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  • Jon Stewart became a problem for Apple TV+

    pembroke said:
    Need to ask this somewhere….

    iOS 17.3.1 …. Apple have removed the symbols for male and female but have retained the symbol for Transgender (sic) ⚧️. 

    This is creepy. What on earth are Apple doing? This is remarkably idiotic and a game changer for me as an owner of many iPhones since inception. But I WILL switch to Android if Apple persists on this gaslighting nonsense. 
    1) I just pulled this from macOS in the latest OS update.

    2) Maybe it's because I prefer to communicate with English alphanumerics over Emoji or maybe it's because I'm comfortable and with my masculinity and don't feel threatened by other people being true to themselves, but I think it's weird to switch your device, OS, apps, and overall computing platform because you don't have a certain emoji available to you.
  • Apple could be just a year away from being worth $4 trillion

    How does that benefit users.   
    What is this in regards to? The company's valuation? If so, they're not connected.
  • Apple could be just a year away from being worth $4 trillion

    Regardless of whether this happens, I feel like a dummy since I got out of investing in Apple many years ago under the false premise that once it hit $1T that stock price increases would be slow as a percentage of my investment. My hat off to those that stuck with it through $3T and I hop you make it to $4T this year.
  • Jon Stewart became a problem for Apple TV+

    I'm a huge fan of Jon Stewart and I'm excited that he's coming back to The Daily Show starting tonight, and yet I never once even tried to watch his AppleTV+ series. I can't tell you why that series didn't interest me enough to check it out.
    baconstangforgot username9secondkox2
  • Apple Vision Pro could take four generations to perfect

    jdw said:
    Xed said:
    Then let's address just two of the illogical comments you made...

    1) You said, "I don't see how Apple can possibly address 'weight' in 4 generations." I then pointed out that weight is addressed within 4 generations of most (if not all) of their products. You can pretty much throw a stone in any direction to find an example of this.

    2) You then said, "Have they addressed weight with any other product since Apple's inception, such that they made a product so FEATHER LIGHT no one would ever complain about wearing it on their face?  No!  Somebody out there will ALWAYS complain about weight." I then pointed out that someone complaining doesn't mean that weight hasn't been addressed, hasn't been greatly improved, or isn't best in class. Based on your comments you seem to be one of those people that will always complain about something no matter how much it improves.
    Here's my rebuttal of your 2 points:

    1) My contention about Apple not being able to address the WEIGHT of a THING ON ONE'S FACE is MY CONTENTION.  And YOUR CONTENTION that Apple CAN address it (regardless of how fast or slow) is just that — YOUR CONTENTION.  There is nothing LOGICAL or ILLOGICAL about such a difference of opinion.  Hence your statement in (1) doesn't make sense.  All you did was try to say we disagree, which has nothing to do with the "illogical comments" accusation you fired my way.  But I suspect you feel strongly you are right based on DIFFERENT PRODUCTS from Apple's past which you are EXPECTING to apply to the VISION PRO.  Such SPECULATION is fine. You clearly hold that opinion.  And I clearly disagree.  And here we are.  But there's nothing logical or illogical about our disagreement.  I simply don't think what Apple has done with the past with VERY DIFFERENT kinds of products applies to the VISION PRO because the VISION PRO is worn on the face and is therefore TOTALLY DIFFERENT than a Mac, MacBook, iPhone, iPad, Pippin -- you name it -- which has come before.

    2) All you said here is that I am somehow (without providing rock solid evidence of any kind) "one of those people that will always complain about something no matter how much it improves."  That too makes zero sense.  I've been an AAPL shareholder since 1999 and have never sold a single share all these years.  I want Apple to succeed in all it does, but that doesn't mean speak only words which preach to the choir.  I give praise where praise is due (and the VISION PRO deserves a lot of it), and I give criticism when it is due.  So to suggest I am somehow in a very different camp of people who ALWAYS COMPLAIN makes zero sense.

    If I had something more to add which I didn't say already to defend myself, I would.  But I've said all that needs to be said on the matter.  So... Ditto my earlier two posts.  They make a lot of sense, even if you happen to disagree with MY CONTENTION in them.  

    It's okay to disagree.  A lot of people who loved the Butterfly keyboard disagreed with me.  A lot of people who love the charging jack on the bottom of the mouse shipped with every Mac disagree with me because I don't like it there.  A lot of people who thought the round design of the hockey puck mouse disagreed with me because I advocated the purchase of a third party plastic snap-on gizmo that helps you orient the mouse properly.  A lot of people who hated the SD card slot and told me they were actually GLAD it was "gone for good" disagreed with me for wanting it back.  Friend, it's okay to disagree.  History itself will show who is or was right in the end.  That's all that really matters.  I want to see some form of the VISION PRO succeed.  But that doesn't mean I am willingly oblivious of what the TECH MEDIA preaches, which unfortunately is a lot of negativity about weight.  And I merely chimed it to say that is one area that sadly won't change sufficiently to eliminate most of those complaints over time.  Deciding whether to put a 16" MBP (my choice) in a school backpack rather than a speed-limited MacBook Air is totally different than choosing to put something on your face!  Totally and utterly different.  With a heavy backpack, just be a man or work out more!  But on your face?  Does being a macho man help with that?  No.  And such is the foundation of all my prior writing on this point to date.

    THE END.
    1) There's far too much evidence to provide and it's very easy for you look up how the iPad, for example, went from 1.5 lb to 1.3lb between the first and second generations. That's weight being addressed. It's always addressed! It's ridiculous for you to even suggest that Apple will spend years developing and releasing a product without the smallest consideration of weight when a reasonable and sane person would know that the weight of an object affects its utility. In fact, the original iPad addressed weight from its onset against the size of the battery to determine an ideal utility. It seems silly that it even needs to be explained to you on a tech forum, but that's what us engineers to — we balance all aspects of a product to come up with the best possible product for a given release. Ergo, weight has clearly been addressed. Rinse and repeat.

    2) Since you're still complaining it's also proven true that someone will always complain.