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  • Apple's top management largely white and male, but overall workforce trending toward diversity

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook urges employees to 'move forward together' in memo on 2016 presidential election

    spice-boy said:
    jimzip said:
    tallest skil said:
    Yikes. Ok, look I really didn't want to upset anyone this much, I'm sorry for getting you so worked up. Personally I like to think that working together will improve things. But of course I do understand that people have different viewpoints, so I'm glad you're happy with yours. You really don't have to call me a "disingenuous coward" as you don't know who I am.

    I read history books as a hobby, and all I see is humanity treating each other terribly time and time over, I'm also friends with a wonderful diplomat working for the UN, and some of the stories he tells are really hopeful, and some plain chilling (he often works in the Congo and it's a nightmare there). I'm an optimist and prefer to play things the hopeful way, which explains my position. It just really freaks me out when I see things starting to go south like has happened in history so many times. If all we do with our infinitesimal time on this planet is find reasons for drama and mistreating each other, well, that's pretty lame & a waste of human potential. And of course I don't want to fight in a war - it's not about being a coward, it's that I'd be killed in the first minute and that's boring - I just want to live my own life with cool people and be safe and happy, and I feel confident saying you do too. We'll just go about it in different ways.

    Bottom line, this fighting (especially online!) isn't worth it, so again, apologies. I'm sure you're actually a great person and I don't care who won your election as long as people don't get hurt afterwards, but this whole campaign seems to have brought out the extremist in everyone & it's really scary. If I don't weigh in with my opinion & stand up for what I believe that'd be cowardly, right? ;)

    Jimzip :D
    tallest... is absolutely by a mile the most radical commenter on this site. He goes for the throat each time, and has not limits on how fowl his insults are, it is as if he thinks nobody is reading this. I have given up on trying to use history as a way to show what paths we repeat as humans because conspiracy foil hat wearers will deny everything written in a book, and brush off any living person's actual witness or experience of events. There are many uncivil people here who can only shout insults at others, it is exhausting and I will stop leaving comments and I suggest the rest of us just let them have this sandbox to poop in. 
    Actually, I found him to be an astounding intelligent individual who generally is exceedingly perceptive and educated in the topics that he posts about. I appreciate many of the points that he makes, even the ones that I disagree with, and he frequently educates me.

    I'm well aware of the fact that he rubs some people the wrong way but have absolutely no problem with his method or delivery because I focus on his points. I wish there were more like him.

    Tallest, don't ever change. And don't ever stop posting.
    tallest skilSpamSandwich
  • Indian government snaps up Cellebrite tech to help crack iPhones & other devices

    In the future, if I ever decide to get any type of attack dog to protect my family, I'm going to buy a goddamn Trey Gowdy.

    Gowdy should run for President in eight years after Trump's second term.

  • Galaxy Note 7 fiasco leaves Samsung mobile profits a smoldering ash pile

    It couldn't have happened to a nicer company...
  • Tim Cook included in early list of potential VP candidates for Clinton campaign

    hmm said:
    gtr said:
    Actually I've found the opposite to be true.

    You'll find far more inaccurate, badly-researched, biased data on any of the mainstream media network channels, so much so that I personally have come to regard them as almost a complete waste or time. I am not alone in this finding.

    And as Apple fans we all know that to be true. For how many years have we seen this same reporting about Android being superior to Apple?

    The warning signs have been there for years. 

    Ignore it, and be misled and uninformed, at your peril.
    It's difficult to find good news sources, and you arguably need more than one.
    Of course. I never recommended using just one. I recommended an additional one.

    And when these guys...

    ...are all seen having dinner at the house of the Chief Campaign Strategist (Joel Benenson) for Hillary two days before she announces her candidacy then they're demonstrating a relationship considerably closer than your standard professional one and therefore likely to be unreliable.

    Especially when CNN reporters, who don't know they're on air, admit to things like this:

    Tim Cook would never have fit in with people who operate like this.
    tallest skilrbelize