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  • Apple working on radical iMac redesign using single sheet of glass

    Instead of a cracked screen, you now have a cracked computer.
  • Safari has 1B users around the world, still lags far behind Chrome's market share

    rob53 said:
    So what. People can continue to use Google's garbage but that doesn't mean it's actually any better than anything else. The embarrassment on this chart is Microsoft's Edge browser. We all know there are more Android phones around the world so it's understandable there will be more Chrome users. The problem with using Chrome on a Mac is it still sucks. My opinion, you can have yours.
     The embarrassment on this chart is mobile Safari and it's lack of support for a lot of things, holding the mobile web back. It's gotten a bit better, but it's still the new IE.
  • EA reportedly tried to sell itself to Apple

    Interesting. Trying to sell a gaming company to a company that doesn't care at all about gaming.
  • Format wars enter the AR era as Safari lacks support for competing WebXR standard

    Japhey said:
    I’m not a programmer, but based on my limited knowledge of the subject aren’t only 2-3 lines of code needed to convert any format into USDZ? So, is it theoretically possible that it’s not actually Apple holding WebXR back, but WebXR itself? Asking anyone that knows more than me. 

    I think a more detailed article is needed in order to weigh the pros and cons of each. 
    The pros of WebXR are that it is open source, has open source tool support, and people have already been using it for the past several years to create stuff, so anyone can use it.

    The pro of USDZ for Apple is that it's Apple controlled and only available in commercial applications, one of the many reasons why there isn't a decent AR creating tool on the Mac platform. So in this case Apple is holding not only itself, but also their users and the market back. I expect Apple to come out with a decent authoring tool for what AR plans they have.  I mean, try making a USDZ that Apple uses for their Apple Events. Good luck.

    But hopefully Safari will support WebXR at some point.
  • If you want a custom Mac Studio or MacBook Pro, expect to wait up to three months

    Just received mine today, 64gb / 2tb, scheduled to be delivered end of June. So miracles can happen I guess.