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  • Trump demanding that Apple must unlock shooter's iPhones because of foreign apps

    macxpress said:
    Why would Apple care to cooperate with a convicted felon? Regardless, like most have said here it doesn't work that way and his dumbass will never understand it. He'll just go on an endless tirade of BS spewing to the max about how bad Tim Apple is and Apple in general. 
    Putting aside Trump being a convicted felon, rapist, philander who used illegal campaign funds to hide paying off a porn star, and a con man who has never been finically successful with any legitimate business, when there's an assassination attempt we should do our due diligence with dealing with that criminal. Even Trump should have that protection afforded to him... even though it would be so much easier to protect him if he were behind bars where he belongs.
  • Trump demanding that Apple must unlock shooter's iPhones because of foreign apps

    netrox said:
    sflagel said:
    In my mind, an analogy is a house versus a safe deposit box or a vault. 

    Parts of the iPhone and its data (iCloud) are like a house, but within that house, there may be a safe within which documents cannot be accessed.  The house can be accessed with the appropriate warrant;  but that does not mean that law-enforcement has access to the safe. 

    Are banks and manufacturers of safes boxes required to provide a master key for the safe deposit box to law-enforcement if asked? If that is the case, then the same should apply to virtual safety deposit boxes. If they are not required to provide master keys, then neither should technology providers. 
    This is not how end to end encryption works.

    A better analogy would be that a bank safe have TWO locks on the door, one lock requires the bank to have the key and the other lock requires the customer's key. If you unlock one of them, it still won't open. Both locks have to be unlocked in order for the safe door to be opened.

    So, if a customer doesn't have the key, the bank cannot unlock it.  
    To further your Apr analogy, then brute force is required which in this case was either a biometric or using someone like Celebrite.

    For the old man to suggest Apple needs to hand over a key they don’t have is just another in a long line of stupid things he’s said, and one of his least egregious, TBH.
  • Samsung is now ripping off Apple design in a painfully awkward ad

    Steve Jobs on being different: "I don't think it's important [....] to be perceived as different. I think it's important [to] be perceived as much better."

    Now can someone tell me how these foldable devices are considered much better than the current iPhones and non foldable Pixels out there?


    PS: In typical Jobs fashion he adopted TBWA\Chiat\Day's "Think Different" ad campaign just months later.
  • J.D. Vance shouldn't open his mouth about Apple if he doesn't have a clue

    spheric said:
    RobJenk said:
    You slammed JDW with "no one even implied we should view all news sources as being equal" but you later said "no site is 100% off limits for me". After I read that, I remembered what JDW said about North Korean news sources.  I think that's a strong source of pro dictator propaganda too. Stuff like that really should be off limits for any smart person, except maybe for people who just want a good laugh at how crazy it is.

    Media literacy really needs to be part of basic school education. I never realised how lucky I was to have a major block on the subject in global studies in seventh grade. 

    It's not about not exposing yourself to particular sources; it's about knowing exactly where those sources are coming from and how they work, and using the whole variety to get an idea of what's going on. 

    I watch speeches and snippets from Marjorie Taylor Greene or Laura Loomer, and am in NO danger of becoming batshit crazy or full-on Nazi because of it, because the perspective of those sources is clear.
    I agree with the first two paragraphs but the third one not so much. I don't think there's a perspective without you being aware of other perspectives -and- questioning the perspective of the material.

    I listen to and read FOX News and  (including the comments section) because I'm curious about what crazy and hateful agenda will be pushed on their mainstream media sheep. And, yes, FOX News is the mainstream media. Just look at their numbers compared to anyone else. They sell fear and they're great at it.

    That said, if I ONLY listened to FOX News and anything else was considered inherently wrong because FOX News told me constantly for decades that they're only place to get the "real" news then I'm sure my perspective would be altered. We are all susceptible to being brainwashed. Fortunately I'm not ruled by fear and hate and have many other news sources in which to form a well rounded opinion. Unfortunately I have relatives that have the FOX News logo and chyron burned into their TV screen... and into their brains.

  • Repair site praises new iPhone 16 line as the most repairable yet

    avon b7 said:
    No doubt upcoming EU directives came into play on these changes. 
    Show your work.