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Quote: Originally Posted by sdbryan You seem to be stubbornly refusing to see the significance of screen size. I have an iPod touch and iPad. The ultra portability of the iPod touch is useful but there is no question that there are many activitie…
Quote: Originally Posted by SolipsismX 1) Yes, your phone is technically a personal computer. . If this is true, then the article is inaccurate, as it only mentioned the iPad. For the sake of conistency, one should include both iPhone and iT…
Quote: Originally Posted by bettieblue Wow 4 year old article. Hey, we can't let silly things like facts get in the way of a good Anti-MS rant can we. If we did, then we would not be the Apple loyalists that we all are.
Quote: Originally Posted by Dirty Smuggler You just beat me to it. Over 50 posts and no one mentions that the headline is false. Microsoft did not say "Windows 8 tablets won't actually run Windows apps". They said "ARM-based Windows 8 tablets won…
Quote: Originally Posted by addicted44 So did anyone understand how this service works? Does it mean that once I have listened to 50 songs in a month, I cannot listen to any more? Or does it mean that I have to continue recycling between those …
Quote: Originally Posted by Porchland Agreed. I do not see Apple announcing yet another online backup service that is no different than SugarSync or Dropbox and marketing it as a place for you to keep a backup of your music tracks -- that you hav…
Quote: Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody They also cache the music locally on the device so you aren't left without music when the connection is down. This is also "creating a copy" by most definitions and the very thing that apps have been thr…
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism I get the eventual move to get a desktop OS on ARM but I can’t fathom that even MS would still think that a desktop OS on a tablet makes sense. Maybe they are trying to make the first decent multi-UI OS. T…
Quote: Originally Posted by ElmCityWeb They should keep any iterations of the iPad with 7 inch screen or more. Any smaller and its intention is lost. Make the iPod Touch bigger, don't make the iPad smaller. I thought 7" was DOA according to SJ…
Quote: Originally Posted by Wurm5150 Still pretty good considering it's not really a new phone and it came out 8 months ago. You don't see any lines for new Android phones or any other phone. That is because of the business model. Apple only …
Quote: Originally Posted by Firefly7475 Have you got some links to that info? I've always had the idea that the entire anti-trust case around IE was just because the regulators couldn't bust Microsoft for the actual dodgy stuff they were doin…
Quote: Originally Posted by Alfiejr everyone should read the full memo: combined, Nokia and MS do have plenty of ecosystem pieces. MS always has. and its enterprise ecosystem is still to…
Quote: Originally Posted by ericography In case you forgot here is more perspective: and how about even more: and for ever mor…
Quote: Originally Posted by penchanted Things must be different in Ireland because in the US money does matter to the markets. And since they are both in the tech sector, the comparison is reasonable (unlike comparing Apple to an energy company).…
Quote: Originally Posted by FreeRange solipsism, your response is utter nonsense - your statement is totally false. "Sales" is ultimately to endusers, and "shipped" is filling the sales channel, these are two entirely different things. According …
Quote: Originally Posted by Booga Can't speak for the original poster, but I'd think Microsoft would have made things clearer if they'd had good news. This game of strategic ambiguity seems to intentionally be trying to build spin. Unless Ballm…
Quote: Originally Posted by atsysusa Your disconnect is the assumption that the OEMs have completed the transaction. These are more than likely conditional sales. You take the inventory but do not pay until a retail sale is made. Again, what…
Quote: Originally Posted by penchanted This is a respectable start but needs to be put in context. The 2M licenses MS sold to the manufacturers represents an upper bound on the number of WP7 phones. You then need to consider how many handset …
Quote: Originally Posted by SwissMac2 All it is a sign of is the size of arm twisting that MS can apply to its OEMs to take high minimum order numbers with no payment for multi-month periods, perhaps even more than a year. What evidence do yo…
Quote: Originally Posted by msantti Google sure likes to tout activation numbers. And your point is?