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  • Greg Joswiak confirms iPhone's future move to USB-C

    What component are they going to sacrifice to make room? I mean that was always the silly excuse right?
  • Zuckerberg thinks Apple is making aggressive moves now to control the metaverse

    michelb76 said:
    The only reason we're not hearing about Apple trying to squash stuff is because it happens behind closed doors. Zuck is just talking about it publicly.
    Apple is only looking to empower their ecosystem and provide the best experience possible for their users, they’re not sitting in a room discussing how they’re going to squash FB. They don’t care about FB. The reason Zuckerberg is worried is because Apple’s roadmap is cutting through his FB and Metaverse roadmaps. The fact that Apple can now control their own silicon and produce unspeakable computing prowess, with low power, in such a small package, and be specifically designed to serve their ecosystem which includes their VR ambitions is why competition is freaking out, from Epic to FB to Google, MS and others 
    If you read through the marketing it's becoming very clear that apple is going to shove way more ads down my throat in every possible way. They did this by excluding other parties. If they cared about the user, they would not show ads, they really don't need to. But the last dollar has to be extracted from us I guess. I pay a premium for a premium product and still get ads. They tried the same with podcasts but lost.
  • Zuckerberg thinks Apple is making aggressive moves now to control the metaverse

    The only reason we're not hearing about Apple trying to squash stuff is because it happens behind closed doors. Zuck is just talking about it publicly.
  • The Elon Musk and Twitter deal is in danger, again

    Pretty sure Musk will get the funding together easily, there are several parties anxious to get control of twitter before the 2024 election cycle, and none of them good. Many of which you can find in the published court documents.
  • Google Chrome is the most vulnerable browser in 2022

    Weird data. On every hackathon Safari usually falls on the first day in hours, with multiple exploits. i'm guessing a lot of the exploits are not known and being kept unknown. Google actively scans software through Project zero, and a lot of Safari vulnerabilities come from Google's efforts. I'm wondering what would happen if Apple had a team like that. It would massively improve OSX (and Safari) mediocre security.