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  • You can now save up to $1 million in your Apple Card Savings Account

    Personally, I wouldn't keep more than $250k in any cash account because of the lack of FDIC insurance. Banks can and will fail and you should never assume they are "too big to fail."
  • Apple IDs may be renamed 'Apple Accounts' by the end of 2024

    brianjo said:
    If only there was a way to explain to my technophobe friend that the password for her AppleID account which is her gmail email address is NOT the google password for that account. I tried. Many times. No, all she does is get a password reset, changes the password triggering a cascade of problems.
    the amount of dumb  people who do this is maddening. 
    Sweet “IT guy” attitude, dude. Human tip: to non-IT people, this confusion is understandable. It does *not* infer they are dumb or lacking in intelligence. It’s simply a different domain than theirs. Imagine if your doctor or dentist called you dumb for not knowing basic things to them? 
    The problem is, you can't even explain this concept to some people.  There are very smart people that just turn into potato mush when the word 'computer' is mentioned.

    The concept of a username/password used for websites isn't difficult, but people just don't get it.  There are also people that don't understand that Apple and Google are completely different companies.  It's mind blowing.
    His valid point is that it doesn’t make them dumb people for not being smart or knowledge in a certain way. 
  • Apple Watch Ultra is not the only micro LED project Apple has cancelled

    gatorguy said:
    (Gosh, I forgotten all about the product related Apple Sapphire)

    In 2014 Apple acquired Luxvue Technology, a startup company that developed Micro-LED based displays. Since then, Apple sped up its MicroLED R&D project, and until recently was well into developing solutions for smartwatches, AR, and other types of displays for Apple products, basing from a dedicated microLED research and production facility in Taoyuan, Taiwan.

    “Apple has spent at least $1 billion on the R&D and samples for micro-LED technologies in the past nearly 10 years. It wants to secure more control over the next-gen display technologies for its future products.”

    It's been a long and winding road.

    I think sometimes it takes so long to develop a technology that by the time they're getting close to something being ready the market has already moved on. Apple Car and Apple Watch micro-led display might be examples, both of which have been rumored for a decade

    Or it could be that the R&D resulted in answers that made the over/under less than ideal for adding to a product. Let's remember that R&D stands for research and development, not ready and done. 
  • Android users switching to iPhone prefer value over latest tech

    Value in the initial cost is understandable, but TCO is more important when it can be determined.
    williamlondonwatto_cobraBart Yjony0
  • Rumored Apple Watch Ultra with micro LED might be dead

    cpsro said:
    Xed said:
    cpsro said:
    This and the car cancellation may be signs Vision Pro isn't doing so well.
    How are they connected?
    Expenses without good, near-term ROI. Add to that the need to push on AI.
    1) How much do you think Project Titan hurt Apple's bottom line? Do you really think that nothing from that R&D will come to fruition? Do you realize that you usually don't know anything about Apple's R&D until it's a shipping product?

    2) How does Apple not putting μOLED into a Watch this year add to their expenses? Why are focusing on near-term ROI, not long term?

    3) What's wrong with the AVP? It's been out a a few weeks and you're calling it a failure, do I have that correctly? If so, why and where is your proof?

    4) What issue do you take with Apple continuing to develop and implement "AI" in their devices?