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  • What Apple Switcher ad star Ellen Feiss is doing now

    So… the pc destroyed her “paper?” Or was it a document? As in Word doc?

    because then the PC really didn’t destroy her “paper.” She just forgot to save her work. 

    Must have been the Benadryl?
    Who says “I have to write a document on Chinatown”? You say paper. Do you really not know that? 
  • Apple sat at a crossroads of indecision that led to Project Titan's slow death

    dutchlord said:
    It was a hobby, right? Expensive one tough. Burning $10bn with zero results. Says a lot how this project was managed. No heads roll? We had fun and move on? 
    Where is your evidence that there are zero results? Because you can’t point to a 1:1 product release it means there was nothing gained? That doesn’t sound reasonable to me. 

    It would be like saying that the iPhone product was a complete failure in 2006 because they hadn’t related a product and had competing groups building different mobile OSes to see what would be superior. 

    Personally, I’d be shocked if there wasn’t anything from their years of R&D that didn’t make its way into something at Apple.
  • Apple sat at a crossroads of indecision that led to Project Titan's slow death

    sbdude said:
    Xed said:
    rob53 said:
    Apple was correct in dumping Project Titan. They don't have any expertise in building any type of car. They would need land and millions of dollars worth of manufacturing equipment. If they wanted to buy Rivian for a fire sale price to get manufacturing facilities and some expertise, I might go for it but they'd need to do a lot of work on fixing Rivian's vehicles plus come up with a respectable sedan. There is room for an American EV manufacturer, Tesla can't build all the EVs without building several more manufacturing facilities. 
    What expertise did any car company have before they existed? You mention Apple buying Rivian and Tesla so why doesn't their lack of expertise and experience before they made a single automobile carry over to your argument that if you hadn't done something before that you should never try to do it?

    Land and millions of dollars available, you say? How could they ever manage that. LOL
    Both Tesla and Rivian purchased factories previously established by automakers. I forget, which manufacturing plant did Apple buy in the intervening ten years they've been hacking away at a car?
    Why couldn't Apple have purchased a factory? Perhaps you should reevaluate what Project Titan was to Apple since they didn't do something as simple and obvious as purchase a factory to get production up and running quickly.
  • Apple sat at a crossroads of indecision that led to Project Titan's slow death

    blastdoor said:
    I suspect it’s mostly due to autonomy being far harder than the AI nerds thought. Take away the autonomy and it’s a lot harder to figure out a business model for an Apple car. 
    I think Project Titan wasn't a lot more than just trying to make a car. That would be easy for Apple. I think Apple was trying do something very future forward with autonomy, like you mentioned, and they used the automobile as a catalyst for that testing. They got what they needed from it and/or it hit a dead end in the research so it's now over. Why that is a black mark against Apple is odd considering the wonderfully excessive Google Labs that are created and fizzle out constantly.
  • Apple sat at a crossroads of indecision that led to Project Titan's slow death

    alexjenn said:
    rob53 said:
    Apple was correct in dumping Project Titan. They don't have any expertise in building any type of car. They would need land and millions of dollars worth of manufacturing equipment. If they wanted to buy Rivian for a fire sale price to get manufacturing facilities and some expertise, I might go for it but they'd need to do a lot of work on fixing Rivian's vehicles plus come up with a respectable sedan. There is room for an American EV manufacturer, Tesla can't build all the EVs without building several more manufacturing facilities. 
    Tell me, how much cell phone experience did Apple have before entering that market? Any car Apple would build would be a computer on wheels, the same way phones today are computers that make calls now.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. 

    A phone ain't a car.
    It's also not a Mac or an iPod.. and PC guys aren't just gonna walk in and figure it out. 🙄