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  • Apple AI research: ReALM is smaller, faster than GPT-4 when parsing contextual data

    Makes sense since text is already being extracted from images displayed on-screen. 
  • Apple's removable battery standard could change device charging forever

    sirdir said:
    That would be good for the customer and make them less money, so it will never happen.

    Have faith. While evidence has revealed Apple's unwillingness to jeopardize their cash cow model, change is inevitable. Carefully.
  • Apple's big WWDC 2024 announcement may be an AI App Store

    I doubt that WWDC24 will dominate its focus on an "AI App Store". Sure, I can see how that ties into a developer conference, and I can see how a separate storefront would break up operations, to appear "less big" to the forces that be, but let's see some awesome hardware and software that makes ... particularly the Mac... better again.
  • Apple's big WWDC 2024 announcement may be an AI App Store

    gwmac said:
    I'm confused why anyone would need any specialized AI apps. What I mean is by that is currently ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude are the dominant players. All 3 offer free or paid premium versions. There are tons of specialized paid apps that use one of those 3 as their backbone so to speak, but they are all useless leeches.

    Why use specialized apps when you can easily just do the task easily with ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude alone? Sure it takes a little training and learning to become an expert user, but we can now create and save our own specialized AI bots within ChatGPT which means those apps are becoming less relevant by the day.

    I'm confused about your confusion. Are you suggesting that there's no need for any other players in the [Generative] AI market?

    Should we notify the 95% of fast food industry that they are irrelevant because McDonald's, Burger King and Dairy Queen already exist?

    Competition should be encouraged, not discouraged.

  • How to turn off Apple's Journal 'Discoverable by Others' setting that's enabled by default...

    I have no qualms with the way that this feature works. Seems to be anonymous and private, but using anonymized "crowd-sourced" data to help you use the app.

    But at least there should be a prompt when the app is first opened to alert the user to this feature, giving them the option to opt-out?
