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  • Trump demanding that Apple must unlock shooter's iPhones because of foreign apps

    macxpress said:
    Why would Apple care to cooperate with a convicted felon? Regardless, like most have said here it doesn't work that way and his dumbass will never understand it. He'll just go on an endless tirade of BS spewing to the max about how bad Tim Apple is and Apple in general. 
    Putting aside Trump being a convicted felon, rapist, philander who used illegal campaign funds to hide paying off a porn star, and a con man who has never been finically successful with any legitimate business, when there's an assassination attempt we should do our due diligence with dealing with that criminal. Even Trump should have that protection afforded to him... even though it would be so much easier to protect him if he were behind bars where he belongs.
  • Trump vs. Harris: How to watch the September 10 Presidential debate online

    AppleZulu said:
    ilarynx said:
    After the debate, the question on everyone's minds is

    While on the surface, the pet-eating story seems comically like a b@tsh*t crazy, delusional old-man rant, there is a reason this particular falsehood was trafficked earlier by neo-Nazis. This is a proverbial racist dog-whistle, trying to paint a scary picture about Haitian migrants running rampant through lily-white suburbs. As with many of Trump's weird rants, often when they seem so bizarre, it's because he's not actually talking to you. He's talking to his base, which is primed to pick up on meanings you're not even thinking about. While you hear a crazy rant, they hear the Great White Hope (behind a layer of orange bronzer) who will save them from those people.
    While it did seem crazy and desperate folks tried to use that to cast a villainous hue upon the messenger, it has proven to be TRUE. All over the news. It is difficult to be wrong but when you are, it’s time to simply own it. Just like those who pretended Hilary Clinton didn’t receive advance debate question notice of from cnn. For the record, I thought Kamala Harris did a good job of posing, using facial expressions, promising free money to everyone, and making stuff up. So she won the style portion. And Donald J Trump did a good job of honestly answering the uesyions, despite arguments from moderators (who refused to argue with his opponent), and poking massive holes in Harris’ flip-flop facade. He won the substance portion.
    You are the poster child for "you can fool some of the people all of the time." I actually feel sorry for you. It's sad to think these weak ass cons and lies control your life so completely.
  • J.D. Vance shouldn't open his mouth about Apple if he doesn't have a clue

    sdw2001 said:
    Xed said:
    sdw2001 said:
    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    Yeah, except it’s actually happening.  
    I’ve seen at least four interviews where people are making specific claims substantially similar to this one. There are audio recordings of people calling 911 about this kind of behavior. Now, I’m not saying they are going around kidnapping people’s pets en masse. But there are credible reports about skinned cats, geese being slaughtered, roadkill being “prepared” in the middle of the road, and many more things. There is a video of people at council meetings, relaying these things in detail. So you can feel free to post all the snarky emojis you want. There’s obviously something bad going on, which is bound to happen when you dump more than the towns population of third world immigrants into it.
    Well done!

  • J.D. Vance shouldn't open his mouth about Apple if he doesn't have a clue

    BTW: The people talking about the pet thing, it's a proven hoax. The person initially spreading the lie said they never had firsthand knowledge of anyone doing it. The so-called secret bodycam footage is old and from an incident that didn't occur in Springfield nor did it involve an immigrant of any kind. Talk about propaganda, the pet eating stuff is classic racist nonsense meant to drive people to hate a specific group of people. It dehumanizes the group so you don't feel so bad when you drive them from their homes. But I suppose it's hard to know the facts if you ignore all the sources that report the news.
    Despite that, there was a bomb threat that would've never happened because of Trump's repeating this crazy lie the other night.

  • J.D. Vance shouldn't open his mouth about Apple if he doesn't have a clue

    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    You do realize that body cam footage has been leaked online, right?  
    Some people have TDS so bad they forget the things actually going on, like untold numbers of Haitian migrants eating the towns pets. Horrid stuff.

    oh. But trump mentioned it so it must somehow be wrong like Kamala filling out a questionnaire showing support for sex change operations for illegal aliens in prison. It sounded so ridiculous, because such a thing would be, and yet, turns out Trump was right again. 
    The only people with TDS are MAGA who think that Trump is some sort of deity who is above the law and responsibility. But you do you. I'll never understand why you support a con man pedophile but that's your choice I will defend your right to vote for him, even if that means you're supporting fascism from a wannabe dictator and convicted rapist who did nothing but sink this county and steal from the American people while destroying our security. 
    VictorMortimermattinozargonautBart Yroundaboutnowsconosciutoilarynxwatto_cobrabaconstang