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  • Epic vs. Apple App Store changes will wait until after the appeal

    lkrupp said:
    if Apple is accurate when it says it may take months to complete, then either Apple will be in violation of a court order, or Apple will have to shut down its store to avoid being in violation of a court order. There are no other options. I'm hoping for the latter, of course.
    You’re hoping for the latter? You’re hoping that Apple is forced to shut down the app store? Wow, what a hater. I had no idea.
    Wow, what a hater. - Don't come to such conclusions so quickly. This post has to be read in the context of 1000+ posts he has already made on this topic. Looks like you did not read any of them or do not remember them. Anyway, I will save you time and summarize the premise of his posts on this topic.

    1. Apple is being unfairly targeted by politicians all over the world for its success, particularly on the App store front (Sounds familiar???)
    2. Greedy politicians in power from various countries (US, UK, various EU countries, Russia, China etc) are in the process of changing the laws to make App store an unviable business
    3. It is inevitable that one of the countries WILL pass laws that would make App store an unviable business in that country
    4. He expects Apple to respond very strongly to the politicians of that country by taking down the App store in that country (preferably one of the western countries US/UK/any country within EU)
    5. Once the app store is shut down in that country, people of that country protests vehemently against the politicians in support of the victim, i.e. Apple, and bring down that government and teach a lesson to the politicians who enacted the laws against Apple
    6. Seeing the response from people in one country in support of Apple app store policies, politicians from other countries (particularly in China, Russia) quack in their boots and drop all the plans towards law changes related to Apple App store. 
    7. And politicians from all over the world do not poke Apple the bear ever in their lifetime after seeing the support from people towards Apple in one of the countries, fearing a similar response from people in their own country
    8. Apple and users of Apple iPhones live happily ever after

    PS. Points 1 to 4 are pretty close to what @22july2013 has made in various posts. Points 5 though 8 are my own words based on the understanding of @22July2013's posts. He did not make those exact statements, i just filled in the blanks :smile: . There could be slight exaggerations here and there, but please bear with that.

    Edit: In case you are wondering if he is joking or serious, he is very serious (absolutely 100%, not even 99.99%) about it. And he found few supporters in this forum who also expressed similar views in different threads.
  • Reddit breaks down the math on how the new MacBook Pro saves them money

    IreneW said:
    willett said:
    A real-world example of 45 minutes waiting for builds cut in half, translated to a 3 month payback on buying a new M1 laptop.  That’s powerful validation of the SoC and system engineering that went into this machine.
    Well, let's just say that if their engineers are spending 45 minutes per day, just waiting far a compilation to finish, doing nothing else, they are doing it wrong.

    Even if they cut that in half.
    While what you said is true, it is a short-sighted one and misses the bigger picture. It should be looked at in the context in which it was made. It was an attempt at quantifying a benefit which is a qualitative one. The takeaway should not be that people using the computer were wasting time earlier (which they can do even with a faster machine). It should be that the more responsive machine saves time on a daily basis & in-turn money for the owner of the machine. And that the additional cost of the machine pays for itself in a short period of time (not for all users, but for the right audience - in this case developers who have demanding tasks to be done using the machine).
  • Tim Cook 'feels good' about Apple's Self Service Repair initiative

    avon b7 said:
    Sometimes it is better for him not to say anything. This is one of those moments. When spin smells too much like spin it loses value fast. 

    The move itself is a good move. Now the best move would be to design for repair and make them easier to carry out.

    Well said. I was thinking along those lines, but couldn't find the right words to express it.
  • Apple will allow customers to repair iPhones and Macs in 2022

    Now following Apple's lead, Xiaomi has announced that they will allow self repair of their phones. This is a great news. Many people commenting on this topic simply do NOT get the point - Even if all the repair tools and manuals are provided, most of the ordinary people are NOT going to repair their phones on their own. This program will ENABLE ordinary users to get OEM parts as replacement and they can take those OEM parts to third party repair center as needed (instead of trying to get poor quality parts from 3rd party vendors even for common parts such as battery/display when replacement is needed). This will help in extending the useful lifespan of the devices out-of-warranty.
  • Apple & TSMC partnership is a double-edged sword

    sbdude said:
    Interesting take, but where would apple go even if TSMC couldn't crack the 3 nm code? Intel is still on 10 nm, and probably for the foreseeable future since 7 is barely coming online.
    Apple will introduce new features in the SoC in the same 3nm node and continue to use TSMC 3nm node for one more year without any trouble. They are already way ahead of competition, this will not be an issue at all for Apple. @blastdoor nailed it already with his comment - It is better to be stuck at 3nm for 3 years than 14nm for 5 years like Intel.