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  • What to expect from Apple's Sept. 12 event: iPhone X & 8, Apple Watch with LTE, 4K Apple T...

    An Apple Watch capable of taking accurate blood sugar measurements would double share price by noon.  
    tmaypaul vincentjasenj1
  • Apple nixes plans to incorporate under-glass Touch ID in 'iPhone 8,' insider says

    Seems to me, given supply chain demands and production timelines, whatever it's going to be, it's already a done deal.  Apple isn't making changes at this late date.  Thread is mute
  • US Customs says it can search iPhones, but not cloud services

    zone said:
    No probable cause, no warrant, no way!

    This is how the system is set up and if they want in then they need to do it legally. It's that simple. 

    Why do people give away their freedoms and rights for FAKE security? The Terrorist Threat in almost nonexistent and not worth your freedoms and our money. We spend billions for security to protect us from absolutely nothing when it comes to this statistically. It's all FAKE and agenda driven. Here a list of thing that REALLY kill American's so maybe we should ban these things. How many people die from T in the USA each year? Almost none. Only 30 people have died from terrorism since 2001. More Americans have died from squirrel and raccoon attacks than have died from terrorism since 9/11.

    Let's do the math... 30 people since 9/11 is less than 2 people a year. If you include 9/11 it's 178 a year. Still way less...

    - Slip and Falls "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over one million Americans suffer a slip, trip, and fall injury and over 17, 000 people die in the U.S. annually because of these injuries."

    - Bicycles "In 2015 in the United States, over 1,000 bicyclists died and there were almost 467,000 bicycle-related injuries."

    - 300,000 Americans die of obesity every year.

    - 40,000 Americans per year die of car accidents.

    - 550,000 Americans per year die of cancer.

    - Drowning 2000

    - Poisoning 39,000

    - Fires 2700

    Chocking 2500

    So sad!

    This is the most rational perspective.  Protecting Americans?  Rationally, you simply choose the greatest threat(s) and apply resources accordingly.  The rest is BS.  
  • Alleged Apple molds show expected 'iPhone 8' design next to '7s' and '7s Plus'

    Not convinced this is accurate news. iPhone Anniversary Edition will be Liquid Metal frame.
  • Rumor: Tim Cook personally testing new glucose blood sugar monitor for Apple Watch

    Soli said:
    Lost me at "selling it as a separate band" ONE WATCH TO RULE THEM ALL! Keep packing in the features!
    Putting features in a band is part of packing in the features. There's a large area that can be utilized by sensors in the band… or are you wanting to use it as a pocket watch?
    This angle has legs...

    Visiting an Apple Store to buy 2 watches in 2020:

    "I'm not diabetic, but my wife is, so I'd like to buy her a 38 Stainless with the diabetic feature band.  I have hypertension, so for me, I'd like a 42 Liquid Metal with the blood pressure feature band."

    Apple Store Associate:  "No worries!  Coming up!"