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  • How the Apple Ring will blow all the other smart ring manufacturers out of the water

    twolf2919 said:
    Not a very convincing article.   The author has no evidence that Apple is actually readying a ring.  Sure, Apple has been filing patents for ring-like devices for years, but it does that even when it has no current plans for one.  It's called research. 

    This article is called speculative rumour. Nothing wrong with that. It is a rumour site, after all. 
  • Google gives up on Chrome plan to ditch third-party cookies

    I'm not up to speed on exactly how it works, but it sounds like this Privacy Sandbox (terrible name!) was a replacement for HTTP-based Cookies? Was this feature going to be Chrome-only, or published as an open standard for all browsers to implement? Now advertisers need to implement both cookie support and a second API that achieves the same thing? Yah, this plan was never going to work.
  • Child safety watchdog accuses Apple of hiding real CSAM figures

    y2an said:
    gatorguy said:
    y2an said:
    This is chalk and cheese. Facebook and Google both have social media platforms hosting user content for consumption by others. Apple does not. Where is the recognition of that rather significant difference in the “findings“?
    Google does have YouTube, where user content can be shared, but direct interactions with specific people are not a strong point.  I would not call it a "social media platform" in the vein of a Facebook or Snapchat. Not that they haven't tried. :/

    Of note, PatentlyApple has an expanded viewpoint.

    Hardly an expanded viewpoint, just a restatement of previous positions. What I’m unclear about is why Apple and any other company does t simple use on-device CSAM to block attempts to transfer CSAM off-device (messaging. backup, etc). Wouldn’t that thwart the perpetrators without getting into the argument about encryption back-doors? And to that point I’m saddened how law enforcement uses protection of children as their attack vector on necessary security, it is very disingenuous as once a back door is made, it’s side open for any purpose. 

    Your idea is exactly what Apple was attempting to implement, but there was too much pushback from ignorant folks that saw "risks" that didn't exist.

    Apple's approach was safe and secure, and would have been very effective. Being proactive (prevention) is always better than being reactive.
  • X website reverts water pistol emoji to realistic gun

    Just curious. Is it supposed to be a “pistol” emoji or a general handgun emoji? Because most of those images are revolvers not pistols.

    Up until 2018 for some vendors, the wrong image was being used. You are correct. The water pistol was correct, and X's new image is technically correct for a pistol.

    I've now deactivated my X profile. I can no longer give any of my time to Elon and his personal agenda.

  • X website reverts water pistol emoji to realistic gun

    A symbol is *not* the thing being symbolized. Why are people scared of a drawing of a pistol?

    Txitter may be "an irrelevance" to Xbit and others, but it is still used by millions. 
    Who is expressing fear of a drawing of a pistol?  Can you point to examples of this?

    Unfortunately, messaging can be harmful. Messages can create fear. If someone can easily send a picture of a real gun to someone else, it's an avenue of potential threat and harm. X is a conduit between two such people, and by reverting, they are letting their American 2nd-A mentality blind them to the larger harm that can be done with their platform. Sending an image of a water pistol does not have the same impact to a scared recipient as receiving a picture of a real gun. X is in control of this.