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  • Apple lays off 600 employees, mostly from Apple Car project

    dutchlord said:
    Burning $10bn and no heads roll? Was just a hobby? 
    We have no idea what they ever expected to get from this project or how the results may end up in other products. It's jus rare R&D from Apple that was oddly exposed to the public because of how they had to get regularity permission, purchase a test areas that can be seen on satellite imagery, and other things. Most of their R&D projects are simply never known to the public.
  • Apple lays off 600 employees, mostly from Apple Car project

    RonnnieO said:
    "significant reduction in the workforce at Apple"  Less than half of one percent is not significant.
    I'm guessing it didn't feel insignificant to the 600 people that are now out of work. Usually Apple offers them other positions in the company. I'm surprised they didn't hear. Maybe the car project failed because the employees couldn't figure out change lanes. :wink: 
  • macOS 15 will get a big AI boost: what to expect at WWDC 2024

    abriden said:
    I would prefer it if Apple's priority with MacOS was fixing the numerous bugs in Finder that have been present for years, providing auto-sizing of columns (since they've nobbled every third-party app that enabled it in the last 20 years), and enabling system-wide font management that hides the numerous bloody fonts that are of no use and clog-up font menus.

    Add to that a means to separate and label bookmarks in drop-downs, and allow white-listing of cookies (Safari), and organise genres in a user-defined order and stop attaching unconnected artwork to playlists (Music).
    Your comment about bugs in Finder could've written since macOS nee Mac OS X has been around. FTFF (Fix the Fucking Finder) is older than half this website's readership. Sometimes they make good changes and other times it's confusing as to how these issues are still being overlooked as they definitely affect productivity.
  • Apple won't unlock India Prime Minister's election opponent's iPhone

    I agree with others that it's a "cannot" issue, not that Apple is refusing to abide by official court orders.
  • Computing would be totally different had Apple not been formed 48 years ago, today

    nubus said:
    Nice to see Tim Cook remember the past for once. The 40 years of Mac earlier this year didn't result in any special deals or products. Why not?

    However... he should stop spending billions chasing Musk and Zuckerberg, add more memory to all devices, do less penny-pinching, get moving on AI, simplify the product range, stop his continuous political meltdown in EU+US, and deliver - simply deliver. Not like Car or Mac Pro or reintroducing HomePod or doing iPad Air with all-2022 tech in mid-2024.
    That's a weird fucking post.