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Quote: Originally Posted by Gatorguy Sounds to me like the FAA would consider changing that rule depending on how the tests they approved pan out. Well then there is that BIG problem of battery life. I own a quad and you are damn lucky to g…
This will not happen in my opinion. FAA rules specifically state that any drone has to fly under 400 feet and have an operator within visual sight of the drone. Now how is that more efficient than just delivering the package? d
What about those of us who had to sell our MacBooks at a discount because they did't work? Screwed. d
Quote: Originally Posted by Tallest Skil Anyone who uses "Apple is doomed" in a serious context has instantaneously invalidated his own point. It is called sarcasm.
Just how do they come by these numbers for Apple since they don't release them? Sounds more like FUD to me.
Hey if they price them @ about a dollar I am ALL over it I need a bunch of boat anchors.
Is that an iPhone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.....
Quote: "show what appears to be a slightly taller iPhone design, accommodating a larger screen that has been rumored to be 4 inches in diameter." 4" in diameter. So we are getting a round iPhone now?
Quote: Originally Posted by Curmudgeon There does appear to be demand for a 7" iPad. Why walk away from customers waving dollars in their face? Apple would be a fool not to cater to this audience. That is deba…
And each one will come with it's very own solid gold Apple.
What kind of crack are they smokin'?
I am sure that will workout as well for Samsung as it did for Palm and HP..... Fools.
Balmer is on a river in Egypt....denial. d
All I can say is "Andy here's your problem" In December, Journalist Walt Mossberg called out the device as last year's worst-reviewed product. d
1 million.... is just pocket change on Apple's BILLIONS in the bank. d
Yea.... It means I bought a load of crap.... AGAIN!!! d
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism It?s easy to have a successful product when you sell it at a loss. So you say.... and you know this information how. Blowing it out your rear.
Quote: Originally Posted by jfanning I think the free wi-fi, and free internet access has more to do with the number of people in the stores. Go look at the Apple section of a reseller, they are empty the majority of the time. I guess there …
Quote: Originally Posted by antkm1 that is a fair point...but may i also point out that many Enterprises create apps for their mobile devices (as well as pc's) and having a closed platform like iOS is limiting. Quote: Originally Posted by anan…
Quote: Originally Posted by antkm1 that is a fair point...but may i also point out that many Enterprises create apps for their mobile devices (as well as pc's) and having a closed platform like iOS is limiting. What exactly is this bogus close…