The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient



  • Reply 1081 of 1615
    2. Some speculation, based on known facts, all carefully described. Meanwhile, you not only speculate, you ignore things that have been said by WT that counter your assumptions. If you did pay attention, you might make arguments that having more free memory doesn't matter, but you don't. Of course, if I were you I wouldn't either since such a claim would make little sense, but at least you would be responding to known information.
    Yes, I ignore things Mark Knighton says because after 4+ years, I, unlike you, have become aware that Mark Knighton is a liar and not one word he says can be taken seriously.

    Here is some more speculation based on some known facts:

    Waytools is Mark Knighton.
    Waytools_support is Mark Knighton.
    Mark Knighton spends his days and nights on the internet insulting and bickering with angry customers whose money he took 4+ years ago.
    Mark Knighton has provided scores of shipping deadlines and shipping estimates and time windows and met not a single one of them.
    Mark Knighton is a pathological liar.
    Mark Knighton is currently being sued.
    Mark Knighton lacks the money and the technical resources to ever bring the Textblade to market.
    Mark Knighton withholds the real reasons why the Textblade has not been completed or released.
    Mark Knighton has kept the money of 10,000+ customers for over 4+ years without providing any product.

  • Reply 1082 of 1615
    weirdosmurf said:
    I appreciate you’re trying to thread a needle here with your use of the word “customers”. You’re clearly using it to further the narrative that the “product has [technically] been successfully shipped to customers...”
    Building on this point--I have serious issues with WayTools saying that they've delivered product to "customers". There are 2 types of customers: customers who are waiting to have their orders fulfilled, and customers who have already had their orders fully satisfied. WayTools saying that they've shipped to customers conflates the two.

    Yes they've shipped to TREGgers--who are technically still in the former category--but their statement implies that they've shipped to the latter category and is highly misleading.
  • Reply 1083 of 1615
    Mims - your post 1069 repeats substantively the same content as your post 1026.  It’s thousands of words.

    In the guidelines for this forum, rule 12 is “Don't spam ... substantively the same content.”  Please respect that spirit to allow productive discussion.

    I'm pretty sure that Mims submitted post 1069 first, which got held up in moderation (probably because it has links in it). Mims then posted 1026 (without the links) for the sake of speed (since you demanded it), which got cleared immediately. And then 1069 was released from moderation afterwards.

    I.e. Mims was not spamming. Stop trying to make them look bad on a technicality.

    Edit: Oops...I didn't see 1077 before posting this.
    edited May 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 1084 of 1615
    Dbk - we think you’re right, 1069 must‘ve been delayed until now.  You can now see the links present in it. So it likely was from his earlier attempt to post.

    edited May 2019 dabigkahuna
  • Reply 1085 of 1615
    weirdosmurf - hundreds of TextBlades from production-tooled molds and processes have shipped to paying customers.  

    That’s not general release yet, but it is an important accomplishment, and customers like it.  Those are good things.

    We know why folks who want to interfere with general release would talk-down what’s already been achieved.
  • Reply 1086 of 1615
    Hi Waytools_Support,

    > We know why folks who want to interfere with general release would talk-down what’s already been achieved.

     Who want to interfere? How? Is it why you don't release? Thought it was bluetooth. I have question for you. Do you have version with Japanese kana labelled on the keys? Or just English letters only? I wonder if I could use another input method other than romaji?
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 1087 of 1615
    alexonlinealexonline Posts: 241member
    2. Some speculation, based on known facts, all carefully described. Meanwhile, you not only speculate, you ignore things that have been said by WT that counter your assumptions. If you did pay attention, you might make arguments that having more free memory doesn't matter, but you don't. Of course, if I were you I wouldn't either since such a claim would make little sense, but at least you would be responding to known information.
    Yes, I ignore things Mark Knighton says because after 4+ years, I, unlike you, have become aware that Mark Knighton is a liar and not one word he says can be taken seriously.

    Here is some more speculation based on some known facts:

    Waytools is Mark Knighton.
    Waytools_support is Mark Knighton.
    Mark Knighton spends his days and nights on the internet insulting and bickering with angry customers whose money he took 4+ years ago.
    Mark Knighton has provided scores of shipping deadlines and shipping estimates and time windows and met not a single one of them.
    Mark Knighton is a pathological liar.
    Mark Knighton is currently being sued.
    Mark Knighton lacks the money and the technical resources to ever bring the Textblade to market.
    Mark Knighton withholds the real reasons why the Textblade has not been completed or released.
    Mark Knighton has kept the money of 10,000+ customers for over 4+ years without providing any product.

    He sounds like one his biggest problems: feature creep. 

    Also, in another MK_WTS post... “hundreds” of customers. 

    As noted by others, these are only hundreds of beta testers, and that is all. They are not “customers” until they receive unencumbered finished products, which your beta test units clearly are not. 

    MK, you stopped fooling all but your loyal triggered Treggers long ago.

    Even DBK posts paragraphs of problems and repeated encouragement not to miss your May fakeupdate time window (which is entirely possible given your history). 

    Your estimates also appear to just be weird guesses, or guesstimates. I mean, I estimate we will all win the lotto this weekend is about as useful as one of your wildly inaccurate “estimates” 

    Incredibly, people still want the small keyboard you have produced in a tiny quantity of mere “hundreds” because it’s a cool idea and your beta testers say it mostly works. 

    A lot of people might like the idea of a small unicorn, too, a start-up success status I hope you can one day wrangle, but unless you ship one day sooner rather than later, it’ll be with your next start up that
    you won’t achieve it with there either. 

    Real artists ship. Fake artists steal from their previous excuses, as we’ve seen with Mims, and just recycle them. 

    That’s the kind of recycling no-one wants. 

    The onus is on MK to stop the talk and starting walking the walk with a publicly sold keyboard that people can type the type on. 

    Until then, MK is 1000 monkeys trying to pump out Shakespeare, but all we have is a few testers who know that the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 

    Clappitty clap. Wake us up when your nopedate turns into a substantial update, or you reach GR. 

    Until then actions speak far louder than yet another screed of empty MK consonants and vowels strung together. 

    Prove us wrong, Mark, in 4+ years you haven’t yet. Sad!

    MK_WTS, if you respond to this post, you prove your disingenuousness when you should be spending that time polishing whatever your May 2019 update says. 

    Get back to work Mark, and prove that TBD assertions that you are broke and/or cannot afford to finish TextBlade are wrong. 

    If you dare to post ANY response before your May 2019 update, that will speak volumes about your respect of others, your respect of customers, your respect of Treggers and even how much you respect yourself.

    Good luck, Mark, I expect your non-update and defiant or pleading or whatever response soon, when clearly, you have way more important things to be doing. 

    Prove us all wrong, Mark.
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 1088 of 1615
    Yes, we know that the present firmware works well enough. That's why we want WayTools to ship. The lack of free memory doesn't actually affect current performance; it (and the consequent "necessity" of an immediate rewrite) is just an excuse to delay shipping.

    1) They don't have to actually fix every problem that is reported in real time as it is reported. They do have the option to tell people that a fix is on the way in an update that is coming soon. Waiting for fixes is annoying to be sure, but much less annoying than waiting for General Release.

    WayTools says that they aren't demanding perfection before they ship. That means they are going to have to accept that their imperfections will be out in the wild for a while.

    2) Yes, they'd have to develop their current problematic code at the same time as writing the new fork. In common industry parlance, that's what a code fork means--working on 2 parallel versions of the code at the same time (hence a fork with its parallel tines).  If you just stop development on one and only work on the other, that's a rewrite. WayTools really should stop calling it a "firmware fork" and call it what it really is--a rewrite from the ground up.

    This argument is why they need to stop with the feature creep and actually freeze the feature set or they will never get around to shipping as the problems will keep multiplying. Somehow you keep drawing the opposite conclusion from this argument than you ought to.
    Yes, it works well enough and you want it to ship as a result. But there is more to it than that, as I tried to explain - with no absolutely clear best option.

    For one thing, sometimes problems come up that make the TB almost unusable for that individual. At least that has happened in the past. No such customer is going to be satisfied with a wait for a future update. It needs to be quick. And there is also the issue of wading through the various customer support issues if you have more than you can handle effectively.

    I suspect it started out as a "fork" since we were still getting updates to the old firmware. At some point I also suspect that they decided to just go with the new version, so maybe it isn't a "fork" anymore. WT would have to elaborate on that. Whether it is a rewrite from the ground up or just a lot of it is something they would have to clarify as well. I sure don't know and can't make an informed guess either.

    We are still waiting to find out if there was feature creep or not and, if there are changes, would they actually cause delays. And even if they would cause delays, would it make any sense NOT to do them. I say this because WT has said the rewrite includes changes to the data structure. As such, that change may well mean it is actually foolish to not make some changes. Heck, it may require some changes so, to keep things exactly the same may require inefficient rewriting.

    Maybe the update will reveal more.
  • Reply 1089 of 1615

    I don't feel like you know what an estimate means in a business context. For example, if a contractor gives an estimate for a project, and I take them up on it and pay them, they can't just unilaterally change the price afterwards and claim "It was jut an estimate! I was surprised by something so now it is going to cost more!"
    Except I see all kinds of delays in projects. Especially govt funded projects. And massive price changes.

    Besides, I view estimates on new tech far differently than estimates on established things.
  • Reply 1090 of 1615
    Mark Knighton lacks the money and the technical resources to ever bring the Textblade to market.
    Mark Knighton withholds the real reasons why the Textblade has not been completed or released.
    Mark Knighton has kept the money of 10,000+ customers for over 4+ years without providing any product.

    Yes, I ignore things Mark Knighton says because after 4+ years

    Then I guess they'll be no more asking him questions from you :)

    Skipping over your name-calling, we see:

    Mark Knighton lacks the money and the technical resources to ever bring the Textblade to market.

    Which is based on zero facts.

    > Mark Knighton withholds the real reasons why the Textblade has not been completed or released.

    Which would require you KNOW the real reasons. But you don't have access the needed information. Neither do I and I have more info than you.
  • Reply 1091 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    weirdosmurf - hundreds of TextBlades from production-tooled molds and processes have shipped to paying customers.  

    That’s not general release yet, but it is an important accomplishment, and customers like it.  Those are good things.

    Sorry to interject myself in here as I promised myself I would not, but your repeated misrepresentation of TREG people keeps rubbing the wrong way.
    A TREGGER has signed an NDA and units use soft with expiration date on them. Correct me if that FACT is wrong.
    The units they have they do not really OWN them, correct ?
    TREG  = TEST RELEASE GROUP. TEST is even in the name coined by WT.

    We only know of 131 such cases carefully compiled by DBK but even if there are perhaps  more it is WAY MISLEADING to label that as "shipping to customers" (although technically correct in a far fetched & convoluted way - like a nasty used car salesman would).
    Repeating such "twisted technicality borderline falsehood" is disingenuous at best.

    TREGGERS are TESTERS. (even "hundreds")
    THOUSANDS of paying CUSTOMERS with paid orders (in advance years ago) have never received anything yet.

    We are still waiting....
    We know why folks who want to interfere with general release would talk-down what’s already been achieved.
    Nobody is trying to interfere with anything. Quite the contrary:  they just want YOU to SHIP ONCE AND FOR ALL for GOD's SAKE.

    You might have done a lot of great things so far and feel a well deserved pat in the back is due, but do you really expect that customers that have already waited for years with nothing to show in their hands will pat you in the back and compliment you ?

    Perhaps iF we were all in TREG we would shower you with applauses and parades, but first you need to fulfill your end of the bargain, which is ship the friggin' units, FINAL or TREG units TO YOUR LONG STANDING AND EMPTY HANDED PAID CUSTOMERS.

    edit: I suggest you add a third button to your command & control setup: besides the "BAN" and "REFUND" buttons, please place another "SHIP" button, and press it. 
    edited May 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 1092 of 1615
    Building on this point--I have serious issues with WayTools saying that they've delivered product to "customers". There are 2 types of customers: customers who are waiting to have their orders fulfilled, and customers who have already had their orders fully satisfied. WayTools saying that they've shipped to customers conflates the two.

    Yes they've shipped to TREGgers--who are technically still in the former category--but their statement implies that they've shipped to the latter category and is highly misleading.
    Perfectly understandable, but I do thing Mark views it as a big deal to have shipped to any customers, even if it is Treg. After all, to be okay with doing that, he had to have felt he crossed an important boundary in development. It sure was important to me - and I don't mean because I got one (I originally didn't even sign up because I thought they'd be looking for "experts" rather than a wide variety of usage experiences). It was important because it meant I'd get information from people outside of WayTools. Same reason I was excited when the MacRumors writer got one.

    I just see both sides in this one.
    As noted by others, these are only hundreds of beta testers, and that is all. They are not “customers” until they receive unencumbered finished products, which your beta test units clearly are not. 
    But that is not "all". Speaking as a customer, I see some serious differences. Most important, if it was just about beta testing, the usual procedure would be to do it in house or hire some 3rd party business to do it. And we would know nothing except what WayTools told us. To have actual customers involved in the testing, a lot more information is available and it isn't coming from a source that would be inherently biased about their own product.

    Further, a company isn't likely to do outside beta testing unless they feel pretty good about how their product will turn out.
  • Reply 1093 of 1615
    arkorott said:

    A TREGGER has signed an NDA and units use soft with expiration date on them. 
    TREG  = TEST RELEASE GROUP. TEST is even in the name coined by WT.
    Yes, we signed an NDA. A very, unbelievably minimally restricted one. Basically we can say anything we want about our experiences using the TB. Only thing they REQUESTED was that if we had a problem, we give them a week to fix it before posting about it.

    There is an expiration date, which keeps getting updated. An expiration date is necessary, imo, in case someone tried to steal it.

    Can't resist pointing out that at one time a big deal was made that we were NOT testers because some critics had a need to put down Treg members any way they could. At least it wasn't as bad as when they accused us of having Stockholm syndrome! At the time I pointed out the very thing you did - that the title includes the word "Test" - not to mention that we were, in fact, testing!
  • Reply 1094 of 1615
    dabigkahuna said:

    For one thing, sometimes problems come up that make the TB almost unusable for that individual. At least that has happened in the past. No such customer is going to be satisfied with a wait for a future update. It needs to be quick. And there is also the issue of wading through the various customer support issues if you have more than you can handle effectively.
    Companies typically deal with that by giving the user a new unit as covered by their warranty. If that fails too, *then* they should give the refunds that they are so happy to give out.

    This is no reason to hold up General Release.
  • Reply 1095 of 1615
    alexonlinealexonline Posts: 241member
    C'mon DBK, I never said anything about outside beta testers (an attempt by you to change the narrative again?) even you know that you are a beta tester, not unpaid, as your payment has been access to pre-release hardware that has, by your own admission, been faulty and required several hardware replacements. 

    It's clear this is one of the reasons GR hasn't yet been reached, but it proves the bill of goods we were publicly sold in Jan 2015 was fraudulent, and the actions of running to keep up with as yet unattainable Jan 15 promises has been self-evident to all. 

    One just has to hope MK has the resources to finish, or sadly, TBD will be right and we will all ultimately be denied a text blade - which as noted before, ultimately includes you too, DBK.

    Thus far, MK has utterly failed at proving us wrong, and has even more than utterly failed at showing is why and how TBD is wrong. 

    You are a true believer, DBK, with that belief slowly chipped away at.

    Your belief will get a further tiny crack when the May nopedate is either missed, or is yet another vague rehash of previous excuses, and yet more faulty limpware requiring massaging by a dose of Tregiagra to get firm. 

    Prove us wrong, MK. The ball is in your court where it has been since Jan 2015. 
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 1096 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    dabigkahuna said:

    For one thing, sometimes problems come up that make the TB almost unusable for that individual. At least that has happened in the past. No such customer is going to be satisfied with a wait for a future update. It needs to be quick. And there is also the issue of wading through the various customer support issues if you have more than you can handle effectively.
    Companies typically deal with that by giving the user a new unit as covered by their warranty. If that fails too, *then* they should give the refunds that they are so happy to give out.

    This is no reason to hold up General Release.
    But that is a reason if it means you are replacing or refunding more than you otherwise would. It comes down to a lot of information than none of us know and we never will know those things.
  • Reply 1097 of 1615
    hi Dabigkahuna,

    >Hmmm, would it make any difference to them if you plugged in a dongle and the TB connected to that via BT?

    >to me, I would think it wouldn’t, but maybe it would make a difference so I’m mentioning it. I have a dongle connected to slot 6. I just use it so I can test that configuration but also in case the regular slot messes up. 

    For security, bluetooth is forbidden for both dongle BT and built-in BT or any type of BT.

    >As a a retired band director, most beginner band books have a piece called Sakura Sakura. And sometimes they might mention it translates as “cherry blossoms“. It always puzzled me but maybe you can clarify.

    >My impression, including what you wrote, is that the title would actually translate as “cherry blossoms cherry blossoms”. But maybe the is some language quirk I don’t know. I’ve never seen one of our books say it that way and that seems odd. 

    All I know is sakura is "cherry blossom" in English. It's somebody told me. Do you mean sakura means something else? Maybe. Maybe sakura is something else to botanist? Or pro flower arranger? I don't know. I only know what normal Japanese know I guess. Normal Japanese hear sakura maybe 10 times a day... in commercials, comics, magazines, even while gambling! So maybe I'm translating badly. If I do that, I'm sorry.
  • Reply 1098 of 1615
    When Alexonline さん made joke, with cherry blossom, I translated in my head and typed さくら (sa ku ra). I was thinking of by typing romaji.
  • Reply 1099 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member

    C'mon DBK, I never said anything about outside beta testers (an attempt by you to change the narrative again?)

    I know you didn't refer to outside beta testers. I did, because that is the important thing that is different than what is usually done. It belongs in the narrative.

    > even you know that you are a beta tester, not unpaid, as your payment has been accessed to pre-release hardware that has, by your own admission, been faulty and required several hardware replacements.

    As I pointed out moments ago, wasn't so long ago that the meme was that we were NOT beta testers. As for being "not unpaid", there was also the meme that we were working for free. Those memes just keep changing!

    It's clear this is one of the reasons GR hasn't yet been reached, but it proves the bill of goods we were publicly sold in Jan 2015 was fraudulent

    Being wrong isn't being fraudulent.

    You are a true believer, DBK, with that belief slowly chipped away at. 

    Wrong on both counts.

    Your belief will get a further tiny crack when the May nopedate is either missed

    Funny thing, but I was just talking to another Tregger last night and this was part of our discussion. The concern that they would miss this update too. Neither of us felt it would be a surprise if they missed again. Neither of us thought there was a good excuse if they did. But we've both seen otherwise smart people have a serious problem with one thing or another. So, if they miss it, I'll be disappointed, but not surprised. But since this problem has always been factored into my opinions, it isn't going to change them. I have lots of "possibilities" on my list, going all the way back to the crazy one that this is all some elaborate social experiment. Of course, for a number of reasons, I don't believe it, but since I have no concrete proof that it isn't, it remains on the list.

  • Reply 1100 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member

    For security, bluetooth is forbidden for both dongle BT and built-in BT or any type of BT.

    All I know is sakura is "cherry blossom" in English. It's somebody told me. Do you mean sakura means something else? Maybe. Maybe sakura is something else to botanist? Or pro flower arranger? I don't know. I only know what normal Japanese know I guess. Normal Japanese hear sakura maybe 10 times a day... in commercials, comics, magazines, even while gambling! So maybe I'm translating badly. If I do that, I'm sorry.
    Too bad, but maybe they'll get that wired version out soon.

    I did some more research on sakura and it seems the title in our band books (sakura sakura) should be "cherry blossoms cherry blossoms". No idea why the books that also give the translation only say it once though. Also found some stuff that in Japan the song is sometimes just called "sakura" and other times "Sakura Sakura".

    And I finally found an English translation of the lyrics and it starts out repeating it.

    So I guess the music books were just a bit careless in their translating. Thanks.
This discussion has been closed.