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  • Senator Warren doesn't have a plan to break up Apple, but still wants to pretty badly

    She's not wrong.

    Apple has gotten too big.  It's not the only company that needs to be broken up, of course, but it's time.
    I'll give youth benefit of the doubt. Explain to us how you would break up Apple's smartphone "monopoly", but please first argue successfully how Apple even has a smartphone monopoly.
  • Senator Warren doesn't have a plan to break up Apple, but still wants to pretty badly

    globby said:
    Appleinsider: softball with the EU and hardball with the United States. 
    Eliz W deserves to be laughed at. 
    Please, let's be respectful of her and use her "spirit name", Fauxahontas. Her whole career started with, uh, "taking" a job from a real Native American, so she knows a thing or two about stealing.

    Also interesting that these lawfare attacks on Apple (in the US) are just before election time ... shakedown, anyone?

    It's really easy to get your facts straight on this subject  before you post. Here's a starting point...

  • Senator Warren doesn't have a plan to break up Apple, but still wants to pretty badly

    ssfe11 said:
    There is something seriously wrong with this woman. 
    She's both old* and doesn't understand technology or it affects business or industry. She sees something on the surface she didn't like and created a scenario about how the center was created.

    * I shouldn't have written that. Being old isn't in and of itself a reason that you can't understand newer technologies, but because one has spent so much of their life with a status quo of technology and the speed at which newer technologies have been evolving it's harder to understand for anyone who isn't actively trying to understand them -and-doesn't have the natural aptitude, education in science, and desire. There are plenty of impressive commenters on this forum that are buck the average trend of their age group.
  • Apple Music execs reveal months of work behind releasing Taylor Swift's new album

    spheric said:
    Xed said:
    spheric said:
    hexclock said:
    neoncat said:
    And therein lies the core problem with Apple Music: It is to streaming services what Top 40 was to radio in the 80s. Apple is far more concerned with whether Apple Music appears to be aligned with what is "now" than building a vital and comprehensive music service, much less fixing the oft-documented problems with the garbage that is Music.app. The end result is not something that comes across as cool and essential, but rather a bunch of boomers wearing tight-fitting jeans and inviting themselves to industry parties. 

    Before the Swifties descend upon me like a ton of bricks: Tay-Tay is not, er, my cup of tea, but she's an amazing business person and I don't find her music actively terrible, or anything. It's the form of Apple's myopic partnerships, not the individual artists.

    Another example would be the weird amount of attention they kept giving Billie Eilish, who admitted in a couple interviews she found it all "very strange," and that it was entirely a construct between Apple and her record company. She had nothing to do with it, despite Apple continually selling it as a partnership between her, individually, and Apple. Again—boomers in jeans making sure to be seen rather than thinking about: Is this what my users actually want?
    So you want Apple to act like an indie label? It’s a gigantic mega-corporation.  Not gonna happen, ever. 
    No, he wants Apple to talk to indie labels. Actual indie labels, not sub-labels wholly administered by Sony or Universal. 

    He wants them to act like a streaming music service, not a major-label mouthpiece. 
    Good news! They already act like a streaming service. 
    Oh, good! Where does my small independent label contact them for promotion? 

    Snark aside: Your point that Spotify, which does offer this, has yet to make any money, is taken, of course. You're right. 

    However, Spotify being the total shitshow it is probably has very little to do with the fact that they offer such channels. They fuck over artists in every way they can, anyway. 
    1) Not being profitable doesn’t mean they aren’t a for-profit company.

    2) It sounds like you’re using Spotify as an example that is pro-Indie labels in one paragraph and then saying they don’t pay artists in the next. Sure, labels aren’t artists, but  I’d argue that the musicians are the ones that need the most support, not the label trying to make a dollar off the artists.

    3) I seem to recall that Taylor Swift pulled her catalog from Spotify because of poor payouts. And I’m sure many reading that will call her greedy (or worse) because she’s already so successful, but didn’t she help change — for the better — how artists are paid for streaming content?
  • Apple Music execs reveal months of work behind releasing Taylor Swift's new album

    techrider said:
    Thank goodness Apple put in all that work. Taylor’s album might be at risk of not reaching her audience without it.
    Advertising does help, which is why the world’s best known brands still pay billions a year to stay in public view. But I think with this it’s more about Apple advertising Apple Music than Swift advertising her new album, even though both are clearly benefiting.