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  • Intel has a faster processor than M2 Max, but at what cost?

    These graphs also show why Apple won't be coming out with a 4090 competitor anytime soon.
  • Apple making the case that Apple Silicon Mac & iPhone are great gaming machines

    xbit said:
    The two games I've played that were fully optimised for Apple Silicon - Disco Elysium and Total War: Warhammer III - played beautifully. It's definitely not the hardware that's holding Mac gaming back.
    Both games should not stress a system that much, so it's not saying a lot about hardware. Apple choose Metal and the windows/gaming industry choose Vulkan. A big issue is software/library support, and an hardware/gpu upgrade path which is non-existent for the foreseeable future. Even if all that would be in place perfectly, it's going to be a chicken-egg problem, because games will need to be bought. So either Apple heavily subsidises makers, much like Microsoft and Sony do for AAA titles, or it's not going to happen.
  • Apple execs discuss how M2 Apple Silicon pushes tech to the limit

    It's starting to become more of a viable gaming platform in terms of some of the hardware. Now they need to work on the software part, like a Vulkan layer or anything else that makes porting a game way easier. Or maybe they hope Epic will improve Unreal Engine for the Mac. Else we're stuck with the iOS games. So this will probably take another decade.
    If they cite Resident Evil then I dunno, that was a not the best port I've seen on the mac.

    WoW performance is great, but it's not a very taxing game, and Apple wrote most of the Metal code. They can't do that for every game.
  • Apple's slower hiring allows it to avoid wave of big tech layoffs

    That, and they probably also need whoever is staying to get stuff out the door. I mean taking teams from one department to another to get something done sounds like they could use a lot more people, or better management. Meanwhile other products suffer again.
  • Early previewers praise new HomePod's 'just wow' audio

    Still no Spotify integration, still the same or similar lack of Siri features. Unless Apple is going to go hard on these, this one is just as dead as the original one. I have the original one, and no Apple Music. It's a great speaker I guess. For a little bit more money you can get way better ones, that work with almost everything.