, been lurking here. but i suppose my first post should be the one where i introduce myself. and stuff. gerard Age: 23 Race/Sex: asian male Height/Weight: 5' 6", 140 Hair/Eyes: brown/black Ethnicity: filipino Religion: agnostically se…
  • i realize now that this has kinda maybe turned into PC (vs. Mac) talk, and i'm sorry. i just wanted to know if people on the PC side knew about Jaguar desktop rendering, and if people on the Mac side knew about Blackcomb desktop rendering. &…
  • hey there, was at MWSF all 4 days and logged in a couple rounds of UT2K3. i asked an Apple Staff guy which card was playing on the NVidia configured (MDD) machines, and he wasn't too sure if it was the 32MB MX (as opposed to the QS2k2 64MB MX card) …
  • [quote]Originally posted by Wrong Robust: I think you nailed it....I know I for one thought "hey the displays are cheaper! and the towers are cheaper! maybe I can get both!" now thinking about it...thats EXACTLY what apples wants...that way the…
  • [quote]Originally posted by bradbower: So, if you have, please reply stating which model you purchased (and if you picked it up or just pre-ordered), where you purchased it, and the price, if you don't mind. Also any extra things you purchased alon…