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  • Brothers behind massive Apple counterfeiting scam are jailed

    I swear some thieves are so dumb, they always get caught in the end.
    How do you know? We only hear about the ones that got caught not the thousands that didn't.
  • Facebook's Nick Clegg says Apple privacy moves are 'commercial land grab'

    Well, Brits do know a thing or two about land grabs.
  • Steve Wozniak 'can't tell the difference' between iPhone 12 and iPhone 13

    hucom2000 said:
    WHO CARES what this guy thinks? Why does the media (including AI) give him all of this attention? What has he accomplished since that gives him credibility? Seriously…
    Yeah. Same with Jonas Salk. What did he do after inventing the Polio vaccine? Nothing. He's a fucking loser, just like Wozniak.🤦‍♂️
  • Microsoft to hike 'Microsoft 365' pricing in 2022 citing 'increased value'

    MplsP said:
    KBuffett said:
    There is no reputable competitor to Excel in the enterprise field.

    As for outlook, for something as simple as an email client, it trounces competitors. Apple’s iOS Mail is toy in comparison.
    Counterpoint: Outlook is a bloated POS that is anything but easy to use and overkill for normals. No wonder Windows enterprise IT guys love it. 
    I’m forced to use Outlook. It sucks. Apple Mail isn’t perfect, either, but it’s far better than Outlook for email.

    Office 365 Apps suck, too. Several of my partners will routinely use Google docs simply because they’re better and easier to use. And don’t even get me started on Teams…

    The reason Microsoft continues its dominance is because it’s a virtual monopoly in the business market, not because it’s a quality product.
    Good luck in setting up a meeting and reserving a conference room in Apple Mail. Your partners don't sound too tech savvy, perhaps they should try TextEdit or Notepad? Office 365 is tremendously powerful and productive, if you're will to spend just a few minutes learning how to use it (like most things in life).
  • Microsoft to hike 'Microsoft 365' pricing in 2022 citing 'increased value'

    kimberly said:
    Really just a bloated fur ball that 95% of us make use of 5% of the features.
    Except we all use a different 5%. I wrote my thesis in word taking full advantage of figure/caption links, auto table of contents, indexing, styles, references, etc... I use Excel daily for data analysis. It really is a fantastic piece of productivity software with a reasonable price.