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  • What to expect from WWDC 2021 - and what not to

    @tmay ;

    You're completed ignoring marketing, and ignoring the very consumer that the iPad is targeted. These consumer don't want a desktop operating system, and they don't wan a difficult to use UI. 

    Uh, I have two iPads and I would love to be able to use one of them to run Mac apps. What disadvantage would there be to people like me? Right now, if I go on a trip, I have a choice of taking an iPad or a laptop. I generally choose the iPad for ease of carrying and often just working while holding it. But there are always times I would also want to do stuff that is easier on a Mac. If the iPad could switch back and forth, I wouldn't need a laptop at all!

    I guess if such an iPad came at a higher price, it may need to be a separate model, just as you can buy cellular or not. But I certainly don't see that it would "need" to bee a separate device with it's own OS.

    I and some others aren't asking for combining the two OSes, though maybe someday that will happen. We are just saying we'd like to have one device that can switch between two exiting OSes.
  • What to expect from WWDC 2021 - and what not to

    mvmaastricht said:
    It surprises me that no one else on the internet seems to consider this possibility…?
    I've wondered about that for years and don't see why it couldn't work pretty well. I certainly hear people, including Apple, criticizing an iPad that runs mac0S. But I haven't seen a good reason for the criticism.

    Oh, I can see reasons Apple may not want to do it. But that's a separate issue. Apple does (or doesn't do) plenty of stuff that I think are based on their bottom line, not what customers may want.

    Right now I'm just looking at this as a dual boot system - that switches pretty much instantly. If I want to run Mac apps, I boot to that. I can see real advantages to me.

    So I'm not talking about a unified OS. Just two separate OSes.

    I would still allow touch when running Mac apps. I know there are issues with the size of touch targets, but this would just be something you could do in cases where it works fine, though mostly you'd use a mouse or trackpad.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    you can only see your perspective.

    If Mark Knighton is going to use his position to act unethically, then it is ethical to take measures to counter that.

    The customers know what they paid for, so knowing what 'gift' Mark Knighton is going to throw in for their 'patience' is of no consequence. 

    Are you going to try to argue that it is unethical to reveal a secret solely on the basis that some individual wants that secret kept? You're not reasonable if you think that.
    1. You mean like you only see your perspective?

    2. So if someone shoots your dog, it is ethical to shoot their dog?

    3. For something that is of "no consequence" you sure seem to think it is important to reveal!

    4. It is unethical because we agreed not to tell. It doesn't matter why they want it to be a secret. It only matters that we agreed to keep it a secret.

    The enforcement section of the NDA language does not strike me as precluding anyone from revealing the 'gift'.
    Actually, it does. The NDA gives some general information about how there will be some things we aren't to talk about publicly - and the specific examples would be given in writing. And they did exactly that right before we actually got the TB, specifying the gift as one of those things.

    It sounds like the initial encounter was pretty sketchy, but thankfully it all settled down quickly. I'm trying to decide if I believe the Verxion story or not. Verxion appears to be (and I say this kindly) a big dude. The angry guy must have been even bigger to walk up to a guy in public and call him a 'bastard'. And then at the end, they were pals playing with a Textblade?

    It has an air of BS, with a slight tinge of truth.
    Once again, even when a Treg member makes a post which critics should like, you still tend to assume they aren't really telling the truth. Amazing bias there.

    Too many of the WT cheerleading squad seem to live in a bubble of non-empathy, similar to Mark Knighton. 

    Actually, regardless of Verxion's views, most, probably all, are empathetic. We just don't automatically agree with everything people like you think. I've been pointing this out for years, yet even when I document agreement with many things the critics say, I'm still more likely to get responses from critics saying I only defend WT. Just maybe you have the problem with the concept of empathy.

    Rolanbek said:

    I am fairly sure that the nature of the free gift was marked as confidential, and I think that TREG members have said that they have been asked to withhold the gift details. 
    Absolutely true. It was specifically mentioned with other stuff, in writing, as the NDA states would be the case.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    How long do you think the NDA can be considered to remain in effect?

    I'm open to legit arguments (some people aren't capable of them mind you ahem we know who). 
    1. You are just looking for excuses for people to be unethical so they tell you what you want.

    2. You just don't consider anything challenging your assumptions to me legit. It's always been a self-serving definition for you.

    Wow! It's the other half of Mark Knighton's cheer-leading squad.

    Colin, you are actually more ridiculous than Kahuna.
    See? You just can't tolerate disagreement with your assumptions.

    You are also the person, in your latest post at Waytools, to bully and discriminate against the punctuationally voice-to-text challenged. 
    Really? Did the poster using voice to text say he had some special problem? I don't know that he does. It sounded to me like he was just trying it out, not that he needed to use it. But, true, I don't know for sure either. But this is what I did do - I looked back at his other posts and, guess what? They have all kinds of punctuation! So even if he is challenged, clearly he's been able to get the job done.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    AnthRD said:
    I order back in 2015, canceled after a year waiting and repeated missed promises on shipping dates. At the time I order it wasn’t at all clear this was a beta product still in testing but a product ready to go. So the main criticism has been they weren’t wholly honest about the product being ready to ship in 2015. The other criticism is the way Waytools has censored any criticism on their forums and cancelling orders of customers who have had a rant about the delays or their ability to release a product. I was banned on the forums for “misrepresentation” when I tried to estimate when would finally be released (estimated 2016). They were right I was wrong, I was overly optimistic on when would be released. Look this keyboard is brilliant but when and “if” it is finally released. I don’t think it will be as successful as they may think it should be, why? Simply cause to many people have been burnt by a company that has a woefully poor customer ethos. I believe many people have been turned off by the company to consider buying TextBlade or realised in the years of waiting they don’t actually need one, now.
    Review (scanned) a bunch of your latest post on WT. I can see things they probably wouldn't like, but nothing that I'd ban or restrict someone for. But I've said that about a bunch of people. And I've also said we have some people in Treg who had been even more negative. So, yeah, that is odd.

    But we still have people criticizing WT on their forum (including me).

    I'm sure some people will never buy from the company because of these things, but I also think those will have minimal effect on whether it is a success or not. Inertia will be the biggest challenge to overcome with people being used to full size keyboards.