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  • Apple sat at a crossroads of indecision that led to Project Titan's slow death

    rob53 said:
    Apple was correct in dumping Project Titan. They don't have any expertise in building any type of car. They would need land and millions of dollars worth of manufacturing equipment. If they wanted to buy Rivian for a fire sale price to get manufacturing facilities and some expertise, I might go for it but they'd need to do a lot of work on fixing Rivian's vehicles plus come up with a respectable sedan. There is room for an American EV manufacturer, Tesla can't build all the EVs without building several more manufacturing facilities. 
    What expertise did any car company have before they existed? You mention Apple buying Rivian and Tesla so why doesn't their lack of expertise and experience before they made a single automobile carry over to your argument that if you hadn't done something before that you should never try to do it?

    Land and millions of dollars available, you say? How could they ever manage that. LOL
  • New class-action lawsuit says you pay too much for iCloud

    Apple intentionally obsoleted the MacMini Server and macOS Server software years ago has taken away user’s option for LAN based multi-user-account, multi-device storage options. Class-Action should have included these two matters, haven’t they?
    1) Of course decommissioning software is intentional. I can’t see how it would be accidental. 

    2) There are plenty of other server OS options and plenty of third-party SW that runs as a server on macOS if you need it. You could’ve also not installed a major macOS update that deprecated a feature that you still wanted to use. None of this is difficult to understand and non of it is reasonably class actionable.
  • Rumored Apple Watch Ultra with micro LED might be dead

    Rogue01 said:
    Xed said:
    cpsro said:
    Xed said:
    cpsro said:
    This and the car cancellation may be signs Vision Pro isn't doing so well.
    How are they connected?
    Expenses without good, near-term ROI. Add to that the need to push on AI.

    3) What's wrong with the AVP? It's been out a a few weeks and you're calling it a failure, do I have that correctly? If so, why and where is your proof?

    Cult of Mac already confirmed a 76% return rate on Apple Vision Pro.
    Proof? Because I'm reading 1% from multiple sources, which is inline with all other Apple products.


     AR/VR is nothing new.
    Well neither was the cellphone or even the smartphone and yet Apple seems to be doing pretty well with those. It's almost as if coming into a market that has been in existence for decades with crappy HW doesn't mean that you can't have an excellent product comes and being the de facto product for said market.
  • New class-action lawsuit says you pay too much for iCloud

    LOL What a waste of everyone's time.

    That doesn't mean I don't think Apple is stingy with their 5 GB of free storage in 2024, a value that hasn't changed in 16(?) years, and think their cost per storage tier is pathetic compared to many, but it's their choice and not illegal to do any of this. I vote by actively spending a short amount of time each month cleaning my account up so that I can stay on the 99¢ option without needing the $2.99 plan.
    baconstangForumPostBart YiOS_Guy80zeus423williamlondonmuthuk_vanalingamStrangeDayswatto_cobra
  • Rumored Apple Watch Ultra with micro LED might be dead

    I’d rather Apple was focused on longer battery life in the Apple Watches.
    How are they not?