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  • Arm wants more than $0.30 per iPhone from Apple, but won't get it

    Synth2 said:
    1. ARM wouldn't exist without Apple--ARM started with the Newton.
    2. Apple publicly invested >$700 million in ARM just before their IPO a couple months ago--could that have possibly helped their share price go higher?
    3. Apple and ARM agreed to a long-term deal (till 2040!) just before their IPO a couple months ago--could that have possibly helped their share price go higher?
    4. ARM could have held out for higher royalties before agreeing to said long-term deal just a couple months ago, but they didn't. Hmmm.  
    5. Apple does all design and fabrication of their hyper-customized "ARM" chips. ARM does very little. Apple has an “architecture license” with ARM, which allows the company to design its own cores using the ARM instruction set. In other words, Apple does all the heavy lifting in producing their highly customized ARM chips.
    1) That's woefully inaccurate. This was the first product to use ARM architecture.


    2) I stopped reading after the first incorrect line.
  • Apple unveils plans to ditch Intel chips in Macs for 'Apple Silicon'

    apple ][ said:
    Xed said:
    apple ][ said:
    I'm just going to pretend that I didn't watch the first minute or two of the keynote and ignore any politics.
    How horrible that someone considers human rights of others. This wouldn't be political to you if you started believing that people of color deserve equal rights.
    It's political crap and I reject it.
    Funny how only racists think equal rights for people of color is "political." Everyone else just things it's ethical.
    tmayrundhvidhcrefugeeChris_Pelhamkiltedgreenmacplusplusmacky the mackymikeincadewmefastasleep
  • Apple's intricate Thunderbolt 4 Pro cable design revealed under CT scan

    darkvader said:
    Because Apple likes to charge highway robbery prices for cables.  They always have.

    The chances that's in any way significantly different than any other Thunderbolt cable are ZERO.  It's a standard, anybody building a cable is going to use a similar design. 
    Someone doesn't like to read articles before posting.
  • Tesla design chief takes shot at Apple, claims there's 'nothing to look forward to'

    This from a company that has been milking the Model S design with a "slight refinement on the same thing" for a decade? It's a testament to a great design from the start… but fucking odd for Holzhausen to say.
  • Apple Vision Pro $3,499 mixed-reality headset launches at WWDC after years of rumors

    twolf2919 said:
    I watched the introduction and couldn't help but laugh when I saw this thing: like a mix of ski and scuba goggles - bonus: the "see through" eyes that seem slightly larger than real-life LOL.  Then I noticed the tether that every shot tried so desperately to hide - in hair, scarfs...anything.  By the time I saw the price I already knew this was DOA - the $3500 was just the flowers on the grave.

    Don't get me wrong: from a technical perspective, Apple did an amazing job.  But this product is done in by its form factor - nobody wants to be even more isolated than they already are by wearing dorky goggles, tethered to some batteries in your pocket no less - and by the lack of a killer app.   You heard the word "replace" a lot during the presentation - it can "replace" a large screen TV (not mentioned, of course, is that it can only do so when you're alone)...it can replace multiple monitors so you can work with more of your apps (of course, interacting with those apps is a lot more clumsy than with a physical keyboard and mouse/touchpad)....I kept looking for the metaphor that best fits this product as presented - "jumped the shark" came to mind.  Apple just threw everything it had at the board and hoped that something will stick to make this product succeed.  But I really don't see a standout feature I'd pay $3500 for.  Heck - I don't see a standout feature I'd pay $1000 for.  Now - if this had been presented in a nice pair of stylish AR glasses without an insane tether to an external battery, I might have been convinced....wait another 3-5 years, I guess.
    No, you didn't notice that. You made that up.

    All 8 photos of it being worn on their main page shows a cable very clearly.

  • Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities

    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Just wait until you see Trump's plan to cut income tax and increase tariffs which will hurt nearly all Americans while benefiting the most wealthy to a huge degree.
  • Apple Park faces WGA strike on first day of WWDC

    Can one company agree to their terms or negotiate with them one on one rather than waiting for the whole industry to negotiate an agreement? If so, Apple should give them favorable terms and get them to end the strike against only Apple. Then Apple would be the only production company actually producing scripted fiction in the entire industry and it could work out in Apple's favor. We know they have the near-limitless pocketbook to do so. I honestly don't know if this is even feasible or if I'm being naive here, but to me it sounds like that could be a good path for Apple.
    It's not against a specific company, but companies that are part of the AMPTP ( Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers). Apple is is apart of that alliance and allowed the AMPTP to negotiate terms for writers of the WGA (Writers Guid of America)—which is made of the WGAW (Writers Guild of America, West ) and the WGAE (Writers Guild of America, East).

    They failed to come to an agreement by the deadline, hence the strike. According to the Guild, "writers cannot do any writing, revising, pitching, or discussing future projects with companies that are members of the AMPTP," which would come with penalties, including banishment from the Guild which would affect their income down the road. Additionally, any non-members who write for AMPTP members could find they will not be allowed to join the Guild.
  • Trump vs. Harris: How to watch the September 10 Presidential debate online

    ronn said:
    I don't need a debate. The choice is that clear: A proven track record for VP Harris who is up against a convicted felon that will do anything to avoid jail. All that talk about President Biden's cognitive decline while the traitor clearly has lost the few marbles he had. MSM want him to be as foul as possible to garner clicks and $$$.
    You clearly haven't watched a single source that shows Trump talking actual points to think like that. You are being manipulated.
    To each their own, but I can't stand behind a pedophile, convicted rapist, felon, adulterer, and scammer that has never had success with a legitimate business and did nothing but steal from the American people and everyone that has ever worked for him despite having had everything handed to him without ever having to deal with consequences. And that's before we get to America being better off under Biden and before that better off under Obama. I’m neither a Republican nor a Democrat and I agree with George Washington regarding political parties, and yet I sure wish there was an actual Republican in the running against Harris in which to make a decision. MAGA is the ultimate RINO and FOX News is, by definition, the main stream media.

  • Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities

    Trump winning its a given at this point.

    The world needs it.
    The world needs a felon with 34 criminal convictions who is incapable of stringing two sentences together in charge of the US? I don't think so.
    Not that Biden is dong any better with speaking these days, but at the end of the day I'm going to vote for the person who actually believes in a democracy, not a fascist and wannabe dictator.
  • J.D. Vance shouldn't open his mouth about Apple if he doesn't have a clue

    ssfe11 said:
    Clueless idiot. Oh and btw Springfield do you know that your pets are getting eaten?  Fido is being roasted up right now. Smh you can’t even make this stuff up!
    You do realize that body cam footage has been leaked online, right?  
    Some people have TDS so bad they forget the things actually going on, like untold numbers of Haitian migrants eating the towns pets. Horrid stuff.

    oh. But trump mentioned it so it must somehow be wrong like Kamala filling out a questionnaire showing support for sex change operations for illegal aliens in prison. It sounded so ridiculous, because such a thing would be, and yet, turns out Trump was right again. 
    The only people with TDS are MAGA who think that Trump is some sort of deity who is above the law and responsibility. But you do you. I'll never understand why you support a con man pedophile but that's your choice I will defend your right to vote for him, even if that means you're supporting fascism from a wannabe dictator and convicted rapist who did nothing but sink this county and steal from the American people while destroying our security. 
    VictorMortimermattinozargonautBart Yroundaboutnowsconosciutoilarynxwatto_cobrabaconstang