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  • Apple Music execs reveal months of work behind releasing Taylor Swift's new album

    neoncat said:
    Oh, sick burn dude! But sorry, no, squarely Gen X. I own a boutique PR and marketing firm targeted at the independent music industry (among other content sectors), so obviously I have an agenda and a viewpoint, one based on the marketplace I work in and the artists I serve and the reactions from those artists and their record companies I see to how Apple Music does business. Your viewpoints and experiences may be different, and I respect and support that. We're here to have a discussion, right? So you can learn from me and I can learn from you, right?

    Oh sorry. Apple Music is the best!
    1) Not a “burn” unless you choose it be one. Just an observation on your rhetoric.

    2) If you really want to have a conversation about music distribution and your insights into that industry then you could focus on that. Most of your comment was an irrelevant mention about a musician that doesn’t appeal to you to multiple odd mentions of an age group and attire for reasons that escape me. If there was a salient point to your comment it needs to be more clearly stated.
  • Apple Music execs reveal months of work behind releasing Taylor Swift's new album

    neoncat said:
    And therein lies the core problem with Apple Music: It is to streaming services what Top 40 was to radio in the 80s. Apple is far more concerned with whether Apple Music appears to be aligned with what is "now" than building a vital and comprehensive music service, much less fixing the oft-documented problems with the garbage that is Music.app. The end result is not something that comes across as cool and essential, but rather a bunch of boomers wearing tight-fitting jeans and inviting themselves to industry parties. 

    Before the Swifties descend upon me like a ton of bricks: Tay-Tay is not, er, my cup of tea, but she's an amazing business person and I don't find her music actively terrible, or anything. It's the form of Apple's myopic partnerships, not the individual artists.

    Another example would be the weird amount of attention they kept giving Billie Eilish, who admitted in a couple interviews she found it all "very strange," and that it was entirely a construct between Apple and her record company. She had nothing to do with it, despite Apple continually selling it as a partnership between her, individually, and Apple. Again—boomers in jeans making sure to be seen rather than thinking about: Is this what my users actually want?
    You sound like a boomer. Are you simply a boomer that doesn't wear jeans?
  • Apple TV with a camera is the rumor that will never die

    avon b7 said:
    They should have shipped a real TV years ago and that's where the camera would sit perfectly. Make it a clip on magnetic affair with its own wifi and let users stick where they want (in case they don't want it on the TV) or just remove it for complete privacy.

    The nonsense about the TV business being a low margin industry has nothing to do with premium offerings that do far more than regular TVs. 

    When it's all said and done I think people will feel like Gene Munster was right on this one and that  Apple should have just made  2levels of TV (50,65 inch) and added the necessary Apple.    

    Dan Moren last week wrote an article about the rather strange place that the Apple TV in and most of his sentiment I totally agree with. 
    So no options for people that want TVs that are smaller, larger, and in between? Is there any television maker that makes just two sizes? What about projectors? What about Apple's move to including AirPlay and AppleTV+ built-in and standalone media appliances? Using Apple's typical profit margin as a guide, who would be buying these expensive TVs with ridiculously limited size options  just to get an Apple logo when you can just get an Apple TV appliance to connect via HDMI? I certainly wouldn't consider it, even if they had the display size that works best for me.
  • Apple appeals US trade ban on Apple Watches

    Usually we don't see a company with a shipping product that is also being a patent troll. Can we have this go back to court so the patents can be invalidated? It was a hung jury by one vote last time.
  • Tesla wants Apple's help to beat Autopilot death lawsuit

    "the car maker believes that Autopilot is safe to use, and that it only becomes a danger when drivers are not paying attention to the road"
    Define 'auto'...?
    Would you use that simplistic answer also work for automobile? I'm guessing you wouldn't.

    On the one hand, fuck Tesla and Musk's lies about Autopilot's capabilities, but on the other, autopilot doesn't mean the driver doesn't have to be aware, present, etc. Airplanes have had autopilot for over a century and yet we're still not flying airplanes without pilots in them. Well, except for the drone category and those are controlled by a remote operator. I'm assuming that if a commercial airliner crashed and the NTSB discovered that it was because the pilot was playing games you wouldn't be defending the pilot with a comment like "define 'auto'?"

    I love all the automation I have in my car which allow for more relaxed and safer driving, but I understand that I'm still required to have situational awareness with those automated systems in place inside my automobile. Anything less is just asking to be a Darwin Award nominee.
    muthuk_vanalingamkurai_kagewatto_cobraavon b7