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Android is certainly a worthy competitor to iPhone OS but not being able to get the latest update would frustrate me to no end.
Quote: Originally Posted by AppleInsider According one person familiar with the matter, each model will ship with 4GB of RAM That should have been standard a long time ago. I'm glad that's the case now.
It's about time, it was a missed opportunity not including it when they released it originally.
I wish they'd announce dates for elsewhere already, it'd be nice to know!
Quote: Originally Posted by Bregalad If Apple is waiting for nVidia and Intel to settle things we won't see a new MBP until 2013. I think they're taking their sweet time because sales have been so good. They simply don't feel any pressure to u…
Well that'd be a real shame, choice is good after all. It's just a shame that all the networks require specific frequencies/chips etc.
Quote: Originally Posted by tipoo And Apple still will not acknowledge that this is a widespread problem. Please. As if any company comes out and declares "we've fucked up" to the mass public. Nothing better to kill the image of your produc…
Quote: Originally Posted by StLBluesFan Isn't multitasking rumored to come in an (eventual) iPhone OS upgrade? I read that a week or so ago. Multitasking is really needed now, especially on the iPad...IMHO.
Quote: Originally Posted by Patranus Why not just use commonly available tools to turn your iPhone into a WiFi hotspot? Why do you need MiFi? I'm just researching this now. Are you referring to MyWi?
Wonder if you could tether the iPhone to this...both have Bluetooth after all.
Quote: Originally Posted by AppleZilla Apple has 23 billion on hand. Pay up. And why, exactly, should they? It's not as if AT&T are the only one with problems. Christ, O2 can't even handle it in London and our country is the size of a med…
Quote: Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 Apple does not stream video of their live events. You can follow it liveblogged on various tech sites (Cnet, Engadget, Gizmodo, etc.). At some later point in time (usually a day or two), they will up…
Another vote for a redesign from me. I use Play or Amazon to purchase music though, I will not pay a premium just to use iTunes. On my Mac iTunes is ok and I like using the remote to control it. However on Windows it's dire, I hate using it there…
I stopped reading when I saw "removable battery".
Quote: Originally Posted by mitchelljd i agree, many of us are hoping for 1- 5+ megapixel camera - HD video capability to record 2- flash for camera 3- swappable battery 4- slide out keyboard!! -------- and non-ATT service those of us in …
This was discounted just last week because of the hardware problems. Not to mention Verizon switching to LTE. Sigh.
Quote: Originally Posted by ascii I can't find any browser I like these days. IE is insecure. Safari likes to start a daemon process that downloads sites in the background, even though my Internet connection has a download limit. Gee, thanks Safa…
Quote: Originally Posted by Nano_tube You are welcome. However, you can have a Mac Pro and a pretty good one. Consider this: a Core i7 920, 12 GB of RAM, 1TB HD (or more), and a Geforce 9800GTX 512MB or a Radeon 4890 1GB (+ all the other stuf…
Quote: Originally Posted by teckstud Steve and Jonny must be LIVID! and FURIOUS! That white iPhone was always a bit naff. Excuse you! I like my white iPhone thanks very much. Everyone and their mother have black. Regardless, lol at Moto…
Quote: Originally Posted by ghostface147 That sucks dude...sorry. Thanks very much. Going to replace it on Friday as I feel lost without it!