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  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    arkorott said:

    I hope they will start making a stronger effort on the consumer communications front.

    I would like to focus more on the TB readiness for the launch rather than all this fighting. Because after more than 300 posts we really do not have any new information. I would like to focus on the details of the status for GR, here at AI for the record.
    WT posted a little earlier today on their forums. Not a lot, but at least it is something and I did tell them we need more:

    Dbk - Quick look -

    Testing jumps right now, and data from initial testing looks like they’re now about twice as fast.

    We think it can be tuned a bit further, but focus first is on full feature-parity with current release.

    Above is a sample datapoint, and we’ll finish working through and testing so we’ve got more of the full picture info. With those results, we’ll do a good, in-depth TechTalk write-up.

    It only takes a few seconds to change now (startup is a little longer). But it is enough were, depending on your personality, it can feel like it is interrupting your work flow even though, technically, the delay is probably nothing out of the whole day. So really just a psychological thing. But those matter, at least to some people. So cutting it in half or better, while not as good as instant (which probably isn't possible), is still nice to have.

    But it is time for that in-depth TechTalk write-up!
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    I didn't read anything I would particularly construe as an attack. I saw people criticizing a professional journalist and cautioning her that she appeared to possibly be either intentionally or unintentionally acting as a pawn or shill for a very disreputable lying company, and people were concerned about that.

    The summary of it is right there, from your own reference, made by the reporter herself:

    A lot of the accusations in this thread have been off base and highly stressful for me. I've been struggling figure out how to explain myself in a way that you guys would find satisfactory, and I'm still not sure how to do it. The idea that I would deceive MacRumors readers or write something untruthful for money (or whatever other benefit I'm supposedly getting out of this) is so entirely preposterous to me that I've been at a loss for words.

    Let's break it down:

    "Accusations". Which are attacks. False attacks since she says they were "off base". That's enough just from her first sentence to establish it happened.

    The second sentence shows that her effort to explain has not been successful. This matches the attacks on anyone on the WTF who dared defend WT on anything. For example, I have explained - and included many examples - of me criticizing WT. Yet the people who said I never did just kept lying about it. The MR reporter went through a similar reaction where people ignored what she was actually saying.

    Third sentence refers to people accusing her of trying to deceive. Pretty sure such accusation are attacks.

    She's also clearly shocked that anyone would do that. I'm not surprised at all.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    gmadden said:
    ericpeets said:
    Interesting. Is the TB easy to disassemble, then, for self repairs and such? And also to put back together?
    Yes. Confidence probably comes with practice. I’d say the motion will accelerate wear so I wouldn’t recommend doing it just because you are bored.
    The important bit, I think, is making sure that the butterflies are lapped correctly. Easy to test but small and a little tricky to get first go.
    There is a video of the process on the waytools.rocks wiki in the Troubleshooting section.


    edit: section specific link
    Just a little advanced warning for those looking at the page and scanning quickly for what looks like a video - you won't find the expected visual. Instead, you'll read text that says, "Video demonstrating..." and they have to click on that. One for removing and for putting it back together. Also, at least to me, I looks like the cap is just popped right of by pulling it up. When I went through this with Mark, he said to twist it (by holding down the keycap(s) along side the one you are removing, you can twist it off). I do, when assembling, just snap it down though.

    Like you said, it was a bit tricky the first time I did it (getting the butterflies right), but it's not a big deal now.
