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  • Apple wants to make an Apple Watch screen that wraps all the way around the wrist

    This is one of those "Gee.... it would be nice if we could do this...." moments, but reality has a way of scrapping such plans.
    Unless you are Elon Musk. Until the very moment it happened, most said that landing and reusing a rocket booster was simply not possible. SpaceX has now done it over 200 consecutive times. 
    Elon Musk did nothing but throw money around and bully the people who actually figured this shit out.
    How is that different from Steve Jobs?
  • Apple wants to make an Apple Watch screen that wraps all the way around the wrist

    They don't "want" this, they just filed a patent, that's all.
  • Apple Silicon Mac Pro debut finally ends transition away from Intel processors

    Freaking letdown. Wow. Total disrespect to the Mac Pro. There’s no reason to buy one over a Mac Studio unless you need specialized I/O. With the starting price, looks like Apple really doesn’t want to deal with the Mac Pro anymore. 

    It’s obvious they just want to get macs out of the way to get to what they really want to get to - a headset with a cable dangling down to a power pack your waist that doesn’t even look like an apple product. The 1980s Nintendo power glove was more integrated. Sheesh. And it wastes power with the outside screen. Get rid of that and you might not need to wear it all over your body. Looks like it was meant to be glasses, but apple wanted to rush. 
    You'd thought Apple would reinvent physics and come out with a monster machine that would beat what's on the PC market? There's a tiny set of people for this mac model, and even they are switching a lot of their workloads to the cloud. We used to be a mac pro shop,  but we're all on beefy Studio's now. Works just fine.
  • 'Death Stranding: Director's Cut' walking onto Mac

    It's a start I guess. But this game was a snoozefest on the PC. Hope it sells well enough to rekindle mac gaming.
  • Two new Macs with M2 Max & M2 Ultra being tested ahead of WWDC

    saarek said:
    michelb76 said:
    KT123 said:
    Apple knows very well that without the Trade-In program, most potential buyers would just wait for the M3 chips to be released by early 2024, hence the need for an incentive to buy with the Trade-In options.
    I'm curious to know how much you will get for your old Studio.
    At least 50% less than what you'd get on the open market. But this way you don't need to worry about trying to sell it.
    That would be weird for a less then 20% speedup.