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  • Apple Vision Pro is surprisingly durable in first YouTube drop test

    Another clueless a-hole dork eagerly tries to appear edgy by busting an extremely Apple expensive device through completely unrealistic and scientific testing, but is shocked and awed to discover glass actually has a breaking point.  Absolutely meaningless results.  

    Next time let’s drop him from from those heights and see how long it takes his thick skull to break…
    Because there is no difference between an inanimate object and a living creature.

    NOPE.  Not THIS particular one.   

  • Apple Vision Pro is surprisingly durable in first YouTube drop test

    Another clueless a-hole dork eagerly tries to appear edgy by busting an extremely Apple expensive device through completely unrealistic and scientific testing, but is shocked and awed to discover glass actually has a breaking point.  Absolutely meaningless results.  

    Next time let’s drop him from from those heights and see how long it takes his thick skull to break…
  • Apple TV+ workplace thriller 'Severance' returns to production

    The television industry still hasn’t grasped the amazing concept that if you wait too long between seasons, you will lose a significant portion of viewership that will never be regained.  

    On top of that, a complex series like Severance isn’t something you can easily jump into by watching season two.

    This happens time and time again on television when there are multiple years between seasons and yet the industry still seems shocked by the viewer loss.  When they finally return, they end up having like six episodes which can be binged in one sitting, and that’s it for another 2-3 years.  And then before you know it, the series is canceled due to low ratings.

    Although I truly enjoyed Severance, these kind of continued delays ultimately bring about a swift cancellation and I suspect it will be gone by the end of season two or season three.

    it’s almost as if independent studios cannot discipline themselves to the extent that network television shows are able to do so.  They crank out over 20 episodes a year and return in the fall to do it all again next year!  Independent studios are lucky if they crank out 6 to 10 episodes and then disappear for two to three years.   W T F.

    And don’t even get me started how Latin American television shows are disciplined enough to produce 65 to 85 episodes per season… which ends up being more episodes than most complete tv series from independent US studios.  

  • Apple finally sends 'batterygate' checks to iPhone owners

    loopless said:  He is correct, it had no merit and was an issue whipped up into a frenzy by the tech press and various government entities looking for a excuse to bring down Apple.

    You’ve sure got a lot of woo woo going on…

    You geniuses must be assuming Apple’s entire lawyer team are complete doofus idiots who never had a clue about tech in their entire lives.

    Tell me. Oh great wondrous sages, if this was such a simple and easily won argument, why on Earth do you think Apple settled?  Do you think they wanted to give away $500 million?  Or perhaps maybe, just maybe, there’s a lot more intricacy and underhandedness to the case on Apple’s part than you realize.

    Breaking news: companies only settle for hundreds of millions of dollars when they believe there’s a very strong chance they’re not going to win in court.  

    It’s funny how armchair lawyers on the Internet always think they are sooooo much smarter than real lawyers who are actually involved with cases for several years.  ߤ㰟肰
  • Apple finally sends 'batterygate' checks to iPhone owners

    foregoneconclusion said:  This was a lawsuit that never really had any merit. 

    Well dammmmmn, imagine how much time, effort and many multi millions of dollars Apple could’ve saved if you were on their legal team!!!
    🤣🤣🥱🥱🙄🙄 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️