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  • aight. Here is how i see it... I have had ACD 22" for about 2 years now. It has its native 1600 x 1024 resolution and its a really bright, crisp monitor. However, if you try to do any serious visual art or hardcore gaming, youd be better off getting…
  • How about the Sony Earbuds? Anyone has it ?
  • They have to add a "Recording" button asap! If they can menage to do that, we'll have the coolest hard drive recorder in the World, so you can plug in your mic and record concerts, etc...
  • Well, i installed it and the only thing that is imrpoved a bit is quartz extreme. It seems to be accelerated a bit. But FTP still sucks ass. Especially in finder! They didn't do any effort to fix that. The same goes for ftp in terminal.
  • Oh yeah... it is 6C115 by the way... Lol!
  • I've got my hands on the actual FINAL Jaguar, Installed it, and it does look pretty much the same as the 6C115 posted on ADC site. THe real, Boxed version came with 2 install cd's and another grey one(i though it was an update cd) developer tools cd…
  • dxp4acu what a dumb response. I hope that's a joke...
  • I installed 6c115 and i have to say that it's crashing like crazy! I went back to 6c106.
  • HOw trustfull is your source? Are you positive that this is the one?
  • Wow! Is that comfirmed?! Definite?
  • MTU = 1500 MTU is fully optimized for broadband. MSS = 1460 Maximum useful data in each packet = 1448, which is less than MSS because of Timestamps, or other TCP/IP options used. Default Receive Window (RWIN) = 66608 RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) …
  • Hmm.. but i dont even have the scsi card.... I just bought the GeForce4 Ti... maybe that's the issue..
  • Wow! Im not alone! And i'm not crazy!!!! Yipee! Just wander what the problem was?!?
  • [quote]Originally posted by nagha: greetings, installed 98 on my beige g3 (400 mhz, 384 MB RAM, Radeon 7000) and it's impressive. i'd heard that i shouldn't expect much from a low end machine like mine but it's nice. pretty much everything is…
  • I also did a clean installation. There is a diffrence.
  • [quote]Originally posted by Jared: I hope none of you that are using the leaked builds full time bitch and complain when you have the retail version of Jaguar and it does not install on your machine, or screws some things up [ 07-30-2002:…
  • Fluffy, i had to have 10.1.4 all the time cause 10.1.5 was causing Kernel Panic ALL THE TIME! Good to hear that i wasn't the only one. Im running quicksilver 733/384/geforce4 ti/ 22' Apple cinema. Installed Jaguar 6C106 and what a improvement that w…
  • I don't know if ya'll have Jag 6c106, nut you certanly sound like you don't. well, i have it and i'll tell you, It's STABLE, it's FAST and it's not even the final version! Scrolling, resizing and app launch is faster than you can imagine! Irun G4/73…
  • The surfing in Jaguar is waaay faster than OS 9.2.2 ! You should see that to believe! As i said before my IE opens in less than 1 sec, and the rendering is way faster. I guess the graphis sacrd helps too. I believe that the final version is gonna be…
  • My IE opens in less than 1 sec! Now that's a major improvement. The html rendering is greatly improved as well. I think that my GeForce4 Ti now helps my CPU with all it's power. CPU doesn't need that much juice for graphic rendering as before(GeFor…