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  • Quote: Originally posted by murbot Bah. I think this is one of those things that gets said so often on the web, people just start to accept it as fact. I doubt you'd see any real significant increase in battery consumption. True. Technic…
  • Thanks everybody. Yeah, I was thinking of saving up for a 1GB stick which I think is $399 from TransIntl.com. Is 768 MB enough for this machine? I'll probably take it to 1.25 GB RAM within a year... maybe buy the 512 MB stick and wait for RAM prices…
  • anyone try the Logitech Control Center with the MX900? If you go to the support page for the MX700, you can download it there. Since the MX900 and the MX700 are basically the same mouse, I'm guessing the logitech control center might have a driver t…
  • I did check with another blank CD. It doesn't do anything. You shouldn't have to insert a CD anyway, it should "ask" you for one, as the marketing shiet mentions...
  • if you don't use the same music library folder as your wife it will work. iTunes only doesn't open if you have the same music library folder as someone else on the computer. Interesting problem...
  • umm, fast user switching in Panther DOES stop iTunes playback for the current user, automatically. There's even a nice fade out of the music as the screen is rotating. natch...
  • Who wants to bet a bluetooth Apple mouse will use the 3rd generation iPod dock with its proprietary connector? That way, Apple only has to manufacture one dock, and if you already have one for the iPod you now have two! if no dock, I think the ke…
  • I don't think Exposé DH would be very functional. Exposé uses the scale effect and quartz extreme, so shrinking all windows is under a second (even if you don't have quartz extreme, the scale effect is still very fast). Moving your mouse all t…
  • Quote: Originally posted by MajorMatt I like cash, I dont like the concept of companies knowing when and where of what I do. but everyone always knows when, where, and what you do. just 'cause you can't see the video cameras doesn't mean they…
  • I didn't realize, but this is old beans. Check this discussion out, from December, over at MacSlash. Sorry, I'm still trying to learn about how authorization services work and I thought maybe it'd interest some people...
  • Quote: Originally posted by Programmer Glad you like it. Just remember that it is only an analogy and that while useful for grasping a concept it is dangerous to look too deep and try to draw conclusions based on the analogy and not the original…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Programmer Imagine a 32-bit machine as a 2 door car. Imagine a 64-bit machine as a 4 door car. Now imagine that you have a driver's license that restricts you to carrying only yourself and 1 passenger. That's what r…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Shaktai Since there is a great deal of common code, I would suspect a scenario similar to the "fat binaries" that allowed previous migrations. The installer will examine the hardware and install the processor specifi…
  • Quote: Originally posted by jindrich year of the laptop? to me one thing is clear: as soon as the 970 ships (say on PMs), NOONE will buy a G4 powerbook (unless they sell them for ?999) EVRYONE will wait for the 970 powerbook. so, eith…
  • "The year of the portable" was pure marketing. If you watched the keynote, this quote came after SJ compared Apple's powerbook and powermac sales, and said the powerbook sales were way up in comparison to the year before. If you knew what was …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Amorph The 15" PowerBook has the job of being able to boot into OS 9. This, I don't understand. Who still needs to boot into OS 9? I thought it was only the education market, and Quark users. 1. Who in the educ…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Anders the White Think set theory. It is illogical to jump from month to date to year like that. How would you explain it if you had to go in that order?. Month is a superset of date that is a subset of year. But what …
    in Firewireless Comment by yomofo May 2003
  • Quote: Originally posted by Lazzyass86 For the love of god, can we get a Moderator in here. The topic is about yet another IO standard Apple is working on, that revolutionize the way we create video, It could bring on a whole new way we watch and…
    in Firewireless Comment by yomofo May 2003
  • Quote: Originally posted by Clive Well acually that is part of the problem - we buy crappy American software that can only deal with brain-dead date formats... well, sorry, but that's your fault. lobby them for better localization, do the loc…
    in Firewireless Comment by yomofo May 2003