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  • Apple Vision Pro review roundup: an experience that weighs on you

    designr said:

    Consensus about Apple Vision Pro is mostly unanimous, with everyone interested in the prospect of spatial computing but unable to pin down what the killer app might be. 

    Read on AppleInsider

    Who is this "everyone" you speak of. And WTF is "spatial computing"?!

    This is silly. Apple invented a new term. Okay. The product implementing this so-called "spatial computing" is barely out the door and yet "everyone is interested in the prospect" of it. LOL

    Okay. Sure. Or maybe not.
    1) Do you even realize you use a lot of extreme generalizations like everyone and no one?

    2) Once again you're very wrong and once again it's something very simple you could've looked up before posting. Just because you hadn't noticed the term until people started promoting AVP doesn't mean it wasn't in existence.


  • Apple Card's 12 million users are taking advantage of everything it has to offer

    Of its 12 million users, Apple says that nearly 30 percent make two or more payments per month, which helps to avoid racking up interest when making large payments. 
    1) I'm not understanding this sentence. I'm either reading that wrong or it's suppose to end with "...when making large purchases."

    2)  I'm also confused by the 2 or more payments per month. I pay once a month on or just before my due date — which 
    unfortunately for all GS Apple Card employees is the end of the month for every user. I don't see a need to pay more often because I don't accrue interest before the due date, which is already from the previous month's statement (not the month I'm in). Apple has made their UI the best in class in how much you owe and when you'll start paying interest on the charges. If I didn't have a lot of credit, I can see paying more frequently than one a month to make that credit available again while also earning cash back from the card usage -and/or- if my revolving credit card usage was too high* when GS (and others) report** to the credit bureaus, I can see myself paying off my card more than once a month. Other than that I'm not seeing why and it seems high to me that 30% would pay their card off multiple times a month for either of those reasons.

    * This is a percentage of how much available credit has utilized on your cards. Anything under 10% is the most favorable.
    ** It has come to my attention that most people don't realize that card issuers report to the credit bureaus on cycles that may not be favorable to a borrower trying to build their credit score. You can usually call and ask them around when they report so you can pay down your balance before that date.
  • Apple Vision Pro review roundup: an experience that weighs on you

    I’m looking forward to 2039 when hopefully one of these shows up, unopened, at an auction. Maybe I should spend the $3500 just for that.
    LOL I actually considered that, but I figure it’s safer and likely better to simply keep that $3500 + tax working for me in the market.
  • Apple Vision Pro review roundup: an experience that weighs on you

    “However, he ultimately feels he wants to "get work done" in the Vision Pro," and its "isolating" experience doesn't help matters.”

    People have been isolating themselves from others since the dawn of the smartphone. Everywhere you look people have their heads buried in their phones. No matter if it’s walking down the street, on the bus, train or library. People go out of their way to be less engaged with one another. 
    There are different mending to isolate and yours specific to the world around someone whilst using a connected device.

    When I want to get work done I like to isolate. That means not having my head in a device where I gen be distracted by friends, family, videos, news, etc.

    I’m not sure how AVP can help me focus more with increased isolation, but I’m all for finding out.
  • Apple Vision Pro review roundup: an experience that weighs on you

    jayweiss said:
    In 2007 I purchased and then returned the original iPhone for several reasons. First, there were only the Apple built-in apps and secondly, and more importantly, the Edge data serving from AT&T was too slow to be useful.  It wasn’t until 2008 when 3G data service and third-party apps were available that I purchased my first iPhone 3G. 

    This is first generation device which is still being worked on and is basically a public beta of the technology. If it was in the $1500 price range I might get one, but at $3500 + AppleCare + Zeiss Lenses it is out of reach for me. 

    1) This already has an App Store and 3rd party apps

    2) All OSes, apps, and hardware in development are still being worked on. As we see every year, changes big or small would be construed by you and others as being “beta” since it’s the first time it’s the first time it’s being implemented. Do you think it’s fair to deem all 1st gen tech as beta? I don’t. Alpha, beta, and release candidate have specific meanings for a reason and I would hope that commenters on a tech forum would be more apt to use them.