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  • Apple Ring: Two decades of rumors and speculation about a smart ring

    I don’t care about any of these hypothetical features. I just want two things:

    1. When I put it in fire, markings should appear (in Elvish, or according to what I choose to ‘engrave’ on the Apple Store.

    2. I want a tiny speaker in the ring that randomly plays back (once a day, while wearing): “my precious!” or sounds of coughing up hairballs.  

    Skip anything related to health or iCloud. Just those two please. 
  • Why AAA games promoted by Apple flop in the App Store

    Gaming at Apple is completely mismanaged. Beautiful hardware, but no gaming vision.

    Unlike some here say, I don't think Apple TV is the answer now that smart TV's now all come with Apple TV+. 
    I don't want another box if it's just providing the same interface.
    However, if Apple TV+ is re-branded as Apple Home Center (just an example) and comes with an M4 Pro and unique game controller, it can become a gaming / TV hybrid.

    However, Apple will have to change Arcade and the App Store gaming section for all platforms as well:
    1. Acquire indies and one large developer. 
    2. Make 1st party content for Apple hardware. Think about how Nintendo is doing this, but then the "Apple way".
    3. Per article, do something about the ridiculous price point of (Mac) gaming titles.
    4. Get AAA-titles to become part of Arcade and stop clogging it with mobile game ports.

  • Apple's Core Technology Fee at the center of EU's first DMA violation investigation

    aijws said:
    Apple should withdraw from the EU!

    If there are enough Apple Users who Throw a Fit, maybe the EU Cheeseheads will Cave and get out of the way of Commerce. 

    Couple Years using Android and they may change their (i)Tune(s)!
    You would make the world worst CEO. The legal fallout of that decision would alone bankrupt any organization even the likes of Apple.
    Think of all the corporations and government organization that rely on iOS and iPadOS. The moment you “withdraw” out of spite because you don’t want to comply with laws is the moment you can expect to be sued to hell and back for damages.

    Anyway. As for true *cosf* that Apple has to make with these App Store changes, I think it’s fair Apple charges a fee. I think the EU will need to accept such a thing. However that fee needs to be fair. It cannot be a sleazy way to force developers to stick with the App Store. 
  • More M4: When the Mac will get upgraded with the latest Apple Silicon

    I’m in the market for a new laptop and it baffles me that just because Apple wanted to show to Qualcomm they can keep up, they decided to launch an M4 chip with a product that is inherently limited in how it can utilize the chip for day to day productivity. 
    Thus creating a “I’ll wait with buying a new computer” holding pattern with Mac users. 
    If the above timeline is correct, that’s a terrible strategy. Especially since I’m deep into AI for work, I can use all the extra power there is.
  • What happened to Safari Web Eraser -- the controversy, and what it looked like

    I think it’s a weird feature for the average consumer because it leaves weird blank areas in your layout.

    However when implemented as an accessibility feature, it does make sense. People with ADHD, autism, mental disabilities and more could benefit from having a more distraction-free experience. 

    For the average consumer I’d say improve the Reader functionality to scrape and reinterpret pages more intelligently and perhaps allow for retaining links and buttons (navigate as if you were browsing normally), which is not easy to do when the web semantics aren’t there.