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  • What to expect from WWDC 2021 - and what not to

    @tmay ;

    You're completed ignoring marketing, and ignoring the very consumer that the iPad is targeted. These consumer don't want a desktop operating system, and they don't wan a difficult to use UI. 

    Uh, I have two iPads and I would love to be able to use one of them to run Mac apps. What disadvantage would there be to people like me? Right now, if I go on a trip, I have a choice of taking an iPad or a laptop. I generally choose the iPad for ease of carrying and often just working while holding it. But there are always times I would also want to do stuff that is easier on a Mac. If the iPad could switch back and forth, I wouldn't need a laptop at all!

    I guess if such an iPad came at a higher price, it may need to be a separate model, just as you can buy cellular or not. But I certainly don't see that it would "need" to bee a separate device with it's own OS.

    I and some others aren't asking for combining the two OSes, though maybe someday that will happen. We are just saying we'd like to have one device that can switch between two exiting OSes.
  • What to expect from WWDC 2021 - and what not to

    mvmaastricht said:
    It surprises me that no one else on the internet seems to consider this possibility…?
    I've wondered about that for years and don't see why it couldn't work pretty well. I certainly hear people, including Apple, criticizing an iPad that runs mac0S. But I haven't seen a good reason for the criticism.

    Oh, I can see reasons Apple may not want to do it. But that's a separate issue. Apple does (or doesn't do) plenty of stuff that I think are based on their bottom line, not what customers may want.

    Right now I'm just looking at this as a dual boot system - that switches pretty much instantly. If I want to run Mac apps, I boot to that. I can see real advantages to me.

    So I'm not talking about a unified OS. Just two separate OSes.

    I would still allow touch when running Mac apps. I know there are issues with the size of touch targets, but this would just be something you could do in cases where it works fine, though mostly you'd use a mouse or trackpad.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    1. Never said it was okay. I simply pointed out that new tech can have lots of unexpected problems and that the variables are far bigger than you seem to realize.
    If the above statement is true, then why the propaganda post on the WT forum "Are the delays understandable?"

    Sounds exactly like you're arguing that it's okay.
    Hey, thanks a lot for posting that link. I had forgotten I made it but it is a great source for specific backup about my statements that many Treg members, even those were had been critical before getting in Treg, realized through their own experience that things were far more complicated than they thought. People who complained about the delays and changed their minds when they learned more. Everyone should read at least that opening post!

    Meanwhile, let's point out a few other things:

    1. It says the delays are understandable, not "okay".

    2. At the time that was posted, it was probably essentially the same thing, because we in Treg knew there were many problems which were common enough and severe enough that it shouldn't be in GR. After all, the post was made less than a year into Treg, when lots of issues were found. Too many to justify GR.

    3. The post holds up quite well over the next year or so. Certainly fewer problems. However, none of us had enough info to know if the delays were "okay". You see, if there are lots of problems, it doesn't matter if I don't know if there are 50 or 1000, because 50 is too many. But when the numbers are much lower so the range is 2-50, then I can't tell because the info isn't detailed enough. No one outside of WT can.

    4. And then we get into the decision to rewrite the firmware, which is much more recent. We can combine this with WT's announcement that the old firmware was "good enough" for shipping - as in how well it worked - but had the rather important problem that there was no space to efficiently fix the inevitable problem that new users would find upon GR. But while people waiting on it certainly don't want to keep waiting, the argument to free up memory is certainly a reasonable choice.

    Not being at WT, we don't have enough info to decide one way or the other. So I can say something is understandable without knowing enough to say it is okay or not.

    > Really the best thing we can do here is collectively agree to put Kahuna on ignore, or beg the AI mods to ban him.

    LOL! Seeing a real pattern here to shut up any opposition to what you post! Now you have escalated up to a ban! Ignore me all you want. I won't care. But you need to get over this need to control things for everyone based on what you want.

    > This thread would be a lot quieter and more focused if Kahuna was forced to move his daily diatribes back to the WT forum where he belongs.

    Same pattern! But yeah, I'm sure things are quieter when only one side is heard! Just as there would be no more wars if those attacked simply instantly gave up!

    > Kahuna is a diabolical troll and a waste of time.

    Yet you keep posting about me.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    TextBladeDenied said:

    This is the kind of tripe where people go cross-eyed and fall asleep trying to read your nonsense. You always pull out a strawman when making this argument. You ignore or fail to acknowledge the entirely valid criticism that Mark Knighton has this habit of stating deadlines that are vague, which you then interpret with as much possible vagueness as allowed by logic, and then some, rather than cutting out all the BS and getting to the heart of the matter:  when 'they' (Mark Knighton) miss a deadline (May 2019) 'they' (Mark Knighton) need to be called out on it. 'They' (Mark Knighton) LIED. Not once. Not twice. Not three times. Not ten times. So many times we have all lost count.

    How many times has Mark Knighton missed a deadline Kahuna? Do you have any idea at this point? Using your autistic analysis, tell us the number of times you have concluded that Mark has definitively stated a time frame for anything (shipping, communicating an update, etc) and then indisputably missed it.

    Isn't it remarkable how Mark behaved regarding the May update? I think it's amazing. He missed May. Fail. Then he announces a new deadline for himself the very next day. 9pm PST to midnight. Fail. Then he implies Sunday is the quiet day to get it done. And fail again. What makes a person behave like that, to repeatedly set expectations one after the other after the other after the other, publicly, and then just fail fail fail.

    We are dealing with an individual who is mentally ill.

    And don't forget: he has all the money. Any chance that plays a part in this? Why does Mark insist on keeping all the money? Why would anybody lie to people, collect money, and keep the money, and then go on lying and lying to people for 4+ years? Hmmmm...can you imagine?

  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    WeirdoSmurf gets it. DBK and MK don’t. 
    That sounds biased :)

    After all, I repeatedly point out both supportive and negative things about WT so, biased or not, I'm clearly am not limited by my bias. But most of those who criticize a lot tend to be all one way.