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- lamewing
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If only it included iTunes outside the U.S. (Japan). As it stands now, my wife will love it and I will never use it.
9secondko wrote: » There needs to be a major investigation. There are too many shenangians going on now. Someone is being paid off. The whole point in waiting for a patent is that it was examined AT THE TIME and proven relevant. There wa…
philboogie wrote: » Truly pathetic. First grant a patent, then revoke it. And not just any patents, plural, actually, but the heart and soul of the way 400M devices are used around the world. I think we are all better of if a patent is granted it …
How about adding the cover art back to the bottom left corner when viewing in list view (and have sidebar open). I am not the only person who feels this way. Check out Apple's own forums. Rookie move, Apple, Rookie move. I've already downgraded.
stephenbw wrote: » You don't have to open the mini player at all. Once the music starts playing just click once on the small picture at the top left of the title/progress box to get the album art player. Yep. That works. Thanks. I still terr…
richard getz wrote: » I like it so far. The mini player is real handy. I would like to see the 'up next' to be able to save into a playlist. Grab last x songs played from 'up next' and (x) out those you don't want, save to playlist. [edited] Rea…
bdkennedy1 wrote: » You can only multitask 2 apps in Metro, which means if you're a business forget it. Metro is not intuitive. Sit someone down in front of a Windows 8 PC, boot it up and see how long it takes them to figure out how to get to th…
Speaking from a person who did a clean install of Windows 8... I have been using it for a couple of weeks and overall, I like it. It is faster and I like the GUI changes as well as things such as native ISO support in the OS. Having said that, my …
philboogie wrote: » Wow! That is actually a very sad thing to happen. Although the law requires 2 years warranty, you will get way more service through Apple Care. What are you talking about? Their laws require Apple to provide 2 years of warra…
pedromartins wrote: » Also, since they betrayed Apple, their most important client, other companies would try (eventually) to find other suppliers. If TSMC, sharp, sony, LG and foxconn up their games... well... Samsung is in trouble (they won't …
tallest skil wrote: » Does sarcasm not exist in your culture? Sarcasm? So you're going to play the sarcasm card now that someone has faulted your logic. Nice. (For the record...THAT was sarcasm)
We can do the same with Skype over 3G and LTE. If Apple isn't wiling to stand up to AT&T regarding this BS then people will either simply not use Apple's facetime or will instead use Microsoft's (a competitor) Skype instead.
tallest skil wrote: » They can't be sued over this because there's an 'or' there. It's unlimited in extent, as in "you can use the service anywhere you're on our network that we have data". This allows them to cap and throttle in every other regar…
sflocal wrote: » Please change the title to "Apple LEGALLY paid in taxes" All of you would do the EXACT same thing too. Nope. You are wrong. I pay taxes every year and I use the standard deductions. I don't use any loopholes whatsoever…
tallest skil wrote: » There's not one. And some of us are tired of your blatant lies. It evens out. And what "blatant lies" are you referring to? I would really like to see you back that statement up.
tallest skil wrote: » And get whined after for "hiding" behind a second account like AI's writers do? I don't think so. Then turn on the option to block moderators' posts. Or set up an account with the same name , or obviously similar name, tha…
hill60 wrote: » To get you up to speed, as you seem to have lost the way, this statement has nothing whatsoever to do with Samsung "copying" Apple, the statement is based on Samsung not infringing a specific Apple design patent. The court state…
solipsismx wrote: » All moderators are forum members. They are not site admins. As far as I know they are not paid by AI. They have a right to their opinions just like all other forum members. My point is that as moderators, their posts cannot …
@Moderator I am NOT an Apple lover or hater. Nor am I a (Apple) competitor lover or hater. I use both Apple and non-Apple products. Heck, I just bought an iPad Mini (with 40% profit for Apple -Yikes!) this weekend because I find it the best choice…
OMG...I cannot believe the hypocrisy, rudeness, lack of consideration for others, and general nastiness of many of the members here on AI. Apple lost the case. Period. Apple tried to push the view (to the public) that Samsung copied their t…