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Quote: Originally Posted by pmz Neither of you know what your talking about. NFC and Passbook have nothing in common. NFC is a problem, is hardware centric, is insecure and dangerous, and already out of date. It also has a…
Passbook would be better with NFC in it. Why? Because it doesn't replace it. Those of us in places with widespread NFC know that scanning a radio signal is much faster than reading a barcode which is old tech. It seems that the reluctance of parts o…
Quote: Originally Posted by Wiggin I can't speak to the iPad, but the AppleTV and the iTunes application on your computer have never had the same access to rentals. There are many movies which are on AppleTV but either not on the computer via iTu…
Airport Express has speaker out as well and as long as ipad/itunes can connect that should work too.
Quote: Originally Posted by fecklesstechguy I am curious what you would be comparing this to? There has not been significant innovation by the carriers for over a decade or more. All improvements are/have been incremental, not innovations. Your i…
The industry just won’t be as innovative and as dynamic as it has been Considering its far from the most dynamic or innovative telco market in the world there is lots of room for improvement from that position. That improvement comes about from …
Quote: Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody No offence but this sounds ridiculous to me. If that's really how you use a calendar, then you are 'doing it wrong' as they say. It's a calendar not a personal assistant, wife or manager. Fortuna…
Quote: Originally Posted by lilgto64 Maybe they could have come up with something along the lines of if you already have your own subscription model with your own collection of fees etc - then we (Apple) will only take a 10% cut as a conduit to y…
Can anyone say how it runs on the specifications that they've said it needs?
Quote: Originally Posted by rattlhed I just started using Audiogalaxy after Jukefly and (mysteriously) Zumocast also quit working. I've been very happy with it. It's free, easy to set up, and so far is working flawlessly. I listen to music all…
Quote: Originally Posted by Superbass I've ripped a lot of CDs to 320 kbps. Does this mean my music will be downgraded to 256 AAC in the iCloud? Should there be a checkmark and box for that on AI's informative box? Because with Amazon and Google,…
Adobe sell it as a tool to get you creative away from the office but what they are actually doing is getting some App space on iPad mainly to drive you back to your desk and CS5.
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism There is no mention of a subsidy for the NC data center. In fact, just the opposite, Apple had to guarantee to spend at least $1 billion over 10 years. They requested a tax break for it in return, but that?s …
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism Getting the government to invest in Foxconn will lead to a greater likelihood of government support and less red tape. It’s a good thing. Proof? Less red tape is a good thing. But government suppor…
At 4, seeking financial support from the country's own bank is poor form. Foxconn should do their numbers based on an unsubsidised investment. Apple have sometimes put their hand out for subsidies too but governments need to resist it.
First, these services really need to take an open approach to hosting data. Why sign up for a music only type of locker? We want open data services that can store all we have.. music, videos, documents, everything and, just as importantly, use the…
This is silly. The reason why the Phone platform become popular is precisely because, not only did it work well, but when you include all the free apps it delivered good value. If you start blocking suppliers delivering stuff to iPad users for …
For some reason I was thinking that apps like VLC would not be making it into the App store as its mainly designed for paid-for apps, not open and free apps like VLC. As to the reminders through mobileme, is it possible to set it so it emails you…
Quote: Originally Posted by city I don't see that cola in stores anymore. True not much of that cola around and no doubt a bit embarrassing at the time but he's aiming for a majority of ideas to succeed not all of them. In practice, several…
Quote: Originally Posted by nvidia2008 Steve Jobs is about true innovation and creating value, in many ways. Sure, he's not perfect, but the innovation and creating value is what is absolutely critical for the USA in a global economy... Not shift…