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  • Apple Weather's heatwave predictions probably won't apply to you

    lewval said:
    I find Apple's weather widget to be very inaccurate and just annoying. I live in the desert and the app is always 5-11 degrees less than the official published weather here based on the airport and Accuweather.  On occasion it will indicate it's raining in my area (a rarity) when in fact it's raining in adjacent towns. The app cannot be relied upon. 
    I dislike how airports are often the default source of weather data, particularly temperature. The geography alone — flat, devoid of vegetation — often results in temperatures far higher than surrounding areas for regions that are very mountainous.
  • Apple Pay malfunctioning in Hungary, users experiencing unexplained charges

    But what makes this an "Apple Pay" issue? Does AppleInsider know for a fact that Apple's Apple Pay feature/network is involved?

    App Store transactions aren't necessarily Apple Pay transactions. 
  • Apple Pay malfunctioning in Hungary, users experiencing unexplained charges

    That's the one downside of having great ideas in the online tech world. Once you build it, then you must keep it running.

    Glad to hear that this is isolated to one country. Shows that Apple has regional isolation. Could you imagine if this started happening worldwide?
  • Whistleblower claims to have nearly died because of illegal chemical exposure from Apple

    I always wondered what life was like waking up every morning feeling like a victim, and inventing things to complain about.

    I'm sure there's some level of truth to some of her claims, but wow... what is next in her rampage? That the socks she bought are making her ears itch?
  • Wedbush: Apple will lead consumer AI amidst iPhone 16 super cycle

    Wedbush argues that this is because of how Apple Intelligence has been built to work with AI apps from other developers, such as OpenAI. The prediction is that hundreds of generative AI apps will be developed to work with Apple Intelligence in the next year.

    I don't think Wedbush knows what he is talking about. Apple Intelligence won't "just work" with hundreds of 3rd-party services as sources of knowledge. That's backwards. There will be plenty of AI integration "on Apple devices" through apps, but they will be consumers of the tech, not service providers. Apple is carefully vetting which external services will serve as knowledge bases for Siri. OpenAI is first, and we're hearing rumours of additional services being explored. But not "hundreds". There's only a handful of worthy services and this won't change anytime soon.

    Wedbush is correct that Apple is in a very unique position to catapult to the forefront of the AI wave, but only because they will leverage the work being done by others. It's genius.