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  • Investor George Soros latest to snap up Apple stock as prices reach trough

    chasm said:
    Cobra101 said:
    Ugh. Not this socialist.
    Socialist ... billionaire? Um ... maybe you need a better news source than Faux Noise? Have you ever talked to Soros, or read anything he's written? It would seem not. Also, I'm willing to bet you can't actually define the term "socialist" correctly (hint: Soros isn't one), like most undereducated people.
  • Obama administration, FBI must act to restore US government's credibility in Apple's encryption deb

    No Privacy = No Liberty

    When the director of the FBI explains the phenomenon described in the below link, then I'll allow a permanent colonoscopy of my personal data.

  • Apple developing iPhone and iCloud encryption that counters FBI-requested workaround, reports say

    Boo yah TC.  Lock it all down!  
  • 'This would be bad for America,' Tim Cook tells ABC News about creating iPhone backdoor

    sflocal said:
    When Snowden blew the lid on how extensive our government was cracking into everything, the entire world and our own citizens were demanding accountability, and wanted heads delivered on silver platters.  "How dare the US government violate our privacy!!!"

    Well, this just shows how degenerated those people's attention span has become.  Now, suddenly people like msantti think the government should be force any company to provide the ability to break into a secured system.


    This is the reality:


    This is a Binary Issue

    1 = No Privacy for any American = No Liberty
    0 = Privacy for all Apple customers = Liberty

    The fact that a tech company, run by an openly gay man, is defending the personal privacy and liberty of Americans, while our "Government" is openly trying to eliminate the privacy rights of its citizens, is a staggeringly ironic development.  The US government is trying to eat it's own constitution and bill of rights and shit it out. 

    "Wake up!  - Bill Hicks
    "Think for yourself and question authority."  Timothy Leary
    "Give me liberty (personal privacy) or give me death." Patrick Henry

    Dig deep, think really hard and imagine every scenario by which your life can be adversely effected by all of your personal info, all of it, every instant you're alive (and newly dead) being available to anyone who wants it or has the money to buy it.  If you think that through, deeply, you'd have to be insane to allow it to happen.  Ask some 90 year old Germans or Russians how they feel about privacy.  What bothers me the most is the generally dismissive tone and content of the debate-dialogue.  As if it's no big deal to allow the FBI into a phone(s).  The final outcome of this issue will have a greater impact on the future of democracy and freedom, than any other issue in the spectrum of human social organization.  No.  It can't be allowed.
  • Avid iPhone user Donald Trump calls for Apple boycott over encryption fight

    Trump is incapable of acting on behalf of other people. He's a pathological narcissist, but less dangerous than his GOP opposition. If he's elected, then success requires keeping his interests in line with Joan/John Doe American citizen. The fact that he's in favor of Apple violating customer's privacy is all we need to know. He has tipped his hand. Fascist Open 1 iPhone = Precedent = All phones/devices no longer private. No privacy = No liberty (Give me Liberty or give me Death) This is likly the most pivotal event in human history. Hmmm? Do you want to be part of the Matrix? Or do you fancy being Neo..... Red pill or Blue? Wake up