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  • Second-gen AirTag probably won't ship until 2025

    gtj333 said:
    The potentially valuable update is to make the AirTag rechargeable. The form factor for the AirTag fits the watch charger very well. As Apple moves to reducing waste, a rechargeable AirTag 2 helps get a check in the box and reduce the hassle of changing batteries. Potentially that update enables them to reuse thinner batteries (maybe borrow from apple watch?). 
    I've reduced waste by moving to rechargeable lithium ion 2032 batteries, which extend beyond my many AirTags, and you can do it, too.
  • Apple Watch Emergency SOS saves woman after near-fatal carbon monoxide poisoning

    Can a CO detector be put into a device the size of a Watch? I don't feel like the tech is small enough. I wonder if it would work in an iPhone or iPad. A HomePod would surely work, though. They do use very little power so that's a plus if we the tech can be reduced enough for a Watch.
    Bart Y
  • Apple Vision Pro imminent, with launch rumored at end of January

    mattinoz said:
    Toortog said:
    Yawn NBD.      

    Call it what it is a paid beta program the Vision Pro will be from finished product, but Apple needs to see how people will actually use it,  shake out the bugs, and start the Fanboys running their mouths about it.    Also Apple need to workout how they will sell it in the future to the masses especially in places that aren't close to Apple stores.  Apple needs developer to get onboard and start writing apps for the Vision Pro and they need them to test with.   This will also generate some funding because the R&D expense on this thing must be outrageous.   If Apple called this an Early Adopters program or similar name they would sell as many but putting it out as a 1.0 will get people with deep pockets to hop on board.   

    My guess is the actual Vision Pro version ready for the masses will come out in about three years. 
    Every. Single. Time. 

    Clue a week after launch and all the complaints that there isn't any exciting software for it yet.
    And then years down the road when everyone else shamelessly copies everything that Apple did to make Apple Vision Pro a great product and the OP will be back saying how AVP isn't special or unique because it was obvious the whole time.
  • Apple is pushing hard to make the Mac relevant in gaming

    40domi said:
    lam92103 said:
    Pushing hard? The new ARM based Mac Pros don't even support GPUs. Even Steam gave up on macOS and CS:GO is no longer supported. People who have time to play games the whole day are kids. Their parents ain't buying them a $2K Mac to game. If Apple seriously wants to get into gaming, either they need to target the kid segment or the tech enthusiast. The current Macs target a working professional and so that is where they sell
    Gaming is a brain killer for both kids and adults, Apple in my opinion should have nothing to do with it!
    What they should do is work on Mac to be the best not only for film and music editors, but also 3G & Coding and the best General computer!
    Why is “gaming” an absolute brain killer? Mental health and education are very much apart of games and all entertainment as a whole.
  • Apple still pursuing software fix to avoid Apple Watch import ban altogether

    TheVerge has a great breakdown of the history.


    Pulse oximetry was invented by Takuo Aoyagi, not Masimo. While I have been siding with Masimo for the most part, learning more shows that they are trying to claim ownership of ideas that may not truly be their own. Their claims are based mostly on timing of when the ideas were conceived.

    Still, Masimo is pushing for ownership of the health-related patents Lamego developed for Apple. Masimo claims Lamego developed the patents’ subject matter while he was employed by Ceracor and because of this, Lamego “had an obligation to assign said subject matter, patents, and patent applications to their employer, Masimo and Cercacor.”

    When I see words like "claims", it raises some red flags.

    Nearly all patents will reference prior patents. It doesn't mean your patent isn't valid. We're talking about ideas here, but implementations. I've had million good ideas in the shower, but how that gets implemented to be both patent worthy and something worth developing into a product is another issue.

    From what I've read, I don't think Masimo has a leg to stand on. Using light for measuring something has countless current applications, but how you implement that is the key, so a SW change could be all that is needed for Apple to bypass what Masimo is claiming (although I'm sure they'll claim it's not good enough -and- find other issues for litigation if the over/under is in their favor).

    Personally, I don't care if Apple wins or losses. Pulse oximetry isn't going anywhere so if Apple has to pay or not pay, it is what it is.