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  • Controversial Humane Ai Pin is here, costs $700, and requires a subscription

    netrox said:
    Apple Watch will do all that eventually. I am not sure why it's necessary.
    What is that? Project a low quality on your hand? I don’t see that happening.
  • Controversial Humane Ai Pin is here, costs $700, and requires a subscription

    Japhey said:
    Well, this is interesting. 

    Unless they are too early, this is an obvious winner - productivity wise likely better than iPhone which is amazing. 

    In terms of entertainment, it's clearly worse, you r Tik Tok videos won't look so good rendered by green lasers. But... it's not for that. 

    Computers have become way too complex - AI with voice recognition offers a way out of that morass - the only visible way out. 

    We've already thought of all the clever UI elements we could put on screens, but the complexity keeps growing. I am an engineer and I think the number of options in iPhone settings is ridiculous. There's way too much going on, nobody has time or the mind to learn all that. Add to this blockchain it gets even worse. 

    This device is super impressive in terms of battery and power

    And how it is to be used - the biggest hurdle - has already been shown in like 1000s of episodes of SciFi shows and movies, Star Trek and others. We know how to use this. 

    Apple should be extremely worried, this is exactly the kind of thing that will kill them in the long term. Because Apple makes so much money from iPhone, it won't be easy to jump on this tech. 

    I hope they don't sell out - this startup is epic, and I did not expect to say this after the headline. But that is really cool stuff and the obvious direction computing is going in the future. 
    I’m curious why you think Apple should be “extremely worried”?  If these are successful, Apple will just make one of their own. Or acquire the company. Both of these scenarios are more likely in the long term than the possibility of a start-up killing the largest corporation on the planet over a wearable pin. 
    Based on their demo attempting to have an Apple-like aesthetic without any real attention to detail I’d say their entire focus is to get someone to acquire them without any real due diligence.
  • Controversial Humane Ai Pin is here, costs $700, and requires a subscription

    bulk001 said:
    Seems some think it threatening enough to bash it.  I find it fascinating and love that a company is exploring new ideas. It is a lot more functional than strapping a great big mask on your face as Meta and Apple are convinced we all want to. Got my Apple Watch on v7 and don’t find it all that great so I will reserve judgement on apples AR and on this and see what v8 or 9 has to offer. 
    1) Bashing a company for many egregious mistakes in an area they're marketing is being threatened by it.

    2) Your comparisons to AR/VR and the Apple Watch aren't making sense to me. Humane's product does cover some of the functionality of an Apple Watch, but not much of it, and even less when it comes to anything AR/VR related. But none of that is relevant. Instead let's focus on Humane thinking that their device will replace smartphones. I see a million reasons why that won't happen. If you have an argument as to why that will happen I'd like to hear it.
  • Apple to pay $25 million settlement over illegally favoring immigrant workers

    What do you mean by "immigrant" v citizen and green card holder. I know many now citizens who are immigrants into the US, and many more that are still "Green Card" holders. 
  • Controversial Humane Ai Pin is here, costs $700, and requires a subscription

    And it's about 50-60 almonds for 15 grams of protein. He's holding a dozen.

    This is the most advance and high-tech snake oil I've ever seen.