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  • Apple stresses security risks of complying with EU's Digital Markets Act

    As is always the case such as buying using iOS over Android, iPhone users also have a choice of just sticking with the App Store or purchasing from a third party store.  I’ll stick with the App Store, but those who purchase from third party stores will be aware of the potential risk and if are victims of those choices, won’t be able to come back to Apple and complain.  Choice is good. Just don’t choose poorly ;)
    dewmeavon b7muthuk_vanalingamwilliamlondonjony0
  • Apple Vision Pro vs. Sony PlayStation VR 2 - display, processing & design

    This is beyond an unfair comparison.  It’s like let’s compare an iPhone 15 Pro to the flip phone with a keypad my dad picked up at the mall last year.  They both have camera and color screens and can text and receive emails and view photons and connect to the internet.  But there is no comparison and an article about that to compare two completely different phone technologies as if it’s an even playing field is a waste of time. 
  • Public opinion of Apple Vision Pro is all over the place, with some calling it a glorified...

    I’m not sure I need one, but I want one.  Whether I buy or not will come down to desire and money.  But every time Apple introduces a new category of product or device, the media has predicted failure from day one.  Except DED.   And yet everyone one of them became the best and best selling product in its class.  So let the naysayers blather on.  Once again, the people who count will decide: The consumers.
  • Vision Pro could gain an Apple Pencil-like controller

    Based on virtually every analysis of Apple’s patent drawings, this is guaranteed to never appear in this form factor or even in one of its products. Usually the core technology in the patent ends up hidden in a future product in ways no one ever suspected. And so sorry that 3 versions of Apple Pencil is confusing to you.  
  • White House is tracking Apple Watch ban with no sign of intervening

    I love reading the comments from people who have zero inside information going on and on about something they know nothing about.  What the CEO’s of each company say in public is just PR and bluster and has about as much legal impact as what Trump vomits up in public.  The real negotiations happen in private who knows how it will be settled. But nothing they say in public to the media can be taken at face value. I spent over 40 years on the inside and can tell you that almost everything I read in the press about things I was privy to in private was wrong or distorted. So people making wishful thinking remarks in the comments has even less value than then the speculation from Apple Insider 